training each body part 1 time per week?


New member
is this still the norm while juicing? i used to blast each bodypart 1 time a week while juicing..12 sets each body part..any suggestions wellcome..
Once a week for me except calves(twice a week). Oh ya, except abs too(2-3 times a week) but only when Im dieting.

But I dont do 12 sets for each. It varies, for back I do up to 20 sets, chest about 14, shoulders about 12, tri's 10, bi's 7-8, etc...

IMO, it doesnt make sense to train bi's with 12 sets and back also with 12 sets because one of those muscles is about 20 times bigger then the other.
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7-8 day split is what i do, your body doesnt know how long a week is. I go low reps (4-6) high volume of sets 16-20
rest or repeat
Once a week. Calves 2x. Thinking about calves 3x. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna put them in a dark closet for awhile and let them think about it. Once a week is pretty much the norm on the other boards as well.
WannaBe said:
Once a week. Calves 2x. Thinking about calves 3x. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna put them in a dark closet for awhile and let them think about it. Once a week is pretty much the norm on the other boards as well.

Hey bro, maybe you can take mine and throw them in there also. They need a little disipline as well... :scratchhe
i do once a week, but what do you bros think, about abs 5 days a week, mine are starting to come in am i overdoing it, or go with what is working(although it could be my diet,pretty strict )
I used to hit 2 times a week while on, but i had a tendency to overtrain, and since i am always in pain, i went to a 4 day a week gig.....chest, bis, tris-shoulders,back-legs....

i do once a week, but what do you bros think, about abs 5 days a week, mine are starting to come in am i overdoing it, or go with what is working(although it could be my diet,pretty strict )

I do 'em 2 to 3 times a week. Some people say that because they're stabilizers, you can work em' more frequently. I couldn't STAND to work 'em 5x/week!
I do body parts once per week too, except abs. Should probably increase calves to twice because they suck, seemingly like everyone else's.
I am going to try hitting each bodypart twice a week for the whole summer. I have trained one bodypart a week with volume training for over 6 yers now, I think it is time to change up the way I do shit.
Going to train H.I.T style, hitting each muscle group 2 times a week, except for abs hitting them 3 times a week with 2 days a week of cardio.