trt he says caused dialysis


New member
First off the guy claims he was prescribed 300mg/week test
Along side of taking methadone and other prescribed drugs I guess
The guy claims the doc is now taking him off hrt because it will.cause dialysis, as he went into the hospital Tues and they said this to him
Also he said he has been on 300mg/week for 3 years and asked him about if he was prescribed an ai and he said no
Also never once.donated bloods he said
Myself I think it's a pile.of bullshit as to me the guy last year was running test and tren for about 7 months and I do believe he never did come off till this happened
I have been on TRT at 200mgs wk for several years and usually go up to 400mgs for a few months at a time.(52 yrs old) Methadone is known to cause kidney problems and high blood pressure. High blood pressure also being the leading cause for kidney disease. Highly doubt the TRT was the issue.
Let's all ignore the methadone which is a harsh drug and blame the big bad steroid demons. What the fuck is wrong with people nowadays
Testosterone is the boogeyman, didn't you guys get the memo? No way would other drugs or other health choices cause renal disease, I mean... It's the BOOGEYMAN!

Oh wait, maybe it's the drug that actually decreases urine output and has a list of negative side effects a mile long - including kidney stones/failure..? Naaaaaah. Definitely testosterone because those big scary bodybuilders take the stuff and they're all scary and muscle-y and boogeyman-ish.

I love how stigmas caused by a long defunct "war" on drugs can cause trained professionals to turn a blind eye to the real causes of disease in this day and age. Does testosterone get processed by the kidneys? Sure.

But so does 90% of everything else not beat to pieces by the liver. It's like saying you got a flat tire because you used low grade fuel in your car and ran over some nails without seeing them. Did you use the cheap gas? Sure, but it just doesn't make sense. Oiiiiiiiii.
Testosterone is the boogeyman, didn't you guys get the memo? No way would other drugs or other health choices cause renal disease, I mean... It's the BOOGEYMAN!

Oh wait, maybe it's the drug that actually decreases urine output and has a list of negative side effects a mile long - including kidney stones/failure..? Naaaaaah. Definitely testosterone because those big scary bodybuilders take the stuff and they're all scary and muscle-y and boogeyman-ish.

I love how stigmas caused by a long defunct "war" on drugs can cause trained professionals to turn a blind eye to the real causes of disease in this day and age. Does testosterone get processed by the kidneys? Sure.

But so does 90% of everything else not beat to pieces by the liver. It's like saying you got a flat tire because you used low grade fuel in your car and ran over some nails without seeing them. Did you use the cheap gas? Sure, but it just doesn't make sense. Oiiiiiiiii.

People are fucking morons I tell you. When I told my mother that I inject myself with testosterone after she noticed my body changing quickly she was certain that I was going to die. I explained it and she calmed down, but people in this country think steroids are a hard drug like cocaine, meth and heroin.
Yeah I think he was bullshit anyways
First off he was asking me questions about an ai, he had no clue what an ai was? Second he said he came off his long haul cycle and was back cruising on his prescribed 300mg/week test but was still lifting as heavy.and intense as when he was so called.on his blast
He then told me he was going to start his new blast a few weeks ago, 1000mg/test, along side drol ed, then I had to shake my head as before he stated he was prescribed all these prescription drugs on top of his methadone, then he's adding something harsh like drol to further things

In return they put him on hrt so he says for his past drug addiction of oxy's then in return he's pippin a bunch more pills to cause more stress to his liver and kidneys
On top of things he was injecting a peptide that makes u darker so u only have to tan once or twice a week
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You guys are getting to know me and my fvcked up past. (drugs, alcohol and steroids)
So... anyway I think this guy is out to lunch and is just trying to brag about his war stories of irresponsible drug abuse. Maybe a combination of everything putting his liver mostly first and then his kidney's at jeopardy.

Common and Rare Side Effects for methadone oral.
You will have to google it up if interested. I cannot post the link

It's a long list of severity. The Oxycodone is not quite as bad but is also bad, of course but the use of those and more with the steroids is not the cause. His doctor IMHOP is just making up BS to have a quickie diagnosis, jump down his ass ( as he should). At the end of the day diagnostic tests, trail n error and just getting off everything will be his first answer. Get clean and back to the drawing board.

One thing I think we can all agree on is this guy is fvcked up.... :dunno:
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Wish methadone still had to go as Dolophine, it's original name in honor of the leader of the great country and situation that birthed it. Despicable nazi drug that it is. Very harsh substance, but it is still a better alternative to street heroin for the body.

I rarely take dialysis patients' word as bond. The few good will forever suffer for the rest.
Well all around an idiot
Like it's one thing to talk about steroids to somebody that truly knows this guy but the guy seriously openly talks about it in the gym in front of people like what u cycling, and how much he is cycling and so on, like brags that he is juicing but never once ever seen him take his sweatshirt off other then flexing in the mirror and trying to do a lat spread with his thermal long sleeve shirt lol, kinda glad he won't be hitting the gym as he was one with every rep he was performing it sounded like he was having an orgasim, no matter how loud u had your headphones cranked u could still hear that asshole