Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

I actually didn't even buy the coke, it came free with home delivery food and I was weak so i drank them lol..
I did buy the sweets though :(

wheres your will man? then you complain. and now you got the shits lol
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wheres your will man? then you complain. and now you got the shits lol

I could go into great detail about my life but it would depress the fuck out of you and everyone else for that matter and it would be a long ass story...
So lets just sum it up... I dont really have any will or motivation past being on cycle/wanting a specific body type. Was supposed to move a month ago but shit happened and everything in combination just has me drained...
Gotta live some as well and i seriously doubt coke gave me the shits... I literally used to drink a liter per day for years ;)
Soda is actually the only thing that I truly gain fat from.

Soon as I move and get my own kitchen again, I have no excuses(its over year long story...) left and then shit will start to happen for real :)

And i'm not really complaining to be honest, I decided early on that I'll post everything around my actual cycle, more in the direction of "rookie first time cycle experience and mistakes", rather then trying to make the best gains/cycle log :)
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Did chest today. Pretty decent considering the low weights and high reps due to right shoulder hurting. Felt good to get some blood pumping trough that area.
And I really like doing decline exercises. Definitely a favorite :)
Was bit of a hurry today so just loaded up, pinned and shot... When i drew the needle out it was pouring blood...for about 10 seconds, enough to literally soak one of those antibacteria wipes...then just as fast as it started it stopped... Kinda freaked me out a bit too...
My ass feels bit sore but feel fine other then that.
Oh shit. You know that flesh eating bacteria is not far behind? You've got about six hours to live.

That's pretty much exactly what I felt during those 10 seconds... In hindsight it was probably just 2-3 ml of blood, if even that...but it felt like moses was dividing the red sea up on my ass...no joke :(
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Today was a pretty shitty day. Started with just waking up late, in a bit bad mood, feeling stressed. Then my barber used some nasty fucking smelly oil all over my head AND face for some reason... That pissed me off and sent me into a rage fit, I just couldn't shake it off and was looking for a fight for a good 90 minutes but very luckily for everyone nobody was accepting my invites lol...

Fast forward to gym time, was still pissed and decided to take it out on the weights. Set two new personal best on biceps(10kg increase but 2 less reps, did 3x6 pretty damn clean ones too).
Was a fucking beast today, felt like i could move mountains just with my thoughts and really killed it.
Felt amazing and saved the day :D
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Today was a pretty shitty day. Started with just waking up late, in a bit bad mood, feeling stressed. Then my barber used some nasty fucking smelly oil all over my head AND face for some reason... That pissed me off and sent me into a rage fit, I just couldn't shake it off and was looking for a fight for a good 90 minutes but very luckily for everyone nobody was accepting my invites lol...

Fast forward to gym time, was still pissed and decided to take it out on the weights. Set two new personal best on biceps(10kg increase but 2 less reps, did 3x6 pretty damn clean ones too).
Was a fucking beast today, felt like i could move mountains just with my thoughts and really killed it.
Felt amazing and saved the day :D
waking up late, in a bad move, amd feeling stressed is commom around these neck of the woods, at least with us old geezers.
good that you took it out on the weights instead of some 70 year old barber.

Hmm. I can't find that in my blood test and my online journal is not sending the sms authentication.
Was randomly looking over the latest bloodwork and the most of the blood test has high values, trying to decide if I should hold off until first week of tren or if I should go donate now and aim to donate end of tren as well.
Thinking the later would be optimal.

But was also thinking, how does this effect the testosterone in my body ? Like, will my values be lower ? I guess it doesn't matter much with prop...but if I had used enanthate what would that outcome be ?
waking up late, in a bad move, amd feeling stressed is commom around these neck of the woods, at least with us old geezers.
good that you took it out on the weights instead of some 70 year old barber.

Couldn't agree more and it does scare me a bit that its so difficult to shake and lose that aggressive feeling. I literally have to tell myself like a mantra, "you're on steroids, you're on steroids, relax, relax, please dont do something stupid.." :(
Not sure if it matters that much but I've increased my var dose to 80mg ED (starting today) because its 2 months past expiration date and the pills are starting to "go bad". Hard to explain but almost like you've had water on the pills and they're crumbling apart so just wanna finish the bottle.
(Bottle has one of those moisture absorbents and also cotton so they're not wet lol)
I've decided I'll go donate blood this friday.
Its national holiday on monday so no training, so will be probably be the best timing i'll get for now.
I'll probably have to venture into the shady parts of the internet for dostinex and was wondering... Is aromasin a better AI ? I see JP mention it a lot, suicidal inhibitor versus binding.
No estro rebound seems like a good thing ?
At half the strength, i would be doing roughly 22mg(?) eod to match my current ~0.4mg adex eod ?

Because that would be a lot easier to dose, just do half a pill ED and forget about it. None of this trying to make 4 quarters out of 1 mg and then scrape away some and guess each day lol... My adex is straight from pharmacy though so high quality if that matters.

Any thoughts ?
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I'll probably have to venture into the shady parts of the internet for dostinex and was wondering... Is aromasin a better AI ? I see JP mention it a lot, suicidal inhibitor versus binding.
No estro rebound seems like a good thing ?
At half the strength, i would be doing roughly 22mg(?) eod to match my current ~0.4mg adex eod ?

Because that would be a lot easier to dose, just do half a pill ED and forget about it. None of this trying to make 4 quarters out of 1 mg and then scrape away some and guess each day lol...

Any thoughts ?
many prefer aromasin over arimidex. whichever blow your hair back better,
Haven't had much to log this past week.
National holidays and preparing to move, so this week will be limited on time/training too :(

Went and donated blood today. Almost instantly I started seeing stars and got really lightheaded and thought I would pass out but went away after about a minute.
Hard to describe it but felt pretty fresh and good after. Almost like walking on clouds and got super hungry directly after.
Definitely something I'll go do again regardless of cycling.