Another great day in the gym. Went there moody and tired but left exhausted and happy with that satisfied feeling.
Diet so far has been on point this week, making progress there.
Today was chest, back and core. Well, its always core day unless I feel super sore. I also avoid doing heavy core before leg day to avoid possible injuries.
Also added cardio today, did a 7 min sprint on the treadmill and the second I stopped I puked some in my mouth lol. I'm just happy it wasn't all over the machine or godforbid...a person...
Can definitely feel I'm in my "fatigue week", i'm just crushed physically and mentally. My trainer refereed to it as "trauma-week" where my body struggles to catch up. Still managed surprisingly good focus and gym time just flies past.
Today we did giant(?) sets, 2x sets chest, 2x sets back á 10 reps each. No rest in between.
I also bought a 270ml chocolate milk today. Its like 12grams protein and only 20grams sugar (lactose/fructose), so basically its a weak gainomax or "x protein drink" at the convenience store.
BUUUUT it tastes like fucking heaven and I need the sugar-boost so I dont fall asleep... Yes yes, im trying way to hard to justify drinking it