Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

So having a vague memory of hcg/hgh being fragile.. i also remembered that when I reconstituted and transferred to vial, I shaked the vial a bit after.

And I cant seem to get a decisive answer... Did I ***n the whole vial ? Did it lose potency ? Should I just reconstitute my last ampule and use that ?
Please help (Very much want to have kids in the future...) :(
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So having a vague memory of hcg/hgh being fragile.. i also remembered that when I reconstituted and transferred to vial, I shaked the vial a bit after.

And I cant seem to get a decisive answer... Did I ***n the whole vial ? Did it lose potency ? Should I just reconstitute my last ampule and use that ?
Please help (Very much want to have kids in the future...) :(

It's my theory that shaking the vial does less damage than sucking it up through a small gauge needle. Yes you should only gently swirl the vial, but I believe that the shear forces caused by being sucked into and shot out of a thin needle are much greater than those created by any shaking or swirling. For that reason I don't use smaller than 25g on HCG, HGH, peptides - and try to draw and inject very slowly. I would also never freeze any reconstituted delicate molecule, water expands when it freezes and could potentially damage anything in it.
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It's my theory that shaking the vial does less damage than sucking it up through a small gauge needle. Yes you should only gently swirl the vial, but I believe that the shear forces caused by being sucked into and shot out of a thin needle are much greater than those created by any shaking or swirling. For that reason I don't use smaller than 25g on HCG, HGH, peptides - and try to draw and inject very slowly. I would also never freeze any reconstituted delicate molecule, water expands when it freezes and could potentially damage anything in it.

That seems logical, should be quite big forces when I think about it, at least versus shaking it lightly.
I was super careful and even "squirted" it slowly against the wall of the vial but soon as I was done I just shook it on instinct pretty much... :(
For injecting I'm using 29g insulin tool. And I keep the hcg stored in fridge inside a sterile vial and I put the vial inside a vacuum sealed jar that I swipe with alcohol pads before putting it back in.

I'vd decided to pin 500iu for 3 days in a row(starting today), then go onto 500iu EOD and evaluate after a week. Sounds like a good plan ?
What would you do in this situation yourself ?
How long would you say it should take before my balls start growing back to their normal size ?
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Leg day today.
Think the anavar is starting to kick in. First time ever I never got super winded from workout and leg days is generally the day it looks like I took a shower in my gym clothes...
Was a pretty good session, time flew by and was shaking so much on legs I had a hard time taking a piss after workout lol...
Did feel I had more to give today but time ran out (yes yes, poor excuse and I know it...)

Added taurine today, didn't notice any big difference but will keep eating it.
Also had severe calves cramp today so going for dry needling on friday. Its pretty painful doing it in calves but completely removes the cramps (Usually have to do it 3-4 times per year)
If you've never tried dry needling, try it, my first time and reaction was...wow...so this is how it feels when your muscles are completely relaxed.
I've also started to smell bit bad, very similar to how you smell on efedrin.
Pretty sure its anavar or NAC, only thing new in my life so to speak.
This is anecdotal at best but im guessing my prolactin levels are elevated because its harder to bust a nut. (I would say in the same 20-25% range as my balls has shrunk.)
That one i'm not complaining about, always fun to be superman in bed but from a health pov, i do care very much.

Thinking if I should just go do a bloodwork next week. I have a full panel freebie from becoming a member. Its not the sensitive test panel and it lacks estro but estro is pretty cheap to add.
Only annoying thing is that you cant eat for 12 hours before leaving bw :/
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I fucked up... I ate two mini chocolate cakes with vanilla cream with a chocolate milkshake...and really.. It felt fucking awesome and was delicious as hell but now I feel bad and bloated :(
I fucked up... I ate two mini chocolate cakes with vanilla cream with a chocolate milkshake...and really.. It felt fucking awesome and was delicious as hell but now I feel bad and bloated :(

you didnt f***up mr. santa. an error does not become a mistake unless you refuse to do something about it, said a wise man. go out and do some extra cardio or take the wife for a ride on on the santa express and youll be fine brother man.
Diet dictates results. I have failed myself over and over learning this. Be careful bro. Stay strong and on the straight and narrow for the cycle. Tons of healthy cals. But since ya slipped a little, no biggie just take it to the gym and let that sugar fuel you to lifting more weight :)
I get strong as fuck when I eat shitty :)
Thanks guys, really appreciate it!

In 2-3 weeks all the legal hassle is over and I can finally get access to my new apartment. Then I can start cooking food again instead of having to eat out. That will remove all diet issues I have, well not sweet tooth cravings like today.
It was insane, I walked past them in the store and almost felt like a demon possessing me and I said NO in my head but still bought them lol... :(

It's 1am here, I should be sleeping but my insomnia is bit bad atm. Can't get myself to bed today.
You know damn well she counts(Like you've had better...pffft..) or otherwise we wouldn't be talking about legendary this and legendary that :P

Thats the thing...that shit doesnt wash away, it haunts you for hours, kinda like a bad date :P

haunts you like a bad date, exwife or bad indian food.
Are you talking about the Santa patented whore booty flavor? I chase with water, swirl, water, swirl, until the mixing glass is clean and the taste isn't too bad.
For the sake of my future children...could we all please just take a minute and focus on my balls ? lol...

Gonna blast 500iu for 3 days now then moving onto 500 iu EOD. Is that the right approach ?
Hoping my balls at least stop getting smaller but preferably harden up a bit and look sexy af again (they're shaved and smooth as eggs...quail eggs... so yeh, please help lol...)

I'll go leave bloodwork middle/end of next week just to be safe... but thats a week ahead of us :/
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The real diet motivation is fkin finally here!!! :D

First time off the year that you can walk without a thick ass winter coat and triple pants with gloves... Soon I can walk around half naked and simply smile in the general direction of girls and get that famous nordic tail!! You all should be jealous, just sayin lol :P
Any chance there is some magic fat burning compound with few sides that would work good for me /with my cycle ?
(Latestart... if you say diet...expect a burning poop bag outside your home hahah!!)

I need to shed 4-5 % bodyfat in 4-6 weeks :O
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The real diet motivation is fkin finally here!!! :D

First time off the year that you can walk without a thick ass winter coat and triple pants with gloves... Soon I can walk around half naked and simply smile in the general direction of girls and get that famous nordic tail!! You all should be jealous, just sayin lol :P
Any chance there is some magic fat burning compound with few sides that would work good for me /with my cycle ?
(Latestart... if you say diet...expect a burning poop bag outside your home hahah!!)

I need to shed 4-5 % bodyfat in 4-6 weeks :O


Ok.......lets say that the diet is already rock solid and at or just below maintenance. Now we introduce T3 and or clen. Both good choices if you don't like snorting coke all day but still want the effects. Personally.........I like cocaine better. If my heart is gonna race then I may as well be high as fuck too.