Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Ugh... i liked my premixed stack more...

First compound, easy, second, doable...third ? Not that easy...

But gonna start going with 100/50/50mg....easy to tell on the syringe :P
2ml feels like a lot to inject :(
Got my bloodwork back today.

My E2 is higher than last bw.
Currently at 195 pmol/l.
Last was around 170 pmol/l
Off cycle value are around 130pmol/l, so I'm roughly double...but I don't feel nearly as out of whack as last blood work...

Since I started tren and they dont offer sensitive bloodwork I can no longer dial in my ai, yes ?
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My c-peptid has increased from 0.39 nmol/L to 0.72nmol/l

And what we all have been waiting for.... IGF1 values...how do they look ? :P
Well, they have increased but not to the ranges i've been reading about... :(

I went from 109 ug/l to 286 ug/l. Granted, its almost 3 times higher in 2-3 weeks...but isn't it bit low for having taking 140 iu under these 2 weeks ?
Its a bit higher then reference values but doctor chalked it down to "diet" and didnt mention more about it.

So would you say the gear is bunk ? Underdosed ? Worth it ? Worthless ?

I was expecting igf to come back at least around 4-600ug/l...
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So yeh the tren is working...
Tren and already existing insomnia is a weird combination... Its like a battle over bad or worse sleep lol...
Haven't started sweating yet but I can feel my body heat going up so just a matter of time...
Nice :)
Good work bro

I learned and had so many realizations today bro.
First off...the amount of time I spend on training and training related activities is insane and no wonder I feel like i have no life cuz my life is the gym...and food lol.
Second, I've grown so much and added quite a lot of tattoos lately that my body has kinda outgrown my own ego and self confidence...
Walked around shirtless today and was a literal jaw dropper and I could notice how girls became insecure around me, which made me insecure cuz I didnt understand what was going on at the time... She was cute too...damn, i fucked up but lesson learned...

Also I sorta understood and realized what my friends have been telling me these past weeks/months, that I need to be careful to not grow much larger because i'm "too short" and it wont suite me.
I personally think if I'll go up to 80kilos, drop my bodyfat to around 9-10% and if I can keep/stay at 75kg after cycle, it will be beyond perfect in every sense.

Definitely can feel I have a tiny bit of bigorexia syndrome in me as I dont feel I grow that much except looking at scale and measurement but rarely in mirror. Just need to keep that in mind I guess.
Not like I think i'm walking around looking like the hulk cuz I dont, not even close, I still feel fat and small... And thats exactly the issue lol...
You sure as heck aint no bot sir. Your one of the most knowledgeable minds in the field of ology. and I love the charts! respect!
How much weight have you gained? Sounds like the cycle is doin really good for you. Great work

Think i started at around 66kg and last monday i was 72.7kg (down 1kg from week before)
Right now the only complaint is the amount of volume (almost 2 ml) thats really making a difference in terms of pip and uncomfortable.
Was shaking like a leaf today for some reason...
So yeh the tren is working...
Tren and already existing insomnia is a weird combination... Its like a battle over bad or worse sleep lol...
Haven't started sweating yet but I can feel my body heat going up so just a matter of time...
How are you dealing with insomnia? what other med are you taking that is causing it? do you have a job? or living off your 401K?
How are you dealing with insomnia? what other med are you taking that is causing it? do you have a job? or living off your 401K?

I've had it most of my adult life, at least the past 7-8 years. Not sure what exactly caused it but im guessing to much drugs.
Its not much to do, I get prescriptions but all major sleeping pills have drawbacks, mostly it makes you a zombie the day after, worst case its memory loss and sleep walking...

For the most part I smoke a joint or two on the evenings and that helps enough, that way I get 5-6 hours sleep, no weed its 2-5... And zero side effects at all, maybe some hunger...Doesn't sound like a big difference but its huge in terms of sleep quality.
Doesn't work as good on tren but I do feel more rested as well so it kinda balances out for now at least.

I'm a "project oriented" consultant so my hours are pretty free outside set meetings and such :D

Soon im gonna devour a kilo of chicken lol...sooo hungry atm!!!
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A somewhat stupid question...
I'll be mixing all 3 compounds in one syringe...
Once they're all in there, should I draw back some air and "shake" the solution around ?
Or just inject cuz it wont matter ?

I've been mixing because it logically feels better. What do you guys do ?
I feel like an old man in my body. Kinda like arthritis would be like I guess.
Body is running "creaky", like joints and tendons need lubrication.
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My notes.
0.20mg caber.
Starting 20mg asin ed.
Gonna take 0.25mg adex eod ontop of the asin for the next 7-10 dayhs... Yes, it might be overkill, but i'd rather make sure my values drop rather then stagnate, or worse... keep increasing.
I know it wont remove/reduce already high levels of estrogen but I wanna make sure there is zero new conversion happening.
But mostly i'm noticing im becoming the moody bitch from hell and I dont like acting a bitch.. :(

Tankman, mind doing the math to see if either my asin or adex is bunk ? Feels like im taking pretty large AI for my amount of test ?
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Its to much hassle and the sides seems to be pretty mild so far.
Gonna bump it up to 90/50/50mg and run that until its too much I guess...
Feels impossible to measure out consistently exact when doing 90/30/30...