The dual GH fragment thread

Saturday conditioning work. Had some more strongman fun with the wife, but forgot to bring the sledge, so its was pretty short. But just as taxing.

100ft Farmers Walk - 120lb DBs each hand
100ft 150lb tire flip

3 rounds

#1 - 1:21
#2 - 1:12
#3 - 1:06

This really worked the shit outta my grip. Since i stopped using my straps last summer my grip has gotten a shit load stronger but it still killed em.

Took the boy and we hiked up Stone Mountain yesterday. Had a good time. The weather has been beautiful here and he loves hiking in the carrier. hell he walked up about 200feet of the mountain on his own. defintely our son. :D
Gotta love that GPP work. I am in the process of getting a keg for through back yard ASAP. Those with some heavy ass sandbags will be great for GPP. Great to see things are progressing well for you.
Gotta love that GPP work. I am in the process of getting a keg for through back yard ASAP. Those with some heavy ass sandbags will be great for GPP. Great to see things are progressing well for you.

When my boy is old enough to start taking advantage of a physical routine, this and basic calesthenic work is going to be the fundamentals until he can hit the iron.
When my boy is old enough to start taking advantage of a physical routine, this and basic calesthenic work is going to be the fundamentals until he can hit the iron.

In the meantime ,you should do pushups with him on your back! my son loved that - I did too - until he hit about 75 lbs! LOL They just grab your ears and say "Go Daddy."

So are you guys totally done with the frag?
first full day of the new peptides. good leg day today.

squats - 415x5, 425x5

hips are gonna take a little while to get used to squatting over 400lbs again as they were screaming today. I opened up my stance a tad more as well and that seemed to help outta the hole, but i could feel the hips pulling more. few more weeks that should end.
ahhhhh. the strength gains are coming on strong. pun intended. had a great chest day today. Left elbow a bit sore, but kept it warm with a wrap and it was good to go.

Flat BB - 375x5, 385x5
Incline BB - 325x5, 325x5 (help on the last one)

Milk, I'm gonna get some video of my bench next week for you to look at in reference to Dave's vid you posted for us. And my deads next week as well. I think the form on both is good, but I'd like your opinion.

oh yeah, nothing to report on the peptides yet, but this Aromasin is strong as fuck. I'm taking 12.5mg EOD and i can feel it in my joints already. So I'm gonna go E3D to see if that helps. I don't mind a little estro. :D
rack deads today. pulled something in my left forearm. stopped before BB curls and just went home. getting too old to push through. lol

racks - 515x5x2

had some major lower back pumps after deads and BB rows were a bear. but i got em in and moved on. But the gear is definitely kicking.

It appears my thread partner must have decided to switch to a Anavar/Winny only cycle because they is no other excuse for his gay ass not posting his numbers. :D

Watch, his cat prolly died or something.
RJ i'm interested to see how the CJC GHRP goes. Have you seen any clinical studies on this stuff or is it primarily theoretical? Ok, just saw some info on PP site. are you doint the CJC 1295 or 1293
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RJ i'm interested to see how the CJC GHRP goes. Have you seen any clinical studies on this stuff or is it primarily theoretical? Ok, just saw some info on PP site. are you doint the CJC 1295 or 1293

ive seen both, but i dont put much stock in studies except for reference. real world experience is more of a determining factor.

and im doing the 1293 (grf129) with ghrp6
RJ. I don't want to embarrass you with numbers I am putting up these days.

Bench 3/2 Wednesday
Raw 340/1 (super easy)
Shirt w/ 2 board 440/1 (miss), 440/1, 450/1... worked through some technical issues and hit the numbers I was looking for

Squat 3/5 Saturday
Raw 405/1 (super easy again)
Briefs w/ knee wraps 455/1, 495/1, 535/1... could have went heavier with the weight but my technique failed on the last lift. I'll take it.

Feeling really good lately and hoping this meet goes according to plan. I'd like to go 575+ on the DL and 450+ on the Bench. 1050 on the push/pull would be pretty incredible.

I dropped the GH Frag last week. I was getting sick of the injections and didn't really notice a ton of anything. I am going to run the Test Prop/Tren Ace Mon-Sat and take Sun off, just to cut down on injection volume. At this point, 3cc injections just aren't working for me... This new injection schedule will drop the injections to 1.75cc's.

