Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Im starting to fall back into depression and there is zero reason why...
Problem is i tend to deal with my depressions with heavy drug abuse...

Its hottest day of the year, I have even have a date 2night..but, truth is... I cant stop thinking about my ex...shit... I feel lonely...
Writing this i'm realizing it has to be related to me moving to a whole new area...

You cant keep a good man down.
Ive moved from house to house, town to town all my life and its all a matter of finding new local activities to be a part of like bingo night at the local YMCA or Jewish Community Center for example. You could also look for an NGO to volunteer at like a homeless shelter or youth counceling center where you can become a mentor to a youth who does not have a father figure.

I learned from all my falls in life that when you are at the lowest point of your life, be it depression, divorce or loss of job etc. that it is best to look to see who you can help. Dont ever forget that however down and out you may be there is always someone worst off than you. So go and see if you can help them and little by little you will see at the end that you were not helping those who you thought needed help but rather, they ended up helping you. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Having learned that through lifes kicks and bruises is that it is way better to leave someone better than when you found them. and that is when good things start to happen in your life...

Hope your date tonight goes well mate!
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I can't wait...
In 10 minutes i'm pinning test/tren/masteron.
Gonna start with 30/30mg tren/masteron for the coming week, all good ? bumping it up to 90/50/50mg.

For anyone reading this and thinking wow...using prop esters are so cool and shit...

Yeh, sure... Come back here when you have 3 vials, 1 gh vial, 1 hcg vial, 1 bvitamin.
Now please put out 2 slin kits, 2 plungers, 21g, 23g, 25g, 30g needles.

And have fun...now repeat this for 12 weeks and get back to me if you'll ever even gonna consider the use of short esters again....
A somewhat stupid question...
I'll be mixing all 3 compounds in one syringe...
Once they're all in there, should I draw back some air and "shake" the solution around ?
Or just inject cuz it wont matter ?
Fuck me this was way harder then i imagined...

All my oils disolve instantly into each other...
I have no fucking idea what i'm pinning shortly except that its 30mg tren 0.8-1.1ml test and hopefully like 30-50mg masteron...

How the hell do people do this ?!? :(
Maybe im using to big a needle to draw ? I used 21g...but 23/25g goes slow as fuck and maybe easier to dose ?
I'm at a loss here...Cant really gamble the amount on 3 diff compounds :(
Since I started this damn cycle it feels like my body is falling apart...
Out of nowhere (didnt even train saturday) I have pain in my left wrist...
Probably slept on it or something similar but still...

Where is all this pain coming from ? My body is getting seriously good diet, good sleep, amazing training, and juiced up over my ears with different compounds...
All bloodworks comes back ok...

Anyone else experience this ? Smaller but oohh so annoying pain ? (mostly feels joints related)
I can't wait...
In 10 minutes i'm pinning test/tren/masteron.
Gonna start with 30/30mg tren/masteron for the coming week, all good ? bumping it up to 90/50/50mg.

For anyone reading this and thinking wow...using prop esters are so cool and shit...

Yeh, sure... Come back here when you have 3 vials, 1 gh vial, 1 hcg vial, 1 bvitamin.
Now please put out 2 slin kits, 2 plungers, 21g, 23g, 25g, 30g needles.

And have fun...now repeat this for 12 weeks and get back to me if you'll ever even gonna consider the use of short esters again....

I have an idea - get some no ester stuff and pin it 3x per day. Just think, 100% active ingredient with no esters...
Since I started this damn cycle it feels like my body is falling apart...
Out of nowhere (didnt even train saturday) I have pain in my left wrist...
Probably slept on it or something similar but still...

Where is all this pain coming from ? My body is getting seriously good diet, good sleep, amazing training, and juiced up over my ears with different compounds...
All bloodworks comes back ok...

Anyone else experience this ? Smaller but oohh so annoying pain ? (mostly feels joints related)
Pain is our bodies way of telling us that something is wrong.
Can it be possible that the pain can be atributed to one of the meds that you are taking? are you on anti depressants?
Fuck me this was way harder then i imagined...

All my oils disolve instantly into each other...
I have no fucking idea what i'm pinning shortly except that its 30mg tren 0.8-1.1ml test and hopefully like 30-50mg masteron...

How the hell do people do this ?!? :(

do the vials not have labels on them?
Pain is our bodies way of telling us that something is wrong.
Can it be possible that the pain can be atributed to one of the meds that you are taking? are you on anti depressants?

Past 3 days, yes actually. xanax depot 2mg and ambien 10mg. For treating my insomnia and anxiety i've been having.
But i'm never "on", maybe take them like now, few days, 4-5 times per year.
Reminds me, probably took to high dose yesterday and fell asleep on the wrist... :(
do the vials not have labels on them?

Of course haha.
But its so very hard to draw from 3 vials.
Or let me be more clear...I dont wanna start diluting the 3 different vials with the different compounds.

Maybe I was just nervous today, im pinning ED so hopefully I'll learn but felt very hard to dose without pushing back wrong compound into wrong vial due to them mixing instantly.
Or I'm i overthinking it ?
My bro.......stop.....slow down. Pin what must be pinned for the cycle, get in the gym daily, and do your best to eat a TON of really clean cals. Get through this tough time. The hormones can fuck up our thinking. Push through and keep your focus. Pinning is great......but the mind will help you work out and eat......and that's where the progress happens. Hang in there bro
Hahah. It was just jokes from both tankman and me :P
I think you need to just relax bro, you over worry and overthink stuff.
Sit down, smoke a fat joint, watch some mindlesss tv and just enjoy the moment. Trust me bro, we all need it from time to time ;)
Lol. Don't know what the fuck I read to come up with that. Somehow missed the last few posts on the thread. Too many shots i guess. Had in my head you were stressed out. :)