Test/tren results. From bloated beast to tiny cut


Beast in training
wuddup guys, havent posted a progress pic in a while thought id post up a pic I took today at the gym. I just finished up my tren, I've got 1 10ml of test left and then im done with my 4th cycle.

In all honesty, im a bit dissapointed in the way I look as of now, oddly enough id RATHER the big bulky bloated puffy whatever you wanna call it look minus the health risks associated with it better then the scrawny cut look. I still weigh over 200lbs but feel like I lost alot of size. As much as I hate Deca becuase of what it did to my libido, I think my next cycle is gonna be a anadrol/test/deca cycle to blow me back up.

And feedback is apprechiated

Also, what do you guys do for arms!? My fucking arms will not grow! My tricep workout is insane and my bicep workout is a 3 exercise workout in very heavy yet very concentrated motion. I do NOT cheat when I do my curls, post workout my arms are on FIRE!


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wuddup guys, havent posted a progress pic in a while thought id post up a pic I took today at the gym. I just finished up my tren, I've got 1 10ml of test left and then im done with my 4th cycle.

In all honesty, im a bit dissapointed in the way I look as of now, oddly enough id RATHER the big bulky bloated puffy whatever you wanna call it look minus the health risks associated with it better then the scrawny cut look. I still weigh over 200lbs but feel like I lost alot of size. As much as I hate Deca becuase of what it did to my libido, I think my next cycle is gonna be a anadrol/test/deca cycle to blow me back up.

And feedback is apprechiated

Also, what do you guys do for arms!? My fucking arms will not grow! My tricep workout is insane and my bicep workout is a 3 exercise workout in very heavy yet very concentrated motion. I do NOT cheat when I do my curls, post workout my arms are on FIRE!



Have u ever checked your E2 levels bro. . . just wondering. . Looking like your always holding water/not trying to hate
Im out on some deca too
whatd u find out on the slin?
Ive been throwing in chins on my bicep routine, and im liking it
damn bro, you think im still holding water? I thought I looked waay diff then when I was on the Deca.. No, never checked e2 levels, only testosterone levels but im ALWAYS on an A/I all through out my cycle so I cant imagine estrogen being high at all, if anything I would think I have too LITTLE estrogen. Gonna wait like RJH said and do the slin at the same time as the hgh.. I always do chin ups as a warm up, 15-20 reps then start my workout.. you do chin ups for sets?
Heavy ass deads and heavy ass bench. That makes my arms grow. I don't think I do more then three direct sets for bis and tris...
very clean, close to perfect.. 3,000-3500 cals, 300 grams protein, 120-150 grams fat, lotss of carbs 380 grams just in shakes a day.
Yo bro - I think youu look great - it's hard to gage success when you see yourself in the mirror everyday. having said that, you can def add some more thickness and drop some of the water. I have a hella good arm workout - PM me - it's a killer, but you need a partner, lots of negatives.
How often are you doing arms..once a week? twice???? Also, you have some great size just need to lean out a bit. I would go with an atkins style diet to get some quick results (always has worked for me and without losing any strength or muscle).
Thats aint bad! I would suggest trying to fill in your pecs a bit more with attention to the upper pec.

If you can get another inch width on your lats that will dramatically change your look.

Good work.
How often are you doing arms..once a week? twice???? Also, you have some great size just need to lean out a bit. I would go with an atkins style diet to get some quick results (always has worked for me and without losing any strength or muscle).

No disrespect to Barry, but I did Atkins a few years ago and it was a disaster. I followed the book and lost weight, but lost a ton of muscle too. The problem with atkins is that he says you can eat crap - like bacon, butter, brie, etc. - which is true, but not the best diet for bodybuilders. Lean red meat still has lots of fat in it, IMO.
Barry did say atkins style - so maybe carb cycling or keto would be a better choice. keto is tough tho - requires a lot of dedication and really sticking to the rules.
You look better there than the first pics, thicker. Unless you're trying to compete, I think your BF is fine, matter of fact, wish mine was that low. I agree with pickle bunny, bringing up your back would really change your look. As for arms, I had the same problem for years. I finally figured out, although working them hard, I wasn't changing up my workout enough and was just doing exercises I was comfortable with. Until I started doing exercises I didn't like because I wasn't as strong with them, I didn't grow. I still fight that problem, fucking ego.
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I can def see a diff, you look a bit leaner and harder. I wouldn't worry so much about being lean right now, just focus on putting more size on.
thanks stang, I agree... Though in the last year I have grown alot I still feel like a small guy, as soon as im done with post cycle therapy (pct) im going to get my blood levels checked again so I can shoot right into another cycle.. I have been doing alot of research lately on bulking cycles, recently I have heard what I thought should not ever be done, being done and with amazing results.. My next cycle is def gonna be test and Deca but what im talking about is my kickstart. I've recently read that the combination of Dbol AND Anadrol can be amazing if stacked togeather in low doses.. I've heard you kill the side effects of both becuase your doing low doses of each but with significant gains.

Think im going to go with Dbol 20-30mg/Anadrol 50mg for 6 weeks, Test E 750mg and Deca 500mg for 14 weeks, cutting out the Deca at week 12.. Debating if im going to throw HGH in there yet but we will see.. im right around 207 pounds right now, hopefully I can reach my goal of 225 after this cycle and start focusing on shaping my body the way I want it and not having to worry too much about size anymore. at 5"7 225, I think ill have the size im looking for.

Let me know what you guys think about the plan... Other comments and suggestions are welcome
You look better there than the first pics, thicker. Unless you're trying to compete, I think your BF is fine, matter of fact, wish mine was that low. I agree with pickle bunny, bringing up your back would really change your look. As for arms, I had the same problem for years. I finally figured out, although working them hard, I wasn't changing up my workout enough and was just doing exercises I was comfortable with. Until I started doing exercises I didn't like because I wasn't as strong with them, I didn't grow. I still fight that problem, fucking ego.

I think you are right, I have been doing the same 3-4 bicep exercises for years now, changing up my bicep routine will probably trick my body and force growth.