Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Ouch.... I was waiting for furniture deliveries to arrive and figured I'd be quick and do my pins...
Middle of HCG the door bell rings and stupid as stupid can be I just push the half cc in like it was air and now my tummy hurts :(
why not just pull out and finish the dirty deed later?
I'm feed up with these bullshit rules that apply differently to person to person, case to case.

Thinking of abandoning this log and probably ology all together...
So my idea was to stop taking adex for 2 days starting tomorrow.
Then jump on aromasin instead.
0.25mg adex is equal to 12.5mg aromasin, yes ?

Gonna leave bloodwork after roughly 7-10 days on asin.
Sounds reasonable ?
how did making the switch to aromasin go? i much prefer it as well.
I really needed some time off, its amazing how turning off your phone and/or feed creates harmony....

I'm also getting big...just sayin :P
Leaving bloodwork for ifg1 levels tomorrow but I'm 99% certain the GH is real, has all qualities it should have i suppose... I can manage 8iu max per day but that swells my ankles up pretty bad so decided on 4iu soon as I wake up.
Starting tren/mast on monday, didnt really reach my goal of 12% bodyfat. If I had to guess, id guess i'm around 12.6% on monday.
Don't wanna give all credit to GH but I really started notice a difference in bodyfat burning, I cant describe it...but its certainly doing something to my metabolism...
I dont wanna exacerbate but i would say my recovery is at least double as fast. Still dont feel any of these long levity stuff like nicer skin, better sleep etc but definitely feeling the "growing" aspects of GH ;)
Actually gotten worse sleep since i started GH. Or i'm not sure... i cant sleep past 4 hours again (my insomnia kicked in) but I do feel fresher and like I've actually slept. Very hard to gauge, at least this early in.

Already passed my goal at 70-72kg (I'm 74.2kg now and growing 0.8kg per week, got 9 weeks left, give or take a few days...)

Don't wanna jinx it...but this cycle is starting to look real good, guess diet was the last puzzle piece needed to be retrofitted :P
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how did making the switch to aromasin go? i much prefer it as well.

Been on asin for about a week now, leaving bloodwork for E2 and IGF1 tomorrow but will skip fasting this time...no way I'm not eating for 12 hours straight... I can barley stand 4-5 hours without food right now....
Some status updates regarding my training...
Right shoulder (and generally right arm...) is still fucked. It almost healed fully, then did brutal chest and isometric(?) exercises and ended it with decline dumbbell flies and immediately felt it "rip open" again. The GH has healed it pretty awesomely, in just 2 days, it has healed equivalent of 2-3 weeks, at least in terms of pain going away. Progress will be slower but refuse to stop, I'll train shoulders the best I can, right now, anything lifted ABOVE shoulders are totally no go, which is quite a lot of exercises...not just chest...
I knew I had bad prep going into the cycle in terms of training/recovery schedule and now I'm paying the price...

Legs has once again started to dominate the workouts, beating personal best on legs every week now. This week I did almost 500 pounds and 6 clean reps on legpress, which is almost double from 3 weeks ago. Its also about 75% increase in personal best.
Aiming to pump out 3x my own weight in plates which is about one more 25kg plate. Should take it next week :)

Haven't fully been on 3J's diet scheme but I am weighing most of my foods, I allow 1-2 chocolate milks per week(just 250ml), usually as a carb/sugar boost after legs or I will have to nap...
Shedding fat, gaining muscles, e2 feels dialed in now when im on asin, not feeling extreme in any direction.

