What brands are you guys using?

i use .. FUSION LABRATORIES...gear is sweet
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have to watch out out there guys...
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quest, liqua tech, innovagen, svensk apotek, atlas..prob others in my collection but that current .. just finished some santiago tren...that stuff was off the charts!!!!!
R.H.O.M UK UGL... Using there TrenA and Prop Anavar and Winni also used Viro and British Dragon during this cycle... all of these labs are great but the RHOM is by far the best so far... i'd like to use some D-Pharma
Jelfa, straight from the source...love my omna's and prolongatum.

BD for my D-bol and winniy.
whays up mcclusky im from lake charles where u from
& applied anabolics are the bomb prop and test 250