Wanna See Gains (Part III)

DAY 20 Wednesday

175mgs Sust
100 mgs Tren (Both right Chest)

GYM: Almost didnt make it. I came home from work and just layed in bed for about 45 min. Suppose to be Tri/Shoulder/Back day.

Did 45 minutes of Cardio..low speed stairmaster. 400 calories burned.
Day 21 Thursday

80mgs Tren
100mgs Sustanon (sust) (right Chest)

**Upping my dosages today. ED Tren 80mgs; ED Sustanon (sust) 100mgs (as they are right now I dont think my Sustanon (sust) is high enough above my Tren)

GYM: Shoulders/Tri's/Back: I'll let you know how it goes

Ok.....Well just got back from the gym. I'm glad that I took some "jack me up pills and pre drink" because working out your back/tris/shoulders at one setting is no joke. Took me about 2.5 hours to hit each muscle with about 10-20 sets each (shoulders 20 sets, back 10 sets, tris about 20 sets). I had some decent pumps and felt pretty good once I got started..beginning was a little rough.

I also need to down load some new music for my player. It seems new music will get me a little more motivated and pumped.
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DAY 22 Friday

100mgs Sust
80mgs Tren (both left shoulder)

GYM: StairMaster 500 calories burned
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DAY 23 Saturday

100mgs Sustanon (sust)
80mgs Tren (left glute)

GYM Chest/Bi's: I'll let you know how it works out. Just bought some Dark Matter energy been hearing some good things about it. Ill let you know how it works out for me. Says to take 1 scoop I'll do 2 since Im prone right now.

BACK from the gym! The new stuff seemed to work ok- I felt some good energy and I needed it for my long workout.

*since I have been combining my workouts (I usually train each muscle 1 day per week) doing chest&bis one day and back&tris&shoulders another I have been feeling a little more exhausted.

CHEST 20 sets.
Bi's 15-20 sets.
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DAY 24 Sunday
100mgs Tren
125mgs Sustanon (sust) (right glute)

GYM: Legs: 25 sets. Stairmaster 200 calories.
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DAY 26 Tueday

100mgs Tren
150mgs Sustanon (sust) (right quad)

GYM: Chest/Bi's: I'll let you know how it goes..off right now!

Chest: 20 sets. Bi's 20 sets.

Had some good pumps very early in my workout but then it slowly went away.
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Day 27 Wednesday

100mgs tren
150mgs Sustanon (sust) (left chest)

GYM: Let you know how it goes when it get back.

Tri's/Shoulders: Did 20 sets each part.

Did not get a good pump in my shoulders OR Tri's for some reason even with heavy weights. I might try and redo Tri's later this week.
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DAY 24 Sunday
100mgs Tren
125mgs Sustanon (sust) (right glute)

GYM: Legs: 25 sets. Stairmaster 200 calories.

lookin real solid bro. seems like your legs are exploding - they look way thicker and nice definition coming in. Posing looks funny when you grab your shorts - makes your shoulders look really narrow - which theyare not. you should inculde a relaxed front pic next time so your upper body is not distorted. All in all - nice progress. How are u doing with the tren seats & COUGH? I got it bad on Tren E but not so bad on Ace. i just realised the cough yesterday - ive been clearing my throat constantly like I have no saliva. wierd. sweats are intense too - its like being in a sauna - lol.
DAY 32 Monday

100mgs Tren
150mgs Sustanon (sust) (left glute)

GYM: CHEST/Bi's: 20 sets Bi's, 20 sets Chest.

Had some pretty good pumps at the gym today. I took 2 days off which really seems to help. I felt stronger than usual as well (gear must be at full potential). I was throwing up 100lbs-120lbs dumbells like they were 50's during flat, incline, & decline.
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DAY 33 Tuesday

Weight Holding at around 180lb. Which is ideal at this point. Gives me enough mass to lift heavy and stay healthy. I will up cals and carbs in a few weeks bringing me to around 185-190lb. From there I'll access and make new goals for end of the cycle. I'm really wanting to make this a true lean bulk minimizing as much fat gain as possible thoughout.

100tren (right glute)

A.M GYM: Quads: 30 sets. Felt good. Through around some heavy weights; 455lbs 10x's squats (pretty easy could have done more but didnt want to strain anything). 360lbs Leg extensions-its not my max but I have to add weights to the cable machine to even get this high...and sometimes if I add more than that I'll snap the cable.

P.M. GYM Hams/Calves: 20 sets of Calves. Hams 12 sets.
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DAY 34 Wednesday

150 sust
100 tren (left quad)

GYM: Shoulders 15-20 sets. Tri's 15-20 sets. Had to get a quick workout due to prior obligations. 1.5hr at gym.