Vegetarian bodybuilding

Some genetically predisposed guys are going to make great gains in little protein, that is a given.

What is so special about you Vegs fucks that you must resist just being normal and go through so much BS?

14 years Veg and my sister's Doc gave the idiot a choice: eat some (not allot) just some kind of meat or you will die. She still looks like shit she ran herself down so bad by not taking in complete protein for 14 years. She looks like she slammed meth for 50 years.

So if you have the time and energy to see if your like Bill Pearl (never mind the fucking eggs and milk he ate) and eat rabbit food you'll get nothing but a bad time.
I wouldn't be taking any gear at all if I were you just keep doing what your doing naturally and do t waste any money
Im 47, and Ive eaten animals almost my whole life, well until about 2 years ago. You can build as a veg. U dont have to eat dead animals in fact you shouldnt, I did and you will race you lipids through the roof. There are plenty of other awesome protein sources. It does depend on why ur a veg. If your against any protein from animals,,,ie milk,,,supps, then its harder. But fish is king,,,especilly tuna and not that junk in a can,,get tuna steaks,,,high grade,,8 bucks a pound here,,,close to steak but far from yard rat,,,chicken,,,sear them,,meaning burn the outside and the middle is raw,,,super high protein,,,but the original poster,,130 lbs,,,come one,,,diet issues bud,,,,im 507,,,,250 and im a veg except seafood and supps,,,not cause i wanna save the cows,,,because i dont wanna die,,,if you 130 then you just dont like food and calories or not your not eating a good diet and if your not,,,you wont grow,Now do I mean 3500 cals a day,,,no,,u can grow if you feed yourself the right stuff and still keep lean,,not freakin v8 juice!!! Plenty of non dead animal sources,,fish, shrimp, scallops, oysters crab etc,,,you get my point,,,research and learn,,,put on some muscle naturally and when u max out,,,hit the test but at 130,,,really? I yhink I weighed that in 5th grade
Pretty sure at 133, you should eat a LOT more carbs too. It seems like this thread is mostly about meat (protein), but when I was a growing 10 year old and weighed more than you -no offense- most of my calories were from carbs. For starters, you could start cramming down a loaf of Brownberry whole wheat double protein bread or something like that. I realize there are better and healthier ways to put on weight, but that alone is about 280g of decent carbs and 115g of protein. Just my two cents.
Can someone show me a fully jacked vegan ??? And I mean a real one not o e that eats cheese milk etc cause that bullshit .....sorry to say but I can't stand you vegans
This is such a troll thread lol! I don't believe the OP is real at all. That post is like making a thread about how you can tune an 82 Honda CR-Shit box to destroy Mustangs at then sitting back and grabin the popcorn. Feeding the trolls lol!
Have you considered fitting bivalves (clams, scallops, mussels, oysters, etc) into your diet? I used to be a vegetarian for ethical reasons, but now I include bivalves in my diet as well since they don't have a brain and have no mental capacity to feel emotions. I've packed on a lot of mass since I started eating them a few years ago, now I don't consider my diet to be a disadvantage at all.
yup i have changed my mind ..i will take steroids later ..i guess this is not the right time for me .. thanks for the suggestion .

Listen bro I had no idea what it would be like to use steroids until I did it and I can tell you for those guys that just genetically are small and have little to no appetite big guys will never understand you. It's easy for them to say change your diet first but they don't know how some guys are small and don't eat enough because they don't have any appetite at all. Instead of trying to force feed yourself go ahead and shoot up 1ml 200mg testosterone enanthate with 1ml 200mg nandrolone decanoate per week along with 20mg dbol oral daily and see what kind of animal you turn into. Watch your appetite increase and your energy increase and your hunger for physical exertion and consumption of any and all food put in front of you. Gear changes the way you think and the way you feel so that diet and exercise is a different prospect all together. I don't care if you're 80lbs all the more reason to get on gear to give your body what nature denied you and see how it changes you from a boy to a man from a man to a beast.
ur deff not ready for steroids man, u need alot more gym time n education about steroids first neway, n by then i doubt ull still b a vegetarian... most pple start eating meat again within 5yrs. n u can deff bulk up while not eating meat, i did it a few yrs ago after losing a bet w/ my ex. eat lots of protein like bare minimum 1g per lb of body weight, even better if u can eat 1.5g or 2g per lb of body weight, n dont count ur whey or soy as protein thats just bonus protein really. alot of my protein doesn't come from meat right now. mainly milk, cottage cheese, beans(i love refried beans), yougurt, peanut butter(with oatmeal), eggs. prob forgettin sum stuff but yea hit up the grocery store 1 day n look at the nutrition values of every single food ur cool with eating n get the shit with the high protein. n at ur size dnt b afraid 2 eat sum fat too it wont hurt ya. n remember everyones body is different so what works for 1 guy may not work 4 u. n look around this site, its the best 1 on the net! hope this helps
I'm not gonna read through all this shit but as has been mentioned, show me a big vegan/vegetarian body builder. The training and stress you put your body through requires what we've eaten since mankind existed to recover, MEAT. We're designed to eat it! Why do you think vegans and vegos are always so sick and taking so many different fucking vitamins every day? Because what they're doing to their bodies and depriving themselves of is NOT NORMAL. Eat some fucking meat!
Dont underestimate carbohydrates,, they spare protein,, on aas fats are not needed and will only make you feel full, so you wont be able to eat sufficient qauntities of carbs or protein... carbs release insulin and coupled with protein gives better absorption,, all carbs contain incomplete proteins, sweet potatoes, basmati rice etc.. I do not suggest you eat fruit, beans, things of this nature...

