Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Today I realized just how much my PT sucks lol...
Training is ok even though I've felt we've reached our plateau together the last weeks...
But today him and his gym buddy pt idiots are doing a cycle plan for a friend of mine... He's done one failed 6 week sustanon cycle at pussy dose 250mg/week....for some reason he was not happy with that cycle (duuh...)
And asked them for a "power cycle" because "he wont ever cycle again"...

So what did these 3 wizards come up with ?
Test e
Tren e
no ai
no hcg
no caber

Probably fucked up pct too but I was so mad at that point I had hard time focusing on arguing...
And we also didn't discuss any doses...

I brought it up with my friend and he just shrugged...I guess he trust the "professionals" more then his friend lol...

On a personal note, my PT is going on vacation end of the month and I doubt we'll be training when he returns.
And the best comment of the day was when he said "what you are talking about is bodybuilding level with proper bloodworks...he's just a regular dude...hormones doesn't have to be perfect for just one cycle..."
That shit caught me so off guard I couldnt even argue it and just shaked my head in disbelief lol...
Had a really weird experience reconstituting some GH, syringe had 1ml bac in it and literally second I pushed the needle in, it was some sort of vacuum that super-sucked the water into it(didn't even notice it until it was done, thats how fast...)
Created a big splash, lots of foam etc (probably ruined it, similar to shaking violently)

Anyone had this before ? I know sometimes its over pressured but under pressured ? How does it even work ?
Happens basically every time, they ship the little bottles with a vacuum than can take about 2cc's. That way once you reconstitute the bottle is about neutral pressure.
Happens basically every time, they ship the little bottles with a vacuum than can take about 2cc's. That way once you reconstitute the bottle is about neutral pressure.

Fair enough. I had to reconstitute 2 vials (10iu each) and second vial I just pushed some air in before so I could drop the water in and carefully swirl it between my fingers.
Just have to remember it I guess.

I like the vials a lot more, now I have to draw 40 iu for 4iu gh, so less concentrated and easier to handle. Also like that I have to reconstitute every 5 days, so its always fresher.
No idea why it doesn't show in the mirror pictures, maybe i'm not actually growing and I keep doing a "mirror mirror on the wall" type shit...
Anyhow... For every day I'm more and more happy with my appearance.

In many aspects its been bit of a failure, in many other aspects im pretty damn happy. Its been a good lesson and i think i'll be happy with my end results.
Right now its more about actually ending this cycle lol.

Will have ran just over 4 months once this is ended...
I wont be able to fit anything in between then and summer but long as I dont let myself go, next year should be really interesting far as beach 2019 goes.
Time on + pct (and remaing cycle) would allow me to run again just after christmas.

Been thinking about that cycle already and I'm probably gonna keep it simple (all depends on how I look when i start) but already thinking:
10 weeks.
Test e 600mg / week (front loaded 1000mg, 750mg, 500mg)
Anavar 80mg ed.
GH 4iu ed.

I won't be looking to put on mass size so I'll probably skip masteron and tren.
Glad you are pleased bro. That's GREAT. We need to finish every cycle knowing we have improved and sounds like you have. Congrats. Saw your next cycle plans and I like the keeping it a lil more simple approach.......good call bro. Just remember the diet. Get it perfect and even the most modest of cycles produces impressive results. I have failed several cycles due to diet. :'( poor me. Lol
Glad you are pleased bro. That's GREAT. We need to finish every cycle knowing we have improved and sounds like you have. Congrats. Saw your next cycle plans and I like the keeping it a lil more simple approach.......good call bro. Just remember the diet. Get it perfect and even the most modest of cycles produces impressive results. I have failed several cycles due to diet. :'( poor me. Lol

Yeh, I'm starting to reach the point where I dont wanna get so much bigger, which is a pretty amazing and relaxing feeling :D
I still need to drop 3-4% bodyfat so still got a fuckton of work left but i'm getting there :D
Does anyone know how todo a time lapse video from pictures ?
Been taking one picture every day in the gym for almost 3 months now.
Planning to run it over 6 months, from start to finish.

Looking at first picture and last, luckily its not all in my head lol... there's a noticeably difference.
But would like todo a trial run and see how video looks and just play around bit with it.

