The dual GH fragment thread

Last night were deadlifts off a 1.5" deficit. Hit 475/3 easy and 525/1 easy as well.

Competition is April 3rd and at this point, I think I am right on track to hit the numbers I'd like to. 450 bench and 600 DL here I come.

RJ... with those numbers, you would actually do way better then I think you realize. A little work on squat form and you'll be looking at 550.
Last night were deadlifts off a 1.5" deficit. Hit 475/3 easy and 525/1 easy as well.

Competition is April 3rd and at this point, I think I am right on track to hit the numbers I'd like to. 450 bench and 600 DL here I come.

RJ... with those numbers, you would actually do way better then I think you realize. A little work on squat form and you'll be looking at 550.

yeah, i should have gotten some video of last night. i seem to get my reps fine without sacrificing my form, but i feel i could be doing something different. Feel alot of pressure in my hips, so i'm not sure if they are just weak cuz i'm taking a different stance now, or i'm doing something wrong.

I'll get you some video. Thanks.
yeah, i should have gotten some video of last night. i seem to get my reps fine without sacrificing my form, but i feel i could be doing something different. Feel alot of pressure in my hips, so i'm not sure if they are just weak cuz i'm taking a different stance now, or i'm doing something wrong.

I'll get you some video. Thanks.

What I noticed was that your knees came forward which you want to minimize as much as possible. Your first move should be with your hips. Check out, they have a squat series that is pretty informative.

As far as hip discomfort, etc make sure you work through accessory movements like abductions and a standing hip machine. Also, don't go too wide unless you want to get into gear because far power is actually most slightly wider than shoulder width.
What I noticed was that your knees came forward which you want to minimize as much as possible. Your first move should be with your hips.

really? i never feel like they are. i guess i need to watch some more vids. i'll get some back squat vids from the side next time so we can critique better. Its hard for me to do that with video from the back.

thanks brother.

btw, benched tonight. time to take some time off again. that pull in my left elbow last week got worse tonight benching and i don't wanna aggravate anything. But did go like an animal.

Flat BB - 385x5, 405x5 (light help on the last two). my spotter is 150lbs so he can't do much if i fail anyway, so i think thats better as i know when he says its me, its really me. lol

incline BB - 325x5x2
Hey RJ, you are about 2 weeks into the CJC and GHRP now right? Any updated feelings on the stuff?

Do you think they have any positive effects on the joints at all. I'll tell you my joints feel pretty good most of the time but they are not what they were 10 years ago.

I was considering adding something like this into the last 6 weeks of this cycle to see how it works
Hey RJ, you are about 2 weeks into the CJC and GHRP now right? Any updated feelings on the stuff?

Do you think they have any positive effects on the joints at all. I'll tell you my joints feel pretty good most of the time but they are not what they were 10 years ago.

I was considering adding something like this into the last 6 weeks of this cycle to see how it works

just about. heres what i posted a couple days ago on the page before this one... you lazy fuck. :D

damn, forgot... peptide update. been a week now of the CJC/GHRP combo. So far, i am sleeping like a fucking bear. My recovery feels better after one week. Not sure about anything else yet. getting stronger each week but that may be the test. Staying tighter though.

We'll see after a few more weeks.

i'm having some tendon issues from the fast increases in strength so I'm hoping a little time off will help along with the pep combo.
really? i never feel like they are. i guess i need to watch some more vids. i'll get some back squat vids from the side next time so we can critique better. Its hard for me to do that with video from the back.

That's what I saw on your front Squat video. Obviously, a lot of things change when you go from back Squats to front Squats but if you are feeling a lot of discomfort in your knees, chances are you are falling forward a bit.

Flat BB - 385x5, 405x5 (light help on the last two). my spotter is 150lbs so he can't do much if i fail anyway, so i think thats better as i know when he says its me, its really me. lol

That's some serious weight. I think yo have 450 in you, which would be a HUGE raw number at 242.
That's what I saw on your front Squat video. Obviously, a lot of things change when you go from back Squats to front Squats but if you are feeling a lot of discomfort in your knees, chances are you are falling forward a bit.

actually, the pain is just because they are bad knees. And the pain doesn't exist anymore due to the awesome TK bands i bought. lol

i watched my front squat vid and i definitely need to get a back squat vid so you can see it. i watched "so you think you can squat" on my work comp but it has no speakers, so it was hard to determine what they were suggesting. Anyway, i'll post a vid up soon. Thanks for the tips.

That's some serious weight. I think yo have 450 in you, which would be a HUGE raw number at 242.

i was really happy with this, but i think my strength increases from the gear are surpassing my tendon range. I may be wrong and may just need a break, but i've gone up like 50lbs in the last few weeks. lol

Do you think Wendlers program would be better as it backs you up a little in weight and progresses a little slower? i don't know. I'm digging getting strong again. Stronger than before actually. I'll see how it feels after 7-8 days off.

time to concentrate on the mud race this weekend.

for anyone wondering... its this: Tough Mudder - Probably the Toughest Event on the Planet :D
Front Squats and back Squats are very different, so I think it would be best to take video of your back Squat and assess from there.