In regards to vegetarian do you eat (egg whites?) as they are not meat and involve no killing of animals... That would be great if you could manage go with egg whites, potatoes and rice ...

thats all you need for every meal (i dont eat vegetables waste of money) but if you do keep them later in the day you want to keep your hunger elevated you should be able to eat 6-10 meals of cup of rice/med baked sweet potato and 400ml egg white container id add 1g fish oil cap to each meal so thats 6-9 g fish oil a day ... you will grow plenty off this diet each meal is about 40pro/40carb/1.5 fat (including fish oil) give it a shot... Im not vegetarian but follow same principles... only difference is I switch up egg whites with chicken breast and tilapia.. Cheap nutritious and plenty of growth... easy to transition in and out of contest prep .... if you havent followed a bbing lifestyle dont attempt this you will not like it .. but after bulking prepping,, bulking prepping for a few years youll come to find food needs to be good but gains , results and look is really what BBING IS ALL ABOUT... good luck (w.e you do do not buy protein powder if you want to throw your money away Ill give you an address you can drop it off there :) )
most vegetarians are too weak to type anything on this board or any other. start scarfing down the chicken
thanks i will check bill pearl's diet chat and i will make good diet chart and will follow it with my training .

I'm going to parrot from a reply I made earlier on this one...
I'm going to go Vegetarian soon, so I'm not knocking your comment. I do however, want to point out a few facts:
#1 - Bill Pearl was a genetically gifted Mr. Universe for his time.
#2 - Bill Pearl was a meat eater and a heavy steroid user all the way up until 1961, when he won the Mr. Universe title.
#3 - This means that he ate meat and did steroids to get that big. He did not get that big as a natural vegetarian. Hell... he didn't even get that big as a natural meat eater.
You will never see a PURE VEGETARIAN win the Mr. Universe title.
Bill Pearl did win that title again after he became a vegetarian in 1961, but he got his base from meat and steroids. Once you get big, diet can keep you pretty big... and while you can get fairly big as a vegetarian builder... don't expect to ever see a Ronnie Coleman sized TRUE vegetarian bodybuilder.
Alot of milk, eggs, beans and stuff like that could help but you gonna fart like hell when u do,
IMO you could use AAS but u will have to eat alot of protein trough vegtables, and milk and proteinshakes, (not looking at ur age)
most inportant of all.. only use it when your confident enough to use or.. if your not sure to use AAS or not.. DONT.
only use AAS when you think you achiefed max naturel gains
? Milk is made up of both whey and Caseins protein chains..


how about eggs? milk is complete horseshit basically sugar water. i dont think its possible wo eggs ur will need soy, casen, whey, nuts, brown rice protiens

look up bill pearl diet mr universe vegan
here's the main problem with being a vegetarian and trying to get proteins from it; your on the opposite side of the carb/protein scale.. your never going to get to a point where your protein intake is equal to your carb intake it's always going to be biased heavily to the carb loading side. (eg; 3lbs of steamed spinach 46g of protein.. but also 75 grams of carbs... )

That and the fact that as a vegetarian you don't get any, it's impossible actually, to get b12; you don't get it, you go blind.. if this is not evidence that man was NOT meant to be vegan.. what is.