Tired of ignorant doctors in this country!


New member
*Disclaimer* some docs are cool, especially the ones on this board ie swale, buffdoc, DRJMW - I'd like to personally thank each of you for your help in this community.


I normally don't get angry over anything, but bros I just have to rant for a minute. I just got back from the second doctor I've been to in the passed month. I went specifically to get my blood tests done before I start my cycle. Before I even went, I asked the office of the second doctor if I could get authorized for specific tests X and Y and she said "shouldn't be a problem just make an appointment"

BOTH REFUSED to authorize the tests I wanted. The first doctor only ran lipids and liver, and the second one wouldn't run a single test, not even the one for CHOLESTEROL!!!!!! The first doc was a general doctor and the second one was an endocrinologist.

Even after I showed my prior printed tests showing it was high!! They both said "we don't like to toss around scripts for blood testing... in your case it really isn't necessary" The second doctor I had prepared a respectful and sophisticated argument on why I should be tested and he wouldn't listen. He actually got pissy and went on a spiel about how one should never question the doctor's decisions!!!

I know you're wondering this, but I have AWESOME medical insurance. This had nothing to do with it. I have pretty much everything I need coevered as I've had it done in the past.

I just could not believe how ignorant and arrogant these doctors were. I've now wasted over 60 bucks on copays for two worthless doctor's visits. I mean, I've spent so much of my time and money on them and they really got my blood boiling. They refused logic and kindness... Why can't the docs who are on this board be anywhere NEAR where I'm located. sheesh!

Has anyone experienced similar attitudes or know why this happens?
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good call, but in this case I didn't say a word. It is true, perhaps, that he ascertained it from the tests I was trying to get done.
The health care system in this Country just plain sucks!!!!!!!!! There are of course doctors that are cool but unfortunately they have to play by the governments rules!!!( to a certain extent).. Anyways I am still waiting for one of the Canadian bros from the site to hook me up with a Northern Hottie so I can get married and move to Canada!!!!... Once I have citizen ship we can divorce!!! Come on Atherjen.. Nicole.. Fyre anyone????????????????.....LOL......
why would a doc refuse a simple blood test he is not paying for it you are correct? its your money I would assume you do what you want and what feels fit. How ironic docs hate folks with no money that wont pay, but in this situatin you are willing to pay, but refuse service. Weird!
I have run into the same thing EVERY time. Regardless of what alot of poeple say alot of doctors are cold and non caring people. This is why I don't go to the fucks.
I think they are trying to change that health system now in U.S. where they have to take a class (finally) on interpersonal relationships with the patient. Most have failed this class since they started they had it in the AZ news about it.
Probably because you walked in there all bulked out like an overgrown gorilla and then trying to suggest you are naturally WAAAAAY short on testosterone. Hehehe... I on the other hand went in like a tooth pick last time, they did standard tests which included testosterone and then doctor was like, oh man, your testosterones are dangerously low, how do you feel, get depressed at times? Poor sex drive? I think I had a 220 total testosterone. Well for me I am trying to push thru a BB's cycle before going back and let them do HRT. I want to do this now while they are not monitoring me constantly but hell they wanted to put me on 250 mg a week and I am not taknig that much more then that.
ntpadude said:
Probably because you walked in there all bulked out like an overgrown gorilla and then trying to suggest you are naturally WAAAAAY short on testosterone.

You are missing the whole point of what he's saying. He was not trying to get tested for low test levels to qualify for HRT. He just wanted blood tests done to make sure all is well with everything. You should be able to get an array of tests done, whether it be pre-cycle for baseline levels, or on cycle, or post-cycle, to compare to baseline results to make sure you are not having problems you are not aware of. I'd call it preventative maintenance and it should be available on request.
It shouldnt matter why you want the tests done, if you are concerned about liver or kidneys then they should just do it. My Doc does it no problem every time, and even discusses my cycles with me while I'm there
This is managed care (mangled care) at its finest.
Besides them being basically non-empathetic, they are pressured to render the minimum care possible. And in this country, lip service ONLY is given to the idea of preventive care, for the most part.
Sometimes the best care is with docs who've bucked the system, are not on any insurance panels, and have a cash practice, or take insurance "out of network" only. A sad state of affairs.
I agree with buffdoc, Doctors are pressured by insurance companies to provide minimun care enough to keep you out of hospital. It's all about money. :mad:
Be your own best advocate. Talk to his/her staff, tell them what you want and be SURE in advance they will accomadate you. You may have to be pushy. They are working for you, or are supposed to be!
GreasyGreek said:
I wonder how many more times I have to try before I get who will accomodate my needs. I have to take off work every time I go...

If you want liver and kidney function tests, just tell the doctor that you are concerned because you injest 400 grams of protein a day and use alot of creatine. It has worked for me every time and insurence covers it.