69ERS mother beepin cut log

1st meal of the day gonna go walk at the park for some light cardio then some hiit cardio for at least 3 min in the bed tonight cuz its Valentine's day oh ya!
I missed out on posting a bunch of good food pics! I rather show my meals than try to type everything. Anyway things are going good im down 11lbs!
Probably about half of that is water weight from less carbs but some is fat I'm sure. Keep it up man! You'd look beastly about 260 I'm thinking
If you're looking for abs without doing the normal bullshit try getting a heavy ass kettle bell and doing some swings man
Good stuff man 2 inches fuck you'll have to go shopping soon pick up some new pants your clothes will be hanging off you
Well weve had another glitch for 2 days i cant post pics. I have a before and now pic i wanna show ive lost a good anount of fat