The 3J experiment,detailed Log and Pictures

Whats his height ?

5ft8bro.End of dy 28,stronger thaniv ever beeninmy life,liftseverything hasgone uppby a lot. Iv been dying for some carbs but I dont wannagetbloated as imgona post the pic up tommorow and today no carb day.Onething il say fellas getting in shape makes you a lot moreconfident,when im wearing a tshirtim getting looksfrom girls all the time eventho i got long termgf,iv defo gotsome of my swagger back.Im sure I could bang these bitches :).Thnks forthe support guys and its the 3Js carb cycling plan im on
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agreed.. he's on top of his shit

lol,thanks Bro I am trying my hardest here, dont wanna let nayone down here. Ok so Today is the start of Day 29 and I am stressed to fuck with my exams,iv got a lot fo work to do. Iv taken the picture for you guys,not boasting but I think I look alright,just look at the first pic and this pic or even last week pic and this pic. I dont know how much i weigh and what bodyfat im at as i dont use that scale anymore,its shit and is demotivating. Just keep going,thats what 3J told me. And I have. Iv still got atleast a couple of weeks on this diet before it gets changed but again my goal is to stay ripped. Now all my lifts have gone higher than the begiining of this diet even though i might look a bit skinnier. Have a look as always I appreciate feedback

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You should post your first pic and the most current side by side.

Is your diet plan 5 weeks or 12?
I just went through the thread and pictures. Great job man, obviously what 3J is doing is working. Its hard to get a good diet and even harder to follow one, looks like you have both going for you.
You should post your first pic and the most current side by side.

Is your diet plan 5 weeks or 12?

6 week diet but Im gonna speak to 3J about extending it,i wanna keep this log going for a few months.

1st pic is about 7-8 months ago
2nd pic is 4 weeks ago
3rd pic is today



End of Day 31. Ok so just thought id sign on to say im gonna give this diet up,I cant do it anymore im gonna go back to eating cheeseburgers and mcdonalds lol. Haha there is no way I can go back now even if I wanted to,iv put too much time and effort in now. Ok so I just came online to have a rant,I genuinely am a little stressed out,not just cuz iv got my exams but the diet also does affect everything. I do wanna eat sweets,cakes,ice cream and pizzas. Today was supposed to be a low carb day but I messed it up and had a no carb day and tommorow is also a no carb day so im rely getting anxious about this now. The only reason im keep going is because I am seeing changes every signle day,i honestly wake up and see a diffference. I think when I post up this weeks pics there should be a big increase as now on a full stomach high carb day bloated I look alright so after the no carb day when I post this pic it should be ok. I dont know im just going on,im gonna keep going atleast for a few months but this shit is not easy il tell you that now especially on the no carb days and when everyone around you is eating burgers and shit. I MIGHT have a cheat meal tommorow,I dont think i will be allowed it as im only allowed to have a cheat meal on a high carb day BUT I havnt had a cheat meal for I think 2 weeks or about 1 n half weeks and its kindof an event we are going to so il have to eat whatever is available there. Ok rant over,will update again in few days

ps:Have been doing my 500 calories cardio everyday minimum, been getting compliments too so its now visible to others not just me :)
will power my man.. that's what this is all about

and why havn't you had a cheat meal.. i have prescribed one cheat meal a week on your high day... have it.. it makes life alot easier on diets like this
will power my man.. that's what this is all about

and why havn't you had a cheat meal.. i have prescribed one cheat meal a week on your high day... have it.. it makes life alot easier on diets like this


Great log and good job keepin up with your diet. 3J does seem very professional, might have to use the service in the spring time.

will power my man.. that's what this is all about

and why havn't you had a cheat meal.. i have prescribed one cheat meal a week on your high day... have it.. it makes life alot easier on diets like this

Scared things would go out of control if I have the cheat meal,might eat too much and ruin my weeks work bro.
Ok so end of day 33. Dont know If this weeks pic will have that much of a change compared to last week as I havnt had time to do much cardio with exams,im gonna wake up early to do the cardio now I wanna get back ontop of this shit. Its coming to the point now where im thinking im gonna have to do this for life,theres no way once i get that 6 pack im becoming a fat bastard again,and to do that il have to stay on this diet. It does have its perks,my confidence is so high right now theres not much that can bring me down,like even when im bloated i look alright so dont worry il put in the extra effort to get tthat pic up for you guys this week. Oh yeh and I used that scale,look at the difference between week one and my last pic,says iv put on bodyfat lol.takes the piss,m gna throw it away tommorow
Great Job, thank you for this log it is very informative.

Thanks bro yeh this is gonna keep going for a few months atleast,probably a year so you can see some major changes at the end,i just hope it mtoivates people to change,all my pics are real and you can see the difference,it wasnt easy. Honestly if just one person changes their diet im happy as the way you look changes your life
Coming to End Of Day 36. Ok so this is the end of week 5 pic. Not a major major change from last week but I havnt had time to do much cardio this week. Im defo gonna get back onto it to see if there is much difference in the next week pic

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