Wendlers program is good but imo very conservative if you are trying to make significant strength gains. I think you should stick to what you are doing, just back off the weight a bit and change your rep range and exercise more frequently. I love working boards, you should consider it if your elbows/shoulders are bothering you.
Front Squats and back Squats are very different, so I think it would be best to take video of your back Squat and assess from there.

Wendlers program is good but imo very conservative if you are trying to make significant strength gains. I think you should stick to what you are doing, just back off the weight a bit and change your rep range and exercise more frequently. I love working boards, you should consider it if your elbows/shoulders are bothering you.

i used to have the same issues back in '05, thats why i think its just due to the increase so fast. I'll change the rep range a bit and see if that helps. Or alternate low rep weeks.


oh yeah Milk, theres a guy in my gym down from Ohio for 6 weeks (works the railroad) and he spotted me monday. He trained with louie and them boys from Elite, and not that he is the be all end all, but he said my back squat form was pretty tight. So hopefully its just those front squats that look forward.

Anyway, just thought that was a cool coincidence since I've been watching all of their vids lately... and talking with you sweet cheeks. :D
Yo rj
That looks like a totally bad ass race! And you are doing it with your wife? Damn, I'd give my left nut to do that! Hope you have a great time and don't swallow too much mud!

Great log guys! you def get the resident stud awards for most gnarly workouts!
Yo rj
That looks like a totally bad ass race! And you are doing it with your wife? Damn, I'd give my left nut to do that! Hope you have a great time and don't swallow too much mud!

Great log guys! you def get the resident stud awards for most gnarly workouts!

yeah, she's doing it with me. And about 4 or 5 of our friends, and a bunch of guys from the gym too. Should be a blast. The preview pics are sick, the Georgia red clay is nasty right now. Highland park is a dirt bike track, campground here so it is ALL mud, and its been raining the last week so its nasty.
oh yeah Milk, theres a guy in my gym down from Ohio for 6 weeks (works the railroad) and he spotted me monday. He trained with louie and them boys from Elite, and not that he is the be all end all, but he said my back squat form was pretty tight. So hopefully its just those front squats that look forward.

Anyway, just thought that was a cool coincidence since I've been watching all of their vids lately... and talking with you sweet cheeks. :D

I think form is talked about too much sometimes to be completely honest. It's important to consider it, but sometimes item just important to do the damn lift lol. As long as you feel good and the weight is moving up, whatever.
I think form is talked about too much sometimes to be completely honest. It's important to consider it, but sometimes item just important to do the damn lift lol. As long as you feel good and the weight is moving up, whatever.

yeah, i honestly don't know how much i could really change after all these years anyway. The only thing i took away from that vid was making sure i push out with my knees, and keeping my chest/head up. i do these things but they falter a bit i bet when i get above 4 plates.
Had a really horrible injection in my right quad. Swollen, knotted up, some redness, sore as Hell... It ended up being ok and now I am good to go. Out of town this weekend, no Squats.

Last bench session took my opener off my chest (430) and was super burnt out. Missed my two next attempts because of fatigue. Looking forward to the pre meet break and recovering for ten days before the meet. It will be nice to come in fresh.
yeah, i honestly don't know how much i could really change after all these years anyway. The only thing i took away from that vid was making sure i push out with my knees, and keeping my chest/head up. i do these things but they falter a bit i bet when i get above 4 plates.

You couldn't be more right. When I get over 500 in my equipment, things start to falter for me.
Had a really horrible injection in my right quad. Swollen, knotted up, some redness, sore as Hell... It ended up being ok and now I am good to go. Out of town this weekend, no Squats.

Last bench session took my opener off my chest (430) and was super burnt out. Missed my two next attempts because of fatigue. Looking forward to the pre meet break and recovering for ten days before the meet. It will be nice to come in fresh.

Wow! 10 days off before the meet! is that typical? You should have plenty of pent up strength available. Do you warm up the day of? day before? BTW - i took to icing my injections when something doesn't feel right - not so much for the soreness as the bad ass bruise that goes along with a pin gone awry.
OK, well i'm gonna go in and do some light chest work today as my lower body is still pretty shot from the race this weekend. probably won't be able to pull thursday either so maybe just some light back work as well.

peptide thoughts:

Honestly, not really a whole lot to say about it. I'm not getting really much of anything in the way of fat loss. Sleep is better. My strength is up big time the last few weeks, but that may be simply from the extra test. i ordered another month of the CJC but if i don't see much in the way of anything in terms of recovery or fullness within the next few weeks I'm gonna call it a loss. should have just went with GH anyway, but its a good experiment with this and the frag nonetheless.
took it easy tonight since I'm still recovering from the race, went with a higher rep scheme and had a great workout. Definitely gonna start alternating rep ranges each week at least for bench.

Flat BB - 315x10x3
Incline BB - 275x10x2

Left elbow was a little tender still, but i feel this should help quite a bit.