Westside Rules

Hi there, could you post up the layout of your routine for me please

(what days you do ME bench, ME squad/dl etc)
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pullinbig said:
nice speed squats. those raw or with a trainer?

always in briefs..i cant take a chance with hips on go raw and wide
i am going to be doing some ME close stance low box stuff raw
in my old briefs which need to be taken out some i can hit parallel with no weight- so as tight as they are they arent restricting :)
Low Box (11")
close stance
445x miss
blah blah my fuggin quads are weak..felt really wierd squatting that close

Reverse Hypers
Double Choked Green
Doubled green+purple

Seated Leg Curl

BB Rows

Side Bends
Ab pull downs
pullinbig said:
was this raw dog?

yes raw with the exception of a belt on te last 2 sets and a knee sleeve on the bum knee..

i very rarely use gear other than a belt on ME day except when doing a comp stance box squat..

see dats the beauty of westside raw strength on ME day and gear strength on DE day..prolly on eof the reason why i did NOT need 12 weeks worth of work in my suit to get ready for a meet..granted i did not squat well at the meet but that is for other reasons lol

I also dont feel as weak as i thought i was..just reading something yest by Louie said something like a strong squatter should be able to do somewhere between 60-70% of their comp squat..it didnt state if this was with briefs are not but i wasnt that far off..i just needed to not underestimate the weight..looking at 450 its seems like nothing but when you change the stance you realize how much harder it is lol
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ME Bench
3-Brd Presses
pinky inside rings
felt the shoulder on the third rep so i stopped there

Flat Tate Presses
up to 65'sx8x2

DB Military
55,65 x10


jcp2 said:
Wheres the weight, lol.
are you referrign to bodyweight? lol
honestly i havent weighed myself and i need to cut out the weekend drinking lol
but aside from that ive been eating fairly clean carbs/protein very little to no fast foods lol

if i had to guess id say 275 on the button lol
pretty ricky said:
hey bb what did you hit at the meet?i seen your goals and from here it looks very do-able!
thnk man
all my lifts were clean and easy at the meet
705 sq
501 be
501 dl
only pulled my opener dead as i tweaked te back on the bench

i got a tip on my shirt that will for sure give me a bigger bench
need to work out in a mono pre meet
and i just need to pull more
i hit those 3 things i think im there
blackbeard said:
thnk man
all my lifts were clean and easy at the meet
705 sq
501 be
501 dl
only pulled my opener dead as i tweaked te back on the bench

i got a tip on my shirt that will for sure give me a bigger bench
need to work out in a mono pre meet
and i just need to pull more
i hit those 3 things i think im there

You wanna race to 2000? :) That is the only goal i have right now.
blackbeard said:
thnk man
all my lifts were clean and easy at the meet
705 sq
501 be
501 dl
only pulled my opener dead as i tweaked te back on the bench

i got a tip on my shirt that will for sure give me a bigger bench
need to work out in a mono pre meet
and i just need to pull more
i hit those 3 things i think im there

well since all we do is squat, bench and pull in a meet those three cover it pretty thouroughly. :D
pullinbig said:
well since all we do is squat, bench and pull in a meet those three cover it pretty thouroughly. :D
i just meant i need to do more dead variations on ME day (yes raw lol)
and prolly a little more raw low board type of work
push up my assistance work and im pretty sure ill see progress