Tren and Deca Stack


New member
hey im thinking my next cycle (after like 2 years off) is going to be a tren deca stack. i've done deca before and loved it, but have never done tren. im thinking like 250-500mg's of deca a week and 75 mg's of tren every 2-3 days. anyone done this stack before with good/bad results? any imput would be appreciated. also should i do anything else with it? dbol? im going for a good strength lean mass stack.

you are going to have to run some test with that if you want your libido to stay intact... both deca and tren are supposed to shut down your sex drive bad and give you some limp dick... i would go with 300-500mg/week Test E
everyone reacts differently, but i'd run a replacement dose of test (200mg/wk) and have plenty on hand just in case your libido takes a dive.

Also, both together can cause serious prolactin (gyno!) issues, so I'd have some caber on hand as well.
Ok so what about replaceing the deca with equipoise? and i dont mind throwin in some test E so what do you think would be better, deca or EQ? and i'll keep nolva on hand, would i need any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or clomid?

pineapple said:
Hey, if he aint getting any anyways, then there is no problem :)

haha well actually i'm married and my wife says i want sex too much maybe it's a good thing that i won't have much sex drive....? haha

So i think i'll go with either deca or EQ and tren. then keep nolva and clomid on hand and for post cycle therapy (pct) then some cabergoline incase my wife starts hating that i don't want to have sex with her.... :laugh3:
What is your cycle experience with tren? Why not just do a tren test cycle. test 400 Tren 500.Read the thread I started about running your tren higher than your test.("What is the basis on running tren higher than test.") Or ask Det-Oak about it. If you have never ran tren than Run a Deca test cycle with your test higher than deca. Don't run tren with deca.
What about deca at 150mg, test 200 and tren at 100mg?

Thank you for resurrecting a post that is nearly FOUR YEARS OLD.


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