Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Gains ? What is this gains you speak off ? :(

I keep losing weight last 3 weeks, a lot of it was water retention from GH and high estrogen but thought it would have stopped dropping by now.
This week I gained 0.3% bodyfat but been drinking coconut oil (edibles) a bit too much I guess because diet haven't changed.

As off today, i've gained about 11-12 pounds and dropped about 3% bf.
For my goals, i'm 4.5 kilos light and need to shed another 3-4% bf.
Why coconut oil? you mean mct oil?
If someones curious, i can let you know that pinning GH upwards sub-q has the chance of actually piercing trough the skin into your finger...
It hurts and it bleeds... :(
Decided to visit a new physical therapist whos also a chiropractor and is also my gym's "builder guy therapist" where everyone goes too.
Very very well spent money, he explained exactly what had happened, how it kept manifesting and did some insane trigger points to the point i almost puked from the "pain".
Then he loosen up most tendons and directly after started cracking the supporting muscles under back, like lats, shoulders, spine area and finishing up with shoulder, elbow and hand repositioning i think he called. Just janking them into **********

After that he did needling shoulder and again hit some trigger points and knots, one of them felt like he was lighting up all nerves in shoulders thats been causing pain X10, that just hit the whole shoulder area / biceps capsule...
Weirdest pain I've ever had...it hurt like hell, but my body wasnt shunning away from it, quite opposite, it wanted it and even needed it.

Left his office with more pain then I came with....but...
Now 12 hours later my shoulder feels the best it's ever been these past 2 months.
Going back for followup and learning some home exercises to prevent it.

He said I should be able to push all my exercises within 10 days...but i'm not allowed to lift anything above my head, like dumbbell shoulder press etc for the coming 6-8 weeks so it can fully heal.
But he also advised against doing them all together, maybe once in a blue moon to push, and he showed on some medical doll bones why it happens.

Overall super happy, probably gonna ditch my old naprapat and use this guy going forward. He's 15% cheaper, has more available times, is next door to gym and he does everything she does plus more.
Was looking at the first picture from day one of cycle and then last picture from monday.
Gonna post it tomorrow, bit too tired now but that shit looks good side to side :D
Interesting... The first picture must be really old since I have no tattoos on it.
But I started taking pictures when I started the cycle so i'm lost and confused...

Ohh now I remember, the first picture was for 3J since we started a month before my cycle to get all the "prep" out of the way...
You're nearing the end right? Gonna cruise or gonna pct? How bout the next cycle ? :)

Thanks bro. I have about 40-45 days left of this cycle.

Already planned my next cycle but its gonna be back to basics pretty much.
I'm starting to feel my size is good, I definitely dont wanna go over 80 kilos. I think 75kg and 10% bodyfat is my ideal stats and what I'm aiming for.
So it will be more focus on lean muscle mass and focus on bringing out definition.

Been looking into running this, 10 weeks(will be front loading test e):
Test E, 500mg / week
GH, 2iu twice per day.
IGF1-LR3 20-30mg / day
Anavar 40mg twice per day.

Then ofcourse the usual aromasin, hcg etc.

I might lower test/var dose, have not fully decided yet.
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Been doing some thinking in the gym today.
Most likely I will not run anavar and replace it with masteron so I dont have to use orals.
Remembered how much I hated having to take the var throughout the day and sometimes forced to carry it on my person...
And bump the test to 750 ;)
Nah......the lowest effective dose is always best. This cycle is launching when? :)

At first yeh, i was thinking of 600-700mg test per week but been thinking a lot about my last cycle and I had similar gains on half the doses. Maybe lower doses fits my lower diet better ?

I need about 6 months time off to recover properly from this cycle. Once its ended I've been on about 16 weeks. My initial plan was to do a proper beach 2019, like, actually start the prep in late november, early december, jump on cycle mid januari and finish it just in time for beach 2019 :D
I probably wont stop taking GH unless I run out lol... And I'll probably order some IGF1-LR3 just because I'm excited as fuck to try it.
Have been reading magical things about combining GH with IGF1 :D

This cycle has really taught me a few things.
1. Its really not a sprint but a marathon.
2. Compounds have diminishing returns when stacked.
3. I want to stay close to natural as possible, meaning enhancing stuff my body already produces naturally, such as testo, gh, igf1, ghrp6 etc.
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Should leave blood work soon to figure out general health but I so dont wanna do it...
Cause if values comes back fucked...how can I justify another 4 weeks on tren ? :/
Your plans sounds honest and pure bro. I hope you stick to them. Blast yourself up to your potential and work to maintain it. Love it.
Your plans sounds honest and pure bro. I hope you stick to them. Blast yourself up to your potential and work to maintain it. Love it.

