Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Yeah, congrats on 14 pages. Impressive.

I cooked yams yesterday, cut into wedges and baked 400F for 50 minutes with olive oil & salt. Delicious.

Re the sunscreen, there were some reports last year that one particular kind if you swam with it then stayed in the sun it turned to some nasty carcinogen. Nice huh?

Thanks brother.
Do you remember which brand ? I thought the UVA AND UVB rays where the cancer ones and sunscreen protects against it ?
I really have no choice, tattoos will get ruined without protection... :(
I personally have great success with 40mg day max..

IMhumbleO ... I do not believe you need more than that if you do in fact have real VAR. I've run 60mg once and backed down to 40mg because the pumps were too intense.

I ended up running 60mg ed split on two doses. The last 10 days I did 80mg but my var was 2 months after expiration date. Pumps were pretty crazy but taurine 3x 1.5g daily helps pretty good.
So some math here :D
I have about 7200ish mg left of test prop. Which at 90mg (its more 85 but lets account for "wasting") is about 79 days more from today.
I also have 3000mg each of tren/mast, which at 50mg ed is 60 days. But if i cant handle it and end up going 40mg, thats 75 days and lines up well with both...

Now i've ran about 6 weeks (?) and adding 79 days seems like bit off a stretch but 60 more days seems fine i guess.
Also ditching adex for asin starting tomorrow. How long will it take the switch to stabilize ? 10 days ?
Should I still get bloodwork this friday to check in on estro ? I suspect i've slightly crashed it or will it pointless middle of a switch ?

Any thoughts and opinions here ? Thanks.
(I have hcg for another 2.5 months, same with adex/asin/caber)
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Also thoughts on tapering the tren dose upwards ? Like 20mg first week, give body a chance to adapt and then go 50mg ? Or stupid idea ?
all brands.

I'm afraid im not gonna take your word on this one. Do you have any clinical studies or scientific proof to back this up ?
All i can find is a bogus study done in 2011 thats been debunked several times.

First 5 google results "Does sunscreen cause cancer" all claim its not true and a myth.

Here for example are one clinical studies disproving what you're saying.

Didn't read full study to much science stuff lol but everything points to the fact that sunscreen doesnt cause cancer, it just struck me as so weird I had to google it.
Maybe it does in a vacuum but in contrast to the sun rays the total sum becomes less anyhow.
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I'm afraid im not gonna take your word on this one. Do you have any clinical studies or scientific proof to back this up ?
All i can find is a bogus study done in 2011 thats been debunked several times.

First 5 google results "Does sunscreen cause cancer" all claim its not true and a myth.

Here for example are one clinical studies disproving what you're saying.

Didn't read full study to much science stuff lol but everything points to the fact that sunscreen doesnt cause cancer, it just struck me as so weird I had to google it.
Maybe it does in a vacuum but in contrast to the sun rays the total sum becomes less anyhow.

once you can get your head out of the matrix and smell the fresh coffee then youll see that nothing is as it appears.
you can disprove all you want with lame ass articles sponsored by the makers of the pestecides that you call sunscreen.
its no skin off my nose but youll see in 20 more years when your going through chemo that mr. Milton was right all along.
once you can get your head out of the matrix and smell the fresh coffee then youll see that nothing is as it appears.
you can disprove all you want with lame ass articles sponsored by the makers of the pestecides that you call sunscreen.
its no skin off my nose but youll see in 20 more years when your going through chemo that mr. Milton was right all along.

Like I said, i'm just not gonna take anyones word for it. Because its pretty damn illogical and doesn't make sense at all. Because what I do know is that sun exposure itself causes cancer and thats a fact.
But if you can prove to me thats its infact true and I'm wrong, I'd love to know. Plus, its not like sunscreen hasn't been around for the past 20 years already with a good margin...

But what you're doing are conspiracy theories without anything to back it up. Burden of proof is on the one making the claim, not the other way around.
I merely provided a link as a courtesy since I asked for one myself...
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Like I said, i'm just not gonna take anyones word for it. Because its pretty damn illogical and doesn't make sense at all. Because what I do know is that sun exposure itself causes cancer and thats a fact.
But if you can prove to me thats its infact true and I'm wrong, I'd love to know. Plus, its not like sunscreen hasn't been around for the past 20 years already with a good margin...

But what you're doing are conspiracy theories without anything to back it up. Burden of proof is on the one making the claim, not the other way around.
I merely provided a link as a courtesy since I asked for one myself...
the sun does not cause cancer. now on to page 15!! what a thread!
once you can get your head out of the matrix and smell the fresh coffee then youll see that nothing is as it appears.
you can disprove all you want with lame ass articles sponsored by the makers of the pestecides that you call sunscreen.
its no skin off my nose but youll see in 20 more years when your going through chemo that mr. Milton was right all along.

Damn IMT, I like it.

Next time I've got a tinfoil hat gathering going on you are definitely invited.
I'm afraid im not gonna take your word on this one. Do you have any clinical studies or scientific proof to back this up ?
All i can find is a bogus study done in 2011 thats been debunked several times.

First 5 google results "Does sunscreen cause cancer" all claim its not true and a myth.

Here for example are one clinical studies disproving what you're saying.

Didn't read full study to much science stuff lol but everything points to the fact that sunscreen doesnt cause cancer, it just struck me as so weird I had to google it.
Maybe it does in a vacuum but in contrast to the sun rays the total sum becomes less anyhow.

Go to Natural News and type sunscreen cancer in their search box. Happy reading!

Do you even have sun where you live???
Go to Natural News and type sunscreen cancer in their search box. Happy reading!

Do you even have sun where you live???

For like 3-4 weeks a year...sure... haha..fml.. :(
Nah but like from now to september its generally between 20-30c with 35-40c on really hot rare days in the middle months if its not a crappy summer overall.
Read a few articles and hahaha. Whaat. But it also struck me when they mentioned the FDA... Half the stuff thats approved and allowed in the US is either illegal in EU as a whole or my specific country.
A good example is candy, your coloring is illegal here. And it extends to every product from every sector. We also have forced ingredients labeling and other consumer right stuff on top of all everything else.
Anyhow...If I dont use it on my tattoos, they will be ruined and I'll have suffered literal days of tattoo'ng, not to mention a small fortune for nothing.

I'm not even sure how we got into this whole discussion lol...
So my idea was to stop taking adex for 2 days starting tomorrow.
Then jump on aromasin instead.
0.25mg adex is equal to 12.5mg aromasin, yes ?

Gonna leave bloodwork after roughly 7-10 days on asin.
Sounds reasonable ?
Can also report that diet has been pretty good lately. Its far from perfect since I totally missunderstood what 3J told me... but I'm making huge improvements but still gained bit fat from last week.
I'm currently 72.2kg and back at ~14.8% bodyfat...
Going for about 10 weeks more, if I can reach 80kg and 10% bodyfat while keeping 75kg after PCT and trimming down to 8.5% bf, i'll be thrilled and super happy with this cycle to be honest. Thats my set goal and then some :D

Thats about 800grams per week and -0.5% bodyfat per week, seems pretty reasonable if I can just stop being a lazy cunt and remember hard work is all that matters regardless of what you're trying to do...grrr...
Here is measurements from monday. Also includes the missing weeks.
I'll take pictures when its something fun to show lol...
Was also 15% bodyfat not 14.8 :(
Ouch.... I was waiting for furniture deliveries to arrive and figured I'd be quick and do my pins...
Middle of HCG the door bell rings and stupid as stupid can be I just push the half cc in like it was air and now my tummy hurts :(