Wanna See Gains (Part III)

Day 67 Thursday

100mgs sust
150mgs Tren (right Shoulder)

GYM: AM: Back: 25 sets. I want to get back into the gym in the PM but not sure if I have time.

****Here are just some relaxed pictures. Chest is coming along..but slowly. However, I'm going to be doing some more incline bench..I just figured out that all these years my form has been a little off..this should help with development for my upper chest.

I will add some back and arm pics later tonight when my GF gets home to take them.
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Thanks guys. I wish progress was going a little quicker but some is better than none. By the end of the or least 1 month after I should be noticing some really good gains with my upper chest by just correcting my form on incline.
DAY 68 Friday

100mgs tren
100mgs sust (left quad)

OFF Very sore from my back workout from yesterday (my arms and back are ridiculously sore).
DAY 69 Saturday

125mgs Tren
100mgs Sust

GYM: Chest 20 sets. Bi's 20 Sets. (got some good pumps in both areas). Still very sore from my prior back workout a few days ago.
Day 70 Sunday

125mgs Tren
100mgs Sust

GYM: Legs: Did about 30 sets. 3 1/2 hours. Can barely stand or walk after workout. I will be sore for days!

Did some power sets with squats. Pushed 535lbs 2-3 times (w/ spotter). Put bench under neath to make sure I did proper form and get below 90 degrees.

*I also added oral Tren to make cycle about 2 days ago. Cycle wise I have enough gear for about another 3-4 weeks. So will push to around a 90-100 days cycle. Weight is still pushing around 184lbs even with adding more carbs. I'm not looking to gain to much but will probably push for 190lbs by the end. In the past I have adding 20-30lbs during cycles. However, becoming more educated throughout the years I now understand that all of that is either water weight or FAT. If I can gain 1-2lbs of muscle throughout this lean bulk I will be happy (which I'm def. adding some mass in certain areas so I'm rather happy at this point).
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Day 71 Monday

100mgs tren
100mgs sust
OT (split am/pm)

Weight: 184lbs

GYM: Tri's: 25 sets. 2.5 hours.
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Day 72 Tuesday

125mgs tren
100mgs sust
OT Split PM/AM

Weight 185lbs

GYM: Shoulders: 20 sets. Bi's: Did extreme super sets w/ bi's. 16-20 sets (got very pumped)

***I have been working out with a partner the past week. Doing this has taken my workouts to the next level. I have been getting more pumped, better workouts, challenging one another....overall, I recommend working out with a partner no matter what if you can. By doing this I will be able to take my body to the next level for sure. Cant wait to see the results for the last month of my cycle.
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Day 73 Wednesday

125mgs tren
100mgs sust

Weight: 185lbs

GYM: Woke up with a Flare of Tendinitis in my right elbow area (this is a common injury for me when I push to hard with heavy weights). Went to the gym for about 30 minutes to just stretch with some weights. Nothing heavy.
Day 74 Thursday

125mgs tren
100mgs sust

Weight 186lbs

GYM: Still hurting...but went to the gym and tried to push through it. Might have been a mistake-keep you posted tomorrow. I might get some Ben Gay and rub one out.
CHEST: 10-15 sets. Medium to light weights. Had some decent pumps in my upper chest. Really focused whole workout on upper chest.

I might take the next couple days off...if I was smart! We'll see how I feel tomorrow. Sundays is legs day so might just wait to go back to gym then.

*Starting to gain a little weight due to the OT. I'm going to start my clomid and Letro doses to help with H20 gain. Remember, I'm not wanting to go over 190lbs...so once I get close to 190lbs I will up my cardio to stay balanced.
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Day 76 Saturday

100mgs sust
125mgs tren

GYM: Back: 20 sets. Tris: 15 sets. Got some decent pumps. Still trying to take it a little easy because of injury.

I have noticed that since I have started the OT that my libido is Waaaay down. I'm going to have to up my TEST. Thinking about 125 Sust & 150-200mgs Sust until end of this cycle which is about 3 weeks. Dont know that this will work but its worth a try at this point. I have upped my ai's as well.

I'm definitely growing. My arms are getting a little bigger (which im really happy about), legs are getting bigger, upper chest is coming in from nothing to a little something.

Pretty bloated as well.
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Its def. a possibility. However, when I do an oral this seems to happen every time. I havent figured out the balance yet between the drugs unfortunately. I upped my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) a few days prior thinking that might help but nothing thus far.

I think if I continue with my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (letro & clomid) and up my test alittle that will help. If not Ill just have to wait and go through my post cycle therapy (pct) for my body to recover (which sucks but part of the game).

I will consider any thoughts though!!!!!
DAY 77 Sunday

150mgs sust
125mgs tren (left delt: Fuck this was the most painful injection in my delt. I have had some problems in the past to where I stick the needle in then have to pull out because it just doesnt feel right. Others are just as smooth as anything other injection. This one went in smooth, no pain at all. Then right when pulling out nothing but pain. Now when I say pain im only talking like 3/10 on a pain scale..but just very unusual for some reason).

GYM: LEGS: 13 sets between squats and leg extensions. Worked hard on upper quad and isolation. Going to give calves done another day possibly 2x's this coming week. Monday/Wednesday sounds like a plan.

OT is really giving me shortness of breath at this point.
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