Tren/Mast/Test p and flatness, no horny, weak erection - NEED HELP


New member
Hello my friends,

I have real problem. I use 800mg test prop, 700mg tren ace, 400mg mast /EW.

OK, i am on 6 week and i am start loosing libido, i am not HORNY! My erection are weak and i am holding too much water...

My muscles LOOKS really FLAT! - I think there is not problem in carbs. I eat 1000g carbs a day and use 8iu humulin-R every meal and i still LOOKS FLAT... Insulin make everybody fullness as SHIT.

How can I be flat over insulin? What can it cause?

Can i be flat over insulin IF i am LOW/HIGH E2?

Thanks bros for Help.
Oh yeah. You have propably true. I lower my tst dosage on TRT dose(150mg/week) and my libido, pump, erection, fullness going back!

My experience goes against the grain but when I add high test dose to a tren cycle the sides get nasty. When I drop the test to around 150mg a week the sides, supposedly from the tren, go away and I'm left feeling pretty good with limited sides. That's just me but for some reason the high test with decent test dose just brings out the tren sides more. I may get some flack for this but I've run tren straight up with no test for weeks and gotten very good results with no libido issues. Idk the reasoning. In fact I'm running ace right now with 20mg of test prop a day and feeling like superman.
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My experience goes against the grain but when I add high test dose to a tren cycle the sides get nasty. When I drop the test to around 150mg a week the sides, supposedly from the tren, go away and I'm left feeling pretty good with limited sides. That's just me but for some reason the high test with decent test dose just brings out the tren sides more. I may get some flack for this but I've run tren straight up with no test for weeks and gotten very good results with no libido issues. Idk the reasoning. In fact I'm running ace right now with 20mg of test prop a day and feeling like superman.

Because the higher Test dose ups the Aromatizing and E2. Tren doesn't work well with that. Hence ALL sides are much more pronounced do to the higher imbalance of hormones. Dropping the Test lessens the Test sides from Estrogen and the Tren will level out it's sides.
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