Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

ive never tasted a dirty hookers booty so i cant compare.

Dont be prud now Milton, you're around friends here. We've all heard the legendary rumors about you, "Captain Asia" *wink wink* ;)

But really though, I can stand most things but milk thistle is kinda a deal breaker for me...its not made for human consumption, I can guarantee you that!! :(
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So this supplement store had a christmas discount sale and the sales/owner guy was quite obviously juicing and looked overall like a criminal... So I asked him straight up, I'm doing a cycle, what supplements do I really need and well, he probably sold a bunch of shit I dont really need...

Can someone help me figure out what I really need and dont ?


Thanks :)
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That's all good stuff. Experiment with the beta alanine to see how much you can take pre workout 1.5, 2.0, 2.5g - at some point you'll get a tingly rush from it.

Glucosamine and MSM are for joints.

You probably don't need the tyrosine or lysine if you are eating enough meat, but no harm there.

HMB is somewhat snake oilish, an "active metabolite of leucine that reduces muscle protein breakdown"

Congrats on hitting five pages pretty quickly, you have the hottest thread around.
ive never tasted a dirty hookers booty so i cant compare.

Dont be prud now Milton, you're around friends here. We've all heard the legendary rumors about you, "Captain Asia" *wink wink! :(
your momma does not count santa sir or does she? all fun and good times around the campfire. :love:

and as the flavor of milk thistle why not chase it with some 5 hour energy drink to kill the taste?
thats breakfast around here.
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You can minimize the amount of times ya have to taste the milk thistle if you wait and just take it when your liver starts hurting. Your liver should cause you great pain long before it quits working.........wait........or does it quit working long before it starts hurting, I can't remember. Maybe you should just sack up and take the damn milk thistle. I love hookers......and their booties. I always end up jerking off when I take mine. Am I weird?
That's all good stuff. Experiment with the beta alanine to see how much you can take pre workout 1.5, 2.0, 2.5g - at some point you'll get a tingly rush from it.

Glucosamine and MSM are for joints.

You probably don't need the tyrosine or lysine if you are eating enough meat, but no harm there.

HMB is somewhat snake oilish, an "active metabolite of leucine that reduces muscle protein breakdown"

Congrats on hitting five pages pretty quickly, you have the hottest thread around.

Ahh, thats cool. Means I have my gym supply store guy now. Thanks :D
Definitely need the glucosamine and msm, this cycle has made me feel old lol...

Its mostly me talking with myself and now you made me bit shy and i'll be forced to hide under my rock again ;(
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your momma does not count santa sir or does she? all fun and good times around the campfire. :love:

and as the flavor of milk thistle why not chase it with some 5 hour energy drink to kill the taste?
thats breakfast around here.

You know damn well she counts(Like you've had better...pffft..) or otherwise we wouldn't be talking about legendary this and legendary that :P

Thats the thing...that shit doesnt wash away, it haunts you for hours, kinda like a bad date :P
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You can minimize the amount of times ya have to taste the milk thistle if you wait and just take it when your liver starts hurting. Your liver should cause you great pain long before it quits working.........wait........or does it quit working long before it starts hurting, I can't remember. Maybe you should just sack up and take the damn milk thistle. I love hookers......and their booties. I always end up jerking off when I take mine. Am I weird?

I mean, i was cracking jokes when I said the tastes makes liver damage sound reasonable but I wasn't that far from the truth...
Your liver is actually quite strong, one of the strongest organs. Last cycle on tren, my liver told me in not so subtle ways, stop the fucking tren please. That or I cracked a rib during training, not sure, either way, it made me stop lol :P

