Walking into TJ or Driving?

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lil g

well i need to buy some test really bad and i dont wanna drive my car in there. my friends gay ass car is broken and the only ways of me getting my shit is either driving my car through or walking through.......now when we are walking back do they have metal detectors? will they frisk us? will the metal detectors detect the top of the juice? i dunno what to do and i need my test bad
Yes they have metal detectors, no it will not recognizr the top of the juice, and yes they may stop you and if worst comes to worst then they may frisk you.
walk across. you can park your car a block or two from the border. i would suggest you walk across a couple of times to get a feel for the guards. as long as you dont look too nervous there should be no problem. buy some bread and cheap gifts while youre at it. go have a meal and try to enjoy yourself. this will take some of the edge off if youre nervous. later.
kube said:
walk across. you can park your car a block or two from the border. i would suggest you walk across a couple of times to get a feel for the guards. as long as you dont look too nervous there should be no problem. buy some bread and cheap gifts while youre at it. go have a meal and try to enjoy yourself. this will take some of the edge off if youre nervous. later.
Good point, get a feel fo what happens when walking back across.

Walk across.Wear some shorts right above or at at knee level and a simple t-shirt.go to walmart they got these little things you can tie around your waist kinda like those faggoty packs but its made to be hidden under what your wearing.
buy a beer put it in your hair and around your neck ,so you have a little smell of alchol on you.walk right through the metal detector,no probs.dont be too big lol and dont be nervous at all.

I would walk. I've walked through that metal detector several times with bottles in my underwear and socks, no problems. I usually buy a bottle of tequila as a "diversion".
i never understood why people have such a problem driving through. all it takes is a little creativity. take a boombox with you, open it up, clear out some of the pieces. use the space cleared out to store some of the goods you want to bring back, screw the boombox back together, and there u go. i'm sure there are even more convenient ideas than that
Lonewolf said:
i never understood why people have such a problem driving through. all it takes is a little creativity. take a boombox with you, open it up, clear out some of the pieces. use the space cleared out to store some of the goods you want to bring back, screw the boombox back together, and there u go. i'm sure there are even more convenient ideas than that

its not only that you see the cars over there,each one of them looks like they been in 3 or 4 acciedents.lol
if you get pulled aside for any reason driving through, dont they tear your car apart during the second inspection?..
plus they are more thorough with cars and if you look nervous you are more likely to be searched than if youre walking. especially if you take vegas boys advice. eat some beans or something that will give you the invisible shits really bad. that way they will think twice about frisking you.
Isn't legal to carry the stuff back( up to 3 months worth of meds) IF you have a Mexican docs prescription?? How much would it cost for a Doc in TJ to rx gear? Would they? I think that given enough $ one might be available?
kube said:
plus they are more thorough with cars and if you look nervous you are more likely to be searched than if youre walking. especially if you take vegas boys advice. eat some beans or something that will give you the invisible shits really bad. that way they will think twice about frisking you.

Come to think of it,got caught a couple times myself!:rolleyes:

I once got totally nailed walking back. I had a ton of gear on me and they sent me over to the secondary table for a full search. At the same time they sent me over... they also sent this Mexican woman over. She was a big fat momma in a baggy dress. Just as I got to the table looking like Mr-confused-and-innocent she waddled over... dropping redijects and amps that were tapped to her body. When she started dropping them she started flailing around to catch them and dropped even more... she had maybe 8-10 redijects in her hands by the time she made it to the table... and a couple more fell on the floor. The customs guys behind the table just waved me out of the way to get out of there. They were much more interested in shaking her down. She was a total live one.

I got home with all my juice intact. It was one of the luckiest moments in my life. :)
How did you get out of that. That is so crazy. What did you have with you. One time i snuck across 250 M80's. I am pretty sure they knew but some how let it go by.
SofaGeorge said:
I once got totally nailed walking back. I had a ton of gear on me and they sent me over to the secondary table for a full search. At the same time they sent me over... they also sent this Mexican woman over. She was a big fat momma in a baggy dress. Just as I got to the table looking like Mr-confused-and-innocent she waddled over... dropping redijects and amps that were tapped to her body. When she started dropping them she started flailing around to catch them and dropped even more... she had maybe 8-10 redijects in her hands by the time she made it to the table... and a couple more fell on the floor. The customs guys behind the table just waved me out of the way to get out of there. They were much more interested in shaking her down. She was a total live one.

I got home with all my juice intact. It was one of the luckiest moments in my life. :)

That's insane.
rollercoaster said:
That's insane.

Shear blind luck bro. I had a couple cycles worth of amps on me. Back then Steris 200mg deca amps sold for $7 each... and redijects were 2 bucks. I was just lucky lucky lucky. They would have nailed me the instant they patted me down.