What to stack with my HGH cycle?


New member
I just finished my first cycle of sust350 and winstrol (I'll never do the winstrol again) and i'm just about finished my pct.
I've been shooting 3iu's of hgh ed 5 on and 2 off and i'm half way through my first kit. I'm also taking 75mcg of T4 every morning. I have 6 more kits which i'll bump up to 4iu's and 2 vials of sust250 which i'll start a few weeks after my post cycle therapy (pct). Thing is I'm not sure if I should add anything else to it :dunno:
Test and gh has repeatedly shown to have an excellent synergy and that combination works the best. Anything added to that is even better.
Yeah I've heard that Sustanon (sust) is a good addition.
I just want to get the most outta the hgh cause the shit is not cheap!
So far i'm already noticing changes just with the T4. I'm looking like i'm getting some good quality muscle... gettin lean too!
Hi Mr Maceo

The only issue I see is that you are jumping back on cycle only 2 weeks after completing post cycle therapy (pct). Sustained recovery is what heals the body from a steroid cycle. A quick post cycle therapy (pct) and then back on does nothing but add even more stress to the system.

Anyway, I do understand why you would want to jump back on since you are running your first ever cycle of HGH and fear wasting it or not getting the most bang for the buck.

Let me explain the synergy of test and GH. They simply compliment each other.

Test causes you to lift heavier and harder - HGH accelerates recovery time drastically

HGH creates new muscle cells (satellite cells) - testosterone swells them

Test strengthens muscles - HGH strengthens ligaments, cartilage, tendons etc

Be smart about off time in the future, I would like to see you wait a little longer before jumping back on personally.
well said Zeek...

just a couple things I disagree with Maceo... gh run 5-on 2-off is NOT the most effective way to be running gh... for sure I will have guys chime in saying it's better blah blah, but gh is best run everyday for a very long time... years... not months

also 3iu's is a VERY mild dose... not bad if ur over 50...

but for bodybuilding purposes 3iu's per day = ineffective
Consider it done Zeek! This is all so new to me which is why i'm asking for advice. I try my best to do the research and your guy's advice means a lot. Thanks!!
I was just gonna stay at the 3iu's just untill I started my next cycle then bump to 4iu's. You think I