My morning shake consists of:
Whey isolate, NAC, Glutamine, Creatine supermix, MSM, Glucosamine, BCAA and EAA.
That in itself tastes pretty horrible and I have to be ready with gum or some juice to wash it away.
When I add milk thistle to the mix it doesn't just taste bad off milk thistle, it creates some new chemical bond that is designed to make you puke and the added bonus is, it doesnt matter what you do to wash it away, it'll stay there for a good 30 minutes... :(
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The "key" to my appetite and in turn diet seems to be forcing myself to eat big and drink big within the first hour of waking up.
That sets the pace and hunger for the remaining day.
Also noticed if I add BCAA to my night time casein protein, i'll 9/10 times wake up hungry. (Which is rare for me)
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How should var make you feel ?
I'm asking because I don't really feel anything different and the expiration date was last month.
Maybe they've lost potency? (Doing 60mg ED, split on morning/noon.)
Another great day in the gym. Went there moody and tired but left exhausted and happy with that satisfied feeling.
Diet so far has been on point this week, making progress there.

Today was chest, back and core. Well, its always core day unless I feel super sore. I also avoid doing heavy core before leg day to avoid possible injuries.
Also added cardio today, did a 7 min sprint on the treadmill and the second I stopped I puked some in my mouth lol. I'm just happy it wasn't all over the machine or godforbid...a person...

Can definitely feel I'm in my "fatigue week", i'm just crushed physically and mentally. My trainer refereed to it as "trauma-week" where my body struggles to catch up. Still managed surprisingly good focus and gym time just flies past.

Today we did giant(?) sets, 2x sets chest, 2x sets back á 10 reps each. No rest in between.

I also bought a 270ml chocolate milk today. Its like 12grams protein and only 20grams sugar (lactose/fructose), so basically its a weak gainomax or "x protein drink" at the convenience store.
BUUUUT it tastes like fucking heaven and I need the sugar-boost so I dont fall asleep... Yes yes, im trying way to hard to justify drinking it :(
Used up the first vial of test prop today.
I'm also starting to feel like a pin/needle cushion... Only 10 weeks left lol...
To anyone reading...unless you're running a short cycle that DEMANDS a short ester and ED pinning...use a long ester... :(
Had to stop the pushup challange, feels like my wrist is using my bones to crucify myself... I've ordered those "bars" you put on the floor and hopefully the stress should be moved from hand/wrist. I'll keep you guys updated :D
You can use dumbells too instead of those bars, and even turn them into renegade rows, or bloody awful manmakers.

That makes more sense actually. Had to google both of them, renegade rows makes sense and I'll mix them into the pushups. The manmaker looks like some crossfit shit. I don't like those types of exercises at all, halfway trough the exercise i've forgotten what muscle I'm training. Also spend more time trying to remember what move is next lol :P
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That makes more sense actually. Had to google both of them, renegade rows makes sense and I'll mix them into the pushups. The manmaker looks like some crossfit shit. I don't like those types of exercises at all, halfway trough the exercise i've forgotten what muscle I'm training. Also spend more time trying to remember what move is next lol :P

Yeah, it's all crossfit shit. Be careful, don't want to melt any snowflakes.
My balls are getting visually smaller. If i had to guess, they're now about 20-25% smaller.

I'm upping HCG to 350iu EOD for the coming week or two. See if double weekly dose with more frequent pins makes a difference.

Any suggestions/advice on this situation ?
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Lesson of the day....
Always buy more gear than you intend to use. Shit always happens...fml...

Yes. More everything. For many reasons, you should have more of each compound than you will use. Perhaps most importantly test, AI, and all pct drugs. Never start without everything and always have more than you need. And personally, I would never have less than enough pct drugs to run my recovery cycle twice.....period.

Whatever gear ya lost, is there enough time to order more before ya run out? Hope so.

Good luck bro
Yes. More everything. For many reasons, you should have more of each compound than you will use. Perhaps most importantly test, AI, and all pct drugs. Never start without everything and always have more than you need. And personally, I would never have less than enough pct drugs to run my recovery cycle twice.....period.

Whatever gear ya lost, is there enough time to order more before ya run out? Hope so.

Good luck bro

Its no panic, I can go another month+ before running out.
I'm just short on HCG (now when i need to double dose) and also short on slin pins.
Also short on test prop but thats because i've decided to run 12 weeks instead of 8. (only have enough for 10 weeks)
Everything else I have pretty much double what I need.
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