I would like to focus on cutting down a bit after this meet. As much as I care about being big and strong, vanity still has a place in my heart.
RJ. I don't want to embarrass you with numbers I am putting up these days.

im already embarrassed fucker. lol I told Heather the other day that I am getting so strong (for me) that I may think about doing a PLing meet just to see what happens. Of course at my weight I'd prolly come in last. lol

I would like to focus on cutting down a bit after this meet. As much as I care about being big and strong, vanity still has a place in my heart.

see, i loved being lean, but its so much more fun to me to be big and strong... and lean. If the CJC doesn't do anything for fat loss over the next few months, i think I may get back on GH train. Then I can have all three. :D
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247.5lbs this morning post-poop. lol

and i feel heavy, but my waist is the same or better. last couple days had no joint pain so maybe the peps are working some?
im already embarrassed fucker. lol I told Heather the other day that I am getting so strong (for me) that I may think about doing a PLing meet just to see what happens. Of course at my weight I'd prolly come in last. lol

I think you should do it. If you do a raw meet (wrist wraps and knee wraps), I'm sure you would do just fine. What do you think you could total? If you came in at 242 and totalled 1500, you would do pretty well for a Novice.

see, i loved being lean, but its so much more fun to me to be big and strong... and lean. If the CJC doesn't do anything for fat loss over the next few months, i think I may get back on GH train. Then I can have all three. :D

I would love to be in the 10-12% range. I don't need to be bodybuilder lean but if I could lean out a little bit and sit right in the 250-255 range, I would be super pumped. I can't go the GH route but if you do find anything that works really well for fat loss, let me know.
I think you should do it. If you do a raw meet (wrist wraps and knee wraps), I'm sure you would do just fine. What do you think you could total? If you came in at 242 and totalled 1500, you would do pretty well for a Novice.

hmm. lets see. based on what im doing now for sets of 5. i bet with a couple months training i could prolly do this:

Bench: 425
Dead: 575
Squat: maybe 495

my squat has been sucking lately compared to the other two big lifts for some reason. weird cause my front squat is almost as strong as the back squats. I've recently wideneded my stance though so that be it.

What is that? 1495 total. Those are just guesses though. I may think about it.

I would love to be in the 10-12% range. I don't need to be bodybuilder lean but if I could lean out a little bit and sit right in the 250-255 range, I would be super pumped. I can't go the GH route but if you do find anything that works really well for fat loss, let me know.

i'm giving this combo a few months so we'll see.
RJ. I don't want to embarrass you with numbers I am putting up these days.

Bench 3/2 Wednesday
Raw 340/1 (super easy)
Shirt w/ 2 board 440/1 (miss), 440/1, 450/1... worked through some technical issues and hit the numbers I was looking for

Squat 3/5 Saturday
Raw 405/1 (super easy again)
Briefs w/ knee wraps 455/1, 495/1, 535/1... could have went heavier with the weight but my technique failed on the last lift. I'll take it.

Feeling really good lately and hoping this meet goes according to plan. I'd like to go 575+ on the DL and 450+ on the Bench. 1050 on the push/pull would be pretty incredible.

I dropped the GH Frag last week. I was getting sick of the injections and didn't really notice a ton of anything. I am going to run the Test Prop/Tren Ace Mon-Sat and take Sun off, just to cut down on injection volume. At this point, 3cc injections just aren't working for me... This new injection schedule will drop the injections to 1.75cc's.

I would like to focus on cutting down a bit after this meet. As much as I care about being big and strong, vanity still has a place in my heart.

nice numbers man - you are definitely beasting it! when is the meet? mid cycle? Do you still sweat like crazy with tren on cycle or does your body get used to it. That's my next cycle (only did tren once and i sweat like a pig at nigt - it was crazy)

Keep it going, broski!
quick workout today. have the race this weekend and wanna take it kind of easy.

squats - 425x5, 430x5

knees feel great in the gym but i need to start stretching more. IT bands are getting tight.
damn, forgot... peptide update. been a week now of the CJC/GHRP combo. So far, i am sleeping like a fucking bear. My recovery feels better after one week. Not sure about anything else yet. getting stronger each week but that may be the test. Staying tighter though.

We'll see after a few more weeks.