Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Holidays? only holiday around here is 5 de Mayo when we binge on burritos and tequila.

Its one of the shittiest ones we have but its very much celebrated and traditional celebration. Very few people work across the whole country. This year the days made it so it was extra long weekend, it ends tomorrow night.
Also have so much moving stuff going on, been out to those gigantic (small for US standards but huge for us) home decoration and furniture malls(?).
Its built like mazes with endless everything, advertising, people trying to show you, sell you, confuse you. I almost had a panic attack and I hate people now lol...

On the plus side, soon I can finally get on a proper diet and start cooking again. Will do exactly as 3J wants except for brown rice, because fuck brown rice, thats why lol...
Starting next week I will also increase gym time to 90 min with PT for a total of 2 hours, 6 days a week.
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My shoulder/biceps capsule is still not good or properly healed. Been roughly 2 weeks now. I have noticeable weaker everything on my right arm, most noticeably being grip strength. Haven't been training at all for 4 days now so its starting to worry me.
I also suspect I have a tiny fracture in my finger/knuckle because that shit isn't healing as well.
My left arm has always been the weaker arm and I now feel its has switched positions, even when right arm will have healed.

Would short term, high dose of hgh help aid in healing ?
Assuming I can find a source for caber, what would the dose be ?
If I can handle it, I'll run tren acetate @ 350mg weekly (50mg/daily).

Would 0.25mg caber e3d be good for that dose ? Its pretty expensive so dont wanna spend more than necessary... :)
Almost dont wanna run caber, because last cycle the elevated e2 and prolactin made me a god in bed, couldn't cum at all but super hard and very high sex drive/libido lol...
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Very interesting measurements today.
0.7kg weight increase.
1.6% bodyfat loss (seriously wtf lol...Had several sodas, candy and chocolate cake last week and the most horrible diet week of the cycle on top of limited gym time.... Guess my var is good quality...)

Lost 2.5cm over chest, rest stayed same or grew 1 cm in the right direction.
Thighs increased by 2cm.

Forgot to take pictures today, i'll try to get them tomorrow. I'll upload measurements later today.
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Its one of the shittiest ones we have but its very much celebrated and traditional celebration. Very few people work across the whole country. This year the days made it so it was extra long weekend, it ends tomorrow night.
Also have so much moving stuff going on, been out to those gigantic (small for US standards but huge for us) home decoration and furniture malls(?).
Its built like mazes with endless everything, advertising, people trying to show you, sell you, confuse you. I almost had a panic attack and I hate people now lol...

On the plus side, soon I can finally get on a proper diet and start cooking again. Will do exactly as 3J wants except for brown rice, because fuck brown rice, thats why lol...
Starting next week I will also increase gym time to 90 min with PT for a total of 2 hours, 6 days a week.
what country do you live in?
Holy hell... Was stressed and didnt look properly and ended up pinning a 20g needle in my ass.
Surprisingly didnt feel much going in but took like half a second to inject the full cc lol... :O
Holy hell... ended up pinning a 20g needle in my ass.
Surprisingly didnt feel much going in but took like half a second to inject the full cc lol... :O

sorry to hear that, hope the pip goes away soon. the wording on this post gives me the hibby jibbies.
sorry to hear that, hope the pip goes away soon. the wording on this post gives me the hibby jibbies.

I accept that. Just reading it again makes me cringe. Lets just say i'll definitely be more careful about what needle im handling in the future... :/
I'm exhausted to the point of random coma sleeping but can't remember i was this happy and excited.
Finally my new life is starting... I've missed cooking so so so SOOOO much. Can't wait to eat properly cooked food that isn't bland as fuck :D
And quality white rice nomnomnom....... :D

I totally bought a bachelor pad sofa too. Movie theater deluxe with electric recliner haha. No shame or regrets what so ever :P
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I'm exhausted to the point of random coma sleeping but can't remember i was this happy and excited.
Finally my new life is starting... I've missed cooking so so so SOOOO much. Can't wait to eat properly cooked food that isn't bland as fuck :D
And quality white rice nomnomnom....... :D

I totally bought a bachelor pad sofa too. Movie theater deluxe with electric recliner haha. No shame or regrets what so ever :P

On behalf of everyone here at ology, Here's wishing you a great start at your new life! (and home theater deluxe) View attachment 567376
and when you dare to venture, try some brown rice man, it will do wonders for your colon.
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On behalf of everyone here at ology, Here's wishing you a great start at your new life! (and home theater deluxe) View attachment 567376
and when you dare to venture, try some brown rice man, it will do wonders for your colon.

Thank you so much good sir. I'm super stoked, it really is a new step on the life ladder for sure. Feeling all young and giggly inside. Such a contrast to these past 6 months which have been nothing but depressing.
I genuinely feel happy again, can breath again, like a really heavy weight is finally off my shoulders :D
Geez Milton, first you are worried about your own colon, now about Santa's

This is all very Freudian

Hahah. I laughed so hard, yes it instantly struck me as bit weird too, its not the first time we've discussed brown rice either...the name kinda implies it all...brown... ;)
For the log.
The last couple days I've felt pretty soft in all muscles. It kinda started when I donated blood, maybe 1-2 days before that. Which makes me unsure if its diet related (which has been beyond poor) or just donating blood. Or maybe the 4 days away from gym relived some pump but I did some exercise at home everyday so no idea whats going on...
Either way... I dont like it.
You say four days of no gym and eating shitty? Yeah. Makes me feel soft too. Get back at it bro. How are the bouts of rage goin now? Hope that has gotten better for you
Forgot to mention, set yet another personal best yesterday on standing wide bicep curl, 5 kilo more for a total of 30kg + bar, so like 35-40kg. This weight had my wrists "cracking" under the pressure, only did 1x6 and lowered.
This cycle has increased it from 15kg + bar.
Hulk pills (my green var) is coming to an end. Have about 2-3 days left.
Will keep running test p for 1-2 more weeks before jumping on tren/masteron.

Ideally(and realistically) I would like to reach 11-11.5% bodyfat before starting.
You say four days of no gym and eating shitty? Yeah. Makes me feel soft too. Get back at it bro. How are the bouts of rage goin now? Hope that has gotten better for you

I'm pretty much always hard in my abs and some select muscles but you are absolutely right. I haven't really been putting in the work lately. To much shit going on and having to prioritize :(