The 3J experiment,detailed Log and Pictures

remember, if you take it off fast you will put it on fast.. we are looking for 2lbs a week.. thats the best way to diet
Totally understand bro,it has happened to me in the past and then come back on a binge eating spree. I m gonna listen to waht you tell me to do. So its the start of day 5 today. Another early start. Again just doing cardio today. Woke up in the morning with a pin in my stomach,it was difficult getting out of bed. I must have overdone it on the ab workout yesterday cuz they are in pain. Again definately some improvement,shoulders look more defined and weird thing to say but look wider than before. Also chest looks a bit more defined even though I havnt worked it. Its chest day tommorow. Il report back after the session
Nearing the end of day 5 today. Its been a hard day today,feel ill all of a sudden. Burnt about 750 calories on the treadmill earlier. I just want to eat junk food or some sugar. I can feel it now. Im looking forward to tommorow. I am carbing up so should feel a bit more energetic. I do feel stronger. Il know for sure tommorow when I do chest. I am sure that I look leaner. On a full stomach I look the same as I did on day 1 on an empty stomach. I can also such in my stomach a lot more and im sweating during the day too. Im pretty certain my metabolism is increasing.
Didnt get time to update yesterday. Had a good chest workout but didnt have time to do cardio. Im definately stronger than before. Today is day 7 so tommiorow il post a picture. Will update later tonight
Day 7 today. Did 60 minutes cardio as well as a shoulder session. Was supposed to do back but thought today was shoulders so will do back tommorow. Had a look at myself earlier. Definately some sort of improvement there. Will post the week 1 picture up tommorow morning
Morning of Day 8. Weighed myself, now 166.2lbs at 24.5% bodyfat. 2lb weight loss and 0.7% reduction in bodyfat in a week. Its weird because 2 days ago I was down t0 165.3 and 24.2% bodyfat which was a whole percentage but a gain is a gain. I have attatched the 1st week picture. I took this yesterday evening,forgot to take one in the morning today but this one I took yesterday night anyway so you can see the difference. Definately feel like I could have lost more weight but 3J said no more than 2lbs a week and that is exactly what I have got. I have to say I dont think a single poulnd of that is muscle as my strngth is higher. Anyway id appreciate any comments,please compare it with the picture I posted at the starting of the thread.

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end oy 8,im getting worried now im slacking a bit,im supposed to eat every 3 hours but sometimes do it after 1 or 2. i still eat all 6 meals. I didnt do cardio today so another thing im not happy about. im gona do legs and aim for 700 calories tommorow. Lifts constantly going up but not looking like i wanna look
Looking good mate, I've been watching this since it basically started.

Doing well with 3J. Can see a difference already champ! Keep it up
End of day 9. Feel happier all of a sudden,i think im starting to adjust to the diet :) also been behaving myself,no snacking and no cheat meal. im gona have a cheat meal next week,il just look forward to it even more. So did legs today,did deep squats and then on smith machine,nearly stumbled on one of the squats but regained my balance. Felt angry so exploded on the leg press and leg extensions. Legs sort of seized up for a bit,had to sit down to stop the pump. jumped on the treadmill,nearly 800 calories heart rate at 135. Pleased with myself,its all coming together,my stomach looked rely tight in the morning and top two abs looking better than ever,also cant seem to grab as much fat on my stomach as i could before. I have to say tho fellas looking good is a long term commitment with hard work and dedication,feel quite jealous of those lucky bastards who are naturally ripped :D
Sorry fellas,didnt get a chance to update yesterday. Was running about doing errands all day. Ok so yesterday was day 10. I trained my arms and the pump was insane,im sure they have grown a little bigger. I did 900 calories on the treadmill,heart rate consistent at 135. Have been sticking to all my meals. I can honestly see some real changes now. Its not even 2 weeks full yet. I have to say though I dot think the bodyfat scale I am using for measuring my bodyfat is accurate. It was expensive but just say if I jump on it with my clothes and a tshirt it says iv got more bodyfat than without the jacket and clothes (only in my boxers). Surely just the weight should increase/decrease not the bodyfat percentage. My friend who is also ito training showed me his body today and he says he is 18% bodyfat. I think i look the same as him. Im gonna get some calipers and do my bodyfat measurement using that. So today is Day 11. No training today and tommorow just cardio. Did 500 calories on the treadmill,stayed at 135 hear rate. Have to say I did panick a bit yesterday. I emailed 3J because I began thinking I was looking too skinny and I dont weigh that much as it is. Woke up in the mornig today and honestly for the first time in a long while smiled,im definately looking leaner. Also tried on some of my t shirt and they fit tighter so its just in my head about losing size. Il keep this going. Im going to get to 15% minimum at the end of this but hopefully to 10% within 6 month. I know it seems like a long while but its the best way to do it without eating my muscle. I just hope I get there. Thanks for all the support fellas
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Looking good mate, I've been watching this since it basically started.

Doing well with 3J. Can see a difference already champ! Keep it up

Thanks for the support mate. I replied to your thread I think about a week ago where you were doing a log also on a 3J diet. Hows it going so far. Have you been keeping to it? Have you seen any changes?
Down to 165 and 24.1% bodyfat. Im sure this is right because last 2 days I was at 24.3 and now 24.1%. Will be going gym to do cardio and report back after
End of Day 12,really tired today. Felt drained of energy,did 500 calories on the treadmill. It was a bit hard today as no carbs so didnt have much energy but tommorow is a carb up day so im happy. Iv kinda made the decision im not gonna have a cheat meal till I get to 20% bodyfat. Hopefully another couple of weeks il be there
Day 13,its bullshit,im gonna throw this fat scale away. It just fuckin demotivates you. Yesterday was no carb day and today it says I have put on 1lb which i think is right as I look a little fuller BUT iv gone up to 24.4% bodyfat when I KNOW I look leaner. From now on il just post the weight gain or weight loss along with pictures. If I keep weighing myself everyday it will just make me not wanna train when i think iv put on fat
Thought id update this before I go to sleep. Gonna hit the sack early tonight. End of Day 13, feel shit,look even worse and getting to a point where I think whats the point. What am I gonna do?Keep going its only been 2 weeks :D
keep going!! dont you stop!!! i will def follow this thread.. keep up the good work.

Thanks for the support bro. End of Day 14. Im ashamed to say iv let the team down. I had a cheat meal and missed 2 of my meals from my routin. Iv only had 4 meals today,I had enough time just felt depressed. Didnt go gym and didnt do any cardio so im one day behind on training. I dont know how much the cheat meal will make a difference but it was large and I couldnt really help it. I will post the pic up tommorow morning and get back on track. Sorry fellas