I am on way to much GH but been intentionally for blood work, you learn as you live and live as you learn i guess...
Gonna take 1-2 days off this weekend to remove some water retention, mostly around my ankles, 100% from GH. Gets twice as worse on 8iu / day.
for caber? yes better to take less than more.. it also reduces the refractory period after orgasm.. a welcomed side effect lol
So tren next week, happy days :D
Bought caber this time too, and was wondering, will 0.25mg E3D be good ?
for caber? yes better to take less than more.. it also reduces the refractory period after orgasm.. a welcomed side effect lol

Everytime I think of tren, caber etc. I always wonder why there is no "superman viagra pill". That makes you unable to cum. Talking real equality up in this bitch lol...
Like, a pill that slightly raises e2 and prolactin levels for a short duration like maybe 6-8 hour half life.
Did a second chest session this week since its consistently the only area not growing "properly" and was bit odd...
Ended it with decline dumbbell press and had two pretty buff guys "laugh and point" at the setup (not really at me...)
Which made me think, I cant remember a single time seeing anyone doing decline anything.

I personally love decline, specially negative declines... it makes my chest vibrate and jump around like a vibrating base drum, looks and feels amazing :D
What are your thoughts on decline exercise ?
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Decline is great and for most people allow us to put some pretty heavy weight on the bar. That way we get the results you're describing that you feel. Don't let anyone discourage from doing them bro......especially if it works well for you.
Yeh, i dont give a fuck about what anyone else thinks about me in the larger sense. I always do me ;)
And i do like them but what struck me more then them pointing it out is how I never seen anyone do them. Are they really that rare ?
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Yeh, i dont give a fuck about what anyone else thinks about me in the larger sense. I always do me ;)
And i do like them but what struck me more then them pointing it out is how I never seen anyone do them. Are they really that rare ?

Not rare at all for people who want to fully develop their chest. I'm on board with your goal here for sure. Good work bro. Keep hitting them hard and see if it works for you......I have a feeling it will cuz it sounds like you're doing them correctly.
I'm my experience you can go heavier and harder. Allows the chest muscles to experience heavier weight in a different way and the incorporation of the back muscles allows this heavy resistance.
Most people overlook the value in what you've recognized as a good way to work your chest hard for growth. Good work bro
Not rare at all for people who want to fully develop their chest. I'm on board with your goal here for sure. Good work bro. Keep hitting them hard and see if it works for you......I have a feeling it will cuz it sounds like you're doing them correctly.
I'm my experience you can go heavier and harder. Allows the chest muscles to experience heavier weight in a different way and the incorporation of the back muscles allows this heavy resistance.
Most people overlook the value in what you've recognized as a good way to work your chest hard for growth. Good work bro

I'm forced to go pretty light. Moved up to 15-20 x2 with negative 12 seconds reps 2x (5 sec down, 5 sec up, and 2 sec hold in contraction).
Its my shoulder bitching in right arm, anything that activates front delt/biceps capsule cant handle weight right now. Specially overhead presses of any form or kind... It sucks...
Same reason I cant touch the benchpress but dumbbells presses are pretty mild overall, I just cant do gigant sets and flies for examples are no go.

Also if you look my pictures you'll see my lower chest is pretty wide in the narrow spot, while decently full in mid/upper chest, so working decline extra to pump up chest even more and create that sexy gap where you see tendons connect.

Ironically hurt myself today again... Lesson of the week...always ALWAYS do a warmup set regardless if you've been training for 80 minutes...
Loaded 45kg on the ab machine and in my mind it was "easy piecey" but caught me of guard and snapped/tore something 2-3cm area above your penis shaft... But was smart and stopped immediately and took weekend. Didn't feel horrible and im confident its healed by monday.

I did exactly the fuckup you told me to watch out for lol... Be careful of your own strength in comparison to joints and ligaments...I was also not prepped enough in gym to start this cycle if im honest.

With that said, im starting to be real happy with results and not even midway trough and tren/mast on the way...
Goal now is to reach 80ish kg and 10% bodyfat.
If i can keep 75kg and 8-9% bodyfat after pct+maintenance this will be a cycle out of this world and I think its doable at this point.
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Im starting to fall back into depression and there is zero reason why...
Problem is i tend to deal with my depressions with heavy drug abuse...

Its hottest day of the year, I have even have a date 2night..but, truth is... I cant stop thinking about my ex...shit... I feel lonely...
Writing this i'm realizing it has to be related to me moving to a whole new area...