Anyone done timelapse video before and can offer some tips and tricks ?
When this is done, I will have pinned myself about 450 times for this one cycle lol....
Never running a prop cycle ever again... Well, maybe, I cant see into the future... :P
If it wasn't for very mild insomnia and rare occasional night sweat, I honestly wouldn't even know I was running tren.
Knock on wood but sides have been almost non existent. Wonder if its from pinning ED vs EOD last time ?
If it wasn't for very mild insomnia and rare occasional night sweat, I honestly wouldn't even know I was running tren.
Knock on wood but sides have been almost non existent. Wonder if its from pinning ED vs EOD last time ?

Hey bro.....no sides sounds great. Except for the best side effect, muscle growth. Do you feel the tren was a worthwhile addition to your cycle? Did it cause more growth than you've seen with test only?

Just curious about your experience. I'm sure you've already covered this but this thread is long as hell :)

Thinking of adding it into my future cycles
Hey bro.....no sides sounds great. Except for the best side effect, muscle growth. Do you feel the tren was a worthwhile addition to your cycle? Did it cause more growth than you've seen with test only?
Just curious about your experience. I'm sure you've already covered this but this thread is long as hell :)
Thinking of adding it into my future cycles

I honestly feel very little difference overall since i started tren.
I've noticed I burn fat a lot faster but thats probably more masteron then tren.
Also noticed an increase in vascularity but i've always been super vascular(?) and you'll see my veins even at 20% bodyfat.
I feel and look dryer and harder.. but again, probably more due to masteron and lowering my estrogen.
For future cycles though, I'm gonna be a bit more critical to what labs and sources I use, one example, my UGL prop 10ml is closer to 8-9ml. Took me months to figure that one out lol...

With that said, my tren expires next month, no idea how its been stored prior to me getting it, its also an unknown UGL I cant find on the internet and its also a different brand from what I used my first time.
I've also only been on tren just shy off 2 weeks.

But to answer your question, was it a worthwhile addition ? I dont know, yet.
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Think i've forgot to mention this but the worst side effect i've gotten so far (and it started with prop) is insane itching.
Specially a location on my back, been forced to buy a hard long shower brush with really hard brush top to scratch it.
Comes out of nowhere, is super intense and gone just as fast. Probably get it 3-6 times per day.

Other areas are itchy too, almost to the point it would feel good scratching off skin lol...
This is the first week where my head is wanting to wrap this cycle up.
Its almost exclusively tied to pinning everyday. That and the whole commitment to dieting.

Think i have 4.5 vials of test prop left and 2 vials each of tren/mast.
So about 50 days prop and 40 days tren/mast left.

Then pct and maintenance phase should have me done and done in roughly 3 months...which right now..feels like an eternity...
This is the first week where my head is wanting to wrap this cycle up.
Its almost exclusively tied to pinning everyday. That and the whole commitment to dieting.

Think i have 4.5 vials of test prop left and 2 vials each of tren/mast.
So about 50 days prop and 40 days tren/mast left.

Then pct and maintenance phase should have me done and done in roughly 3 months...which right now..feels like an eternity...

How much gains have you had in the last 2 weeks bro?
How much gains have you had in the last 2 weeks bro?

Gains ? What is this gains you speak off ? :(

I keep losing weight last 3 weeks, a lot of it was water retention from GH and high estrogen but thought it would have stopped dropping by now.
This week I gained 0.3% bodyfat but been drinking coconut oil (edibles) a bit too much I guess because diet haven't changed.

As off today, i've gained about 11-12 pounds and dropped about 3% bf.
For my goals, i'm 4.5 kilos light and need to shed another 3-4% bf.
I asked 3J for a new diet plan cuz my old was way to advanced, I couldn't execute it properly so ended up slacking instead...
The new plan is really solid and way easier to execute but what stood out to me...he wants me to eat a fuckton of meat per day (no surprise really).

But i was adding the numbers up and how the hell do you guys manage to eat literal kilos of food per day ? Like...do you guys do nothing but train and poop all day ? lol...
I'm not even sure its physically possible to fit so much food inside of me in one day, i would probably break :(
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