To be honest, my plan was to do one cycle and nothing more.
You have to know/remember that when i started my first cycle I weighed 56-57 kilos at 5.8 tall bro...
But first cycle was a huge fail, wont go into details again but i'm sure you've read parts of it already.

This cycle is a huge improvement but its still bit of a failure. I just didn't manage diet at all. Me and 3J have discussed it in great length and we both agree its not lack of motivation or drive, its simply lack of experience, organisation and prep. (and me being a lazy cunt lol...)
Plus side is that I'm starting to reach my goal weight and this time I wont make the mistake of letting myself go during the winter months.
I'll probably drop gym time down to 2 times per week and start training boxing again 3 times a week instead once PCT/Maint phase is done.
Part of me misses boxing a lot but its also phenomenal training, specially cardio that I so dont have at all anymore. It will also help me keep my bodyfat in check and the gym time will maintain my muscle.
But mostly... I just want a break and change of scenery so to speak.

Far as the AAS use goes. I have to give a lot of credit to tankmanbob and JP, the amount of knowledge, support, help, time, motivation, handholding and just generally "being there" in my times of crisis has made me and this cycle the success I think it has been so far.
Its also made me reconsider general approach to training, gear and just a different perspective to everything.

Thats why I'm gonna keep it simple, plus I really, really like the idea of compounds that is produced naturally and taken in moderation I actually think I'll get far far better results/gains and well being long term then I ever could blasting a host of compounds repeatedly.
With that said, of course I'm sure there will be a blast of some sort in my life at some point...but thats not in the near future for now.

And dont think I forget everyone else thats been helping and supporting, its really meant a lot and looking back, it would have been close to impossible without this community.
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To be honest, my plan was to do one cycle and nothing more.
You have to know/remember that when i started my first cycle I weighed 56-57 kilos at 5.8 tall bro...
But first cycle was a huge fail, wont go into details again but i'm sure you've read parts of it already.

This cycle is a huge improvement but its still bit of a failure. I just didn't manage diet at all. Me and 3J have discussed it in great length and we both agree its not lack of motivation or drive, its simply lack of experience, organisation and prep. (and me being a lazy cunt lol...)
Plus side is that I'm starting to reach my goal weight and this time I wont make the mistake of letting myself go during the winter months.
I'll probably drop gym time down to 2 times per week and start training boxing again 3 times a week instead once PCT/Maint phase is done.
Part of me misses boxing a lot but its also phenomenal training, specially cardio that I so dont have at all anymore. It will also help me keep my bodyfat in check and the gym time will maintain my muscle.
But mostly... I just want a break and change of scenery so to speak.

Far as the AAS use goes. I have to give a lot of credit to tankmanbob and JP, the amount of knowledge, support, help, time, motivation, handholding and just generally "being there" in my times of crisis has made me and this cycle the success I think it has been so far.
Its also made me reconsider general approach to training, gear and just a different perspective to everything.

Thats why I'm gonna keep it simple, plus I really, really like the idea of compounds that is produced naturally and taken in moderation I actually think I'll get far far better results/gains and well being long term then I ever could blasting a host of compounds repeatedly.
With that said, of course I'm sure there will be a blast of some sort in my life at some point...but thats not in the near future for now.

And dont think I forget everyone else thats been helping and supporting, its really meant a lot and looking back, it would have been close to impossible without this community.

Love the way you look at shit bro.......cant wait to follow your future cycles
So I was bit greedy today...
The prop vial was almost out so figured I'd draw it all out...well 1.2 ml it ended up being... Feel like superman now lol...
Nah, but my ass hurts cuz I used a 20g needle like a stupid person...
I'm also wondering If i'm taking to much caber ? (taking 0.20mg twice per week. Usually wednesday/sundays)
I'm literally nutting within seconds, we're not even talking 10year old busting a nut for looking at your moms fashion magazine...we're talking the flash ejections lol...
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Been craving sweets like nothing else these past days, has been strong but today I was like fuckit...
Went an bought a package of chocolate chip cookies and a liter of low fat milk...but here's the weird/good part... I ate 2, my craving went away and I was like noooo, its not worth it and I went and threw them all in the garbage bin...
Probably ate close to 2-400 calories but it is what it is. I feel proud for throwing them away!! :D