This is a MUST SEE!!!

weussi said:
Did that guy speaked anything about hcg or clomid ??? thats one reasen why he lost everything. My opinion is 13 injectables is little too much !!! every thing will be just fine when you keep doses right and maeby just using 3 different type of roids....

He mentioned clomid as one of the drugs in him when he went to the hospital.
I believe the guy is genuine and it is food for thought. Having done three moderate cycles over two years and with some guidance from some of the members here, I would never do what this dude did but I bet there are plenty who would.
weussi said:
Did that guy speaked anything about hcg or clomid ???

Clomid yes. As for losing everything, he was dropping painkillers to even train, he should have taken a hint right there. Training past the pain is not wise, being tired is one thing, having actual pain is a sign from your body to figure out the problem.

We dont know much about his training, he could have been doing 50 sets for shoulders, which would have been stupid.
i believe it. probably werent any boards like S ology around when he was doing gear, and even in todays massive information oriented society there are many who continue to play this game without doing the research.

hell, he said it himself. you can take 2 asprin for a headache or you can take 120. its all about moderation. you abuse anything and there are bound to be consequences.

also, it is clear that he was using the gear as a crutch. ive been off three months. went two months without working out, fasted 15 days and afterwards went 10 days with a zero protein diet, 2 meals a day at a meditation course. i definitely lost everything i had gained, but i still look damn good compared to his after stopping pic.

now i get to start all over from scratch, but its a good thing i saw that video, thanks dr.veejay, it is definitely food for thought.
how come his after shot is just flashed at you i bet its not him...he fucked up his body because he is a complete idiot. on or off steroids u need to take care of yourself.
his story is so full of shit its not beleivable. he may be having probs as a result of his actions but if he gonna give talks he needs to get his story straight and quit exagerating. i mean who does a 6 week cycle of gh? was he injecting clo? he said he was. he was squatting 700 and benching 500 20 years ago at 210lbs and 3% bf? give me a break. those were huge numbers for a PLer back then.

hes full of shit. he said he was doing 13 injectables at one time but couldnt name them. damn i cant think of 13 differnt parent hormones and theres more available today than 20 years ago.

my point is this guy may be valid but he needs to get his talk straight if he really wants to be effective in campaigning agaist juice use. :noway:

piss poor soldier in the battle against juice.
DougoeFre5h said:
You train naturally, then stop training, you will lose the muscle you had while training. You train with juice, then stop, you'll lose that as well. No such thing as permanent in this world. You are a product of your environment, period.

this can absolutely be him : just imagine you go from a huge roids cycle/hardcore training and diet to nothing .. then you'll look like almost nothing

it's that simple, some people tend to keep a few gains after they stop training , some don't
Niclipse said:
Great video. I buy into it fellas,

I'm sorry you buy into it, because for the most part, it's all bullshit. He says gear causes auto-immune diseases...yeah, if lyle alzado is your doctor. He also says he made some weird contraption that he strapped 200lbs to and worked out his neck, and now he blames steroids for causing him not to have full motion of his neck. And I'm not convinced that this lack of range he has isn't fabricated.

He then says that you cannot get real steroids anymore, so which is it? Is he lying or tilting at windmills.

Bottom line this guy is a bottom feeder cashing in on this steroid hysteria that we are going through. I swear, could you pick a more innocuous illegal substance to villify than gear? Why not make cocaine and heroin the villains since usage of those substances is on the rise. At least gear promotes you eating right and being physically active.
pullinbig said:
his story is so full of shit its not beleivable.

Exactly. A little critical thinking destroys all credibility this guy had, since he contradicts himself and none of his arguments holds up to any scrutiny.
Anyone that thinks it is a good idea to put bolts in a helmet and put 200lbs on it and do sit-ups is too stupid to lift weights never mind use steroids!
I think some of it is true, but also, some is bullshit.

Bottom line... TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING ISN'T GOOD FOR YOU. Moderation is the key.

These ARE drugs we are messing with and you can't go into this game ignorant.
The way I look at it is that hes just jealous of all of us and that if doctors prescribe it to some anyway so if they do that it cant be that harmfull unless you take thirteen different injectables hahahah what a jealous jerk!
A little knowlege can be a dangerous thing, he has just enough to fool someone who wouldn't know any better.
thats right thats why losers like that shouldnt be there saying all that stufff to a crowd of people if he doesnt even ahve anyone right there to prove him right or wrong...ill admit this when you hang two hundred pounds around your head and do sit ups and take thirteen different injectables, yeah something might happen to you....thats why some people just arent even cut out for the GYM!!!!!!! know you always get that gunhoe guy acting like a damn fool in the corner thinking hes all balls out doing 700lb squats and only going a few inches down and then jerking the shit out of his back when he comes to a lock getting all riled up on someone whos not even worth the time..
There is use and abuse. I DO believe that he abused and he's paying the price for stupidity in dosages, length and stupid training practices.
