what physiques do you ladies like?


New member
Just curious what you like? I read alot of muscle magazines and what not. However, anytime i show girls i know pictures of some of the muscle guys in the magazines, they think its gross. They'll say its "weird" and that they are "freakish" and "unnatural". Now obviously women can be different in what they find attractive (moreso than us guys imo), but it just seems like every girl i've talked to on the subject feels the same. To be fair, im talking about top tier bodybuilders here (coleman, cutler, warren, martinez etc).

So what do you fitnes women think? The more muscle the better? Or is there a point where too much becomes unnatractive?
My favorite preference is built... bodybuilder look (like they're not naturally but not obviously un-natural)... the professional bodybuilders are a bit too much for me.
I like someone not too big, I like an agile man, makes things more exciting when he has a good degree of flexibility!! Large guys in a general sense aren't very agile. If he's strong enough to pick me up and hold me that's good enough for me! The only benefit I see to having a huge guy on my arm is to make me look smaller .. Lol!
I like someone not too big, I like an agile man, makes things more exciting when he has a good degree of flexibility!! Large guys in a general sense aren't very agile. If he's strong enough to pick me up and hold me that's good enough for me! The only benefit I see to having a huge guy on my arm is to make me look smaller .. Lol!

I'm flexible with my wife, when ever she needs me to do some flexing with her in bed, I find time to be flexible, even if I'm working, is all about multi-tasking, so yeah I'm a cool dude & flexible.:insane2:
My favorite preference is built... bodybuilder look (like they're not naturally but not obviously un-natural)... the professional bodybuilders are a bit too much for me.

then id say you like the 80's bbers.
for me i aim for the 80's-90's bbing look for me.
by that i mean FOR MY LOOK, i love women not guys! :p
women like blondie ;-P
It would seem it s been my experience that the consensus is the muscular fitness guy..but then everyone has their own tastes..

I try to date women small and light enough that I can grab them by their waiste and lift them over head and place them gently on whatever part of me we agree upon.