What Does Your Long Cycle Look Like


New member
Whats up guys?

I've planning starting my 6 month cycle in January, and I wanted to get some ideas from the rest of you bros out there that have done similar cycles in length

I'm looking for basic cycle structure just compounds...not dosages. They have to be taylored to the person.

Also some input on how the compounds worked together for you would be great.

PCT tips are welcome if you guys have any pointers on that.

I have done my research, right now I'm just curious as to what everyone else does.

Thanks for the input bros,

I could have guessed that...

I'm talking about how the actual cycle looks...

What you take and when and for how long...do you switch compounds at any time or just use the same ones straight through....stuff like that

1-4 45 dbol

1-16-Test 750 Deca 500

17-32 Test 1 gram TrenE 500

24-34 Winstrol (winny) 100


I wanted to run DROL for the first time on this cycle but i coudnt decide where to fit it in.......right now im on week 18
1-4week 600 mg of test
5-8week 800 mg of test
9-12week 1 gram of test
13-24week 600 mg of test
Hells I got a couple questions bro

How have the gains been so far? Have you noticed any stagnation in your gains? I like that cycle you posted, the one I am planning no running is very similar only I am running EQ and Test throughout with Deca in for the first 12 weeks and Tren A in for the last 12 weeks

I'm not even sure that you need drol in there, but if you were to run it I would say run it half way between your dbol and the winny...that'd just be what i'd do though
Hells...one more thing bro

I received some good advice from a friend that it would be a good idea to overlap the Tren E and the Deca by 2 weeks since the Tren E is a long acting ester. not sure if you did that or not but it would be something to think about for your next one.


Have you done that cycle before?

What were the gains like? If you do another one are you going to incorporate more compounds...ie EQ or Deca

Why do you taper your dosage down for 13-24...seems to me like it would make more sense to leave the dosage at 1g/wk

1-6 dbol
1-15 En 2x per week
1-15 Eq 2x per week
1-15 deca 2x per week
15-? Prop EOD
15-? Tren EOD
15-? Winstrol (winny) EOD

Just started my 4th week and loving it. Im not sure how long I can stay on the tren as it jacks my BP.

best cycle i ever ran 100mg of prop and tren eod for 10 weeks switched the tren for masteron and ran it another 5. ran eq at 700mg for the first 13. post cycle therapy (pct) is always clomid at 100mg a day starting the day of last short acting drug injection, and dropping it down to 50mg ususally when morning wood starts coming back. I now use HCG but didn't when i ran this cycle, i used it last cyccle at 500ius eod for the last three weeks of cycle. When i ran this cycle, i went from 260ish to 235ish and got stronger and looked the best i ever did.

I'm not sure what you can do to keep you BP down hopefully somebody else can give you some input on that.

How long were you wanting to run the last part of your cycle though?

Keep us posted on how the cycle goes for you though bro

jcp...that is a hell of a weight drop. How did the masteron make you feel?

Have you ever thought about running something similar but stretching it out to 20 weeks or so? It probably isn't necessary to run a cutter like that out to 20 wks...just curious though

Do you continue the HCG after the conclusion of your cycle? Also can you notice a difference in recovery now that you have added the HCG.

Thanks bro,

Have you ran that cycle before...if so what were your results. Did the gains taper off toward the end or were they pretty constant throughout. I see that you don't raise the test dosage at any point in the cycle...is there a reason for that?

Take care bro,

Yeah that tren fucks my BP up. I wanted to run 8 to 10 weeks but tht might be a streatch. It also depends how the first part of my cycle goes, so far I like it but I have been down for 4 months for my shoulder surgery. I can tell my shirts are getting tighter and people at work are starting to notice im growing so the shit must be working. Im hoping to get some pics to post soon.

Sounds good bro...Its always nice when people start noticing that you're gettin bigger. Let me know when you post those pics. I'm hoping to post a few throughout my cycle.

Hopefully the shoulder is doing better now. I have problems with both of mine pretty often. I'm trying to modify my training a little bit to make less of an impact on them.

Good luck bro,
weeks 1-12 Test Enan (500 mg/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 3-14 HCG (500 iu/wk....inj. mon/thurs)
weeks 5-10 A-dex (.5 mg EOD)
weeks 10-12 Clen (20mcg ED ramped up to 120 mcg ED last 7 days)
weeks 10-12 DNP (200 mg 1st 2 days, 400 the rest)
weeks 10-14 Winny ( 50mg EOD)

BRIDGE PHASE...2 weeks
200mg Test/week
Adex .5mg eod
Nolva 40mg ed week one, 20mg ed week 2
HCG 500iu/week

1-14 test enan - 625/wk (1.25cc twice a week)
15-23 test enan - 750/wk (1.5cc twice a week)
1-5 test prop - 525/wk (1.5cc eod)
1-5 NPP - 500/wk (1.25cc eod)
24-26 test prop - 525/wk (1.5cc eod)
1-14 deca - 600/wk (1cc twice a week)
15-26 NPP - 500/wk (1.25cc eod)
1-23 EQ - 600/wk (1cc twice a week)
15-26 Winstrol (winny) - 525/wk (75mg ed) (1CC ED)