Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Did chest today and bench press is out of the question due to my shoulder...
Its so weird that "injury", no idea where it came from, didn't over train, never felt it during any workout, it was just there one night and wont fucking go away... Tried resting, tried working out on it. No real difference.

Suspecting it might be a spring in my bed or something similar thats the root cause and not related to training at all. Will find out soon enough :)
I would kinda want to run var for another 4 weeks...
But I also feel it would be to much since I randomly decided to add masteron under the guise of "combat tren sides" but we all know I just wanted to run my first stack again...

So i'll be up to 2cc daily pins... And i've crushed the 1gram weekly dose by a fair margin... I really think I'm gonna change my philosophy around cycling after this cycle is done.
Gonna strive for around 900-1000ng/dl testosterone and run 3-4iu hgh as a cruise/trt.

I just cant figure out the whole recovery/pct around cruises.
Ideally it would be like 6 months cruise. 3 months recovery.
And 1 summerblast per year, just short 8 weeks to bulk up and thats where the whole thing gets too complicated... I dont want to run this and become a real trt patient... I also want kids... :(
Did quads today and must have hit a nerve or something because my whole leg reflex shaked itself pretty aggressively and needle/hand jumped it out haha.
Just pinned half an inch next to it and no problemo but was bit funny experience :P
Its such an amazing feeling being able to cook again... I've had a bit bad diet cravings past days but i've allowed it. (things like cereal, I baked a fudge cake etc) but just yesterday did a big chicken stew and just now put on the rice cooker and 20 min later I have a perfect meal along with my supplements.

I have to go back and read my diet plan though. I must confuse 1 cup uncooked with cooked rice...because there's no fucking way I can eat 4 cups uncooked rice every day lol... :O
My source just got new products and did his usual selling speeches but this time I actually want most of it lol...
T3, Clen, pharm var, mk-677, hgh...

I can't afford it anyhow but was very tempting *cries in poverty* :(

Tempted on the var though... Tankman cant you be the voice of reason here haha ? Thanks :D
Pharma var - get it.... No buyer's regret there.
Edit. Forgot milton will kill me if I mention brands/prices, even totally out of context...

The var is little above twice the price from what you would "normally pay".
Think I payed less than half last time but then again, I actually bought dbol and got var instead lol..
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fml....im such an idiot...

I store my HCG in a vacuum sealed container (exactly the same model one I use to store my weed...)
And today I left the HCG one out of the fridge for a good 6-8 hours... How much did I fuckup here ?

Just throw it away ?
I'd be really interested to hear how the pharma var compares to what you have now. Ain't nobody dumb enough to sell anavar as dbol.

Was super close to buying it but I honestly cant afford it right now. Apartment and furniture has killed my economy lol...
Plus I would need like 280 more pills.

Bought masteron a few weeks back and will add that with tren.
I might add HGH in a month from now but we'll see how my economy recovers lol...
So nice waking up, putting on the rice cooker and just heating up some chicken stew...
Words cant describe how much i've missed having a kitchen... :D
Its gonna be about another week of deliverys and what not but diet is already huge improvement. I'm missing a few kitchen utensils and what not but with this change, the motivation the moving itself gives, also increasing training to 90-120min this week.
Gonna be some real changes finally :D

Right now i'm only on test p 85mg ed, but will add tren a and mast p at 50mg ed. So 1295mg weekly dose of compounds for second cycle....
With that in mind, i'm kinda happy I couldn't afford more var lol..
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So if i would have dual chamber hgh at 40iu that comes with 1 ml supplied.
A slin pin has 100 markings or 1 ml.

If i want 4iu per day thats 10 markings right ? Well, 5 markings for 2iu twice daily.

There's also seem to be a buildup of white foam, is that normal ? Haven't shaked it or anything but the dual chamber had to let some air out with a slin pin so it pushed it back and maybe that caused it. Dunno...
So whats everyone opinion on the optimal dosing schedule for gh ?

I was thinking 2iu when i wake up with rest of my gear. Then 2iu when I come home from the gym, maybe an hour later.
Does run out on a lot of slin kits though... 2 per day is a lot and they're not that cheap... For that reason alone I almost wanna take one full dose per day...
Every other day its gonna be 4 pins lol...
Steadily increasing weight but this week I went up 0.8% bodyfat and I know exactly why too.
Its pretty amazing how you get such incredibly response to what you do to your body...
I've always known gear is not the magic of all things, making you the hulk... But today i've realized its more of a time accelerator but you only get out what you put in... Never a way around hard work, doesn't even matter what line of profession, good or bad... Always hard work... Wish I knew and understood that in my twenties...woooha, who knows where I would have been today :D

Anyhow, back to this cycle... Honestly I'm viewing this past month as a pre prep that was executed poorly. But also a needed lesson on the road to success. Long as you learn from your failures I think you become a better man, or at least a wiser one.
I have about 60 days worth of tren/masteron and about 78 days worth of test prop. So yeh, i'll run test prop only now for the coming 2ish weeks.
Goal will be to focus on diet, get that going for me mentality, cooking, food prepping, eating on schedule, weighing out food, following every word 3J's says etc etc...
Strict no candy, sugar, soda etc from now on... I'll allow fruits, some fruits at least i gotta have or i'll die....

But goal is diet and ideally dropping down to 11% but more realistic will be 12%.

I have new pictures and measurements but i'll hold off until next week. You really dont see any difference anyhow, its weird, I see difference....but pictures/lighting just sucks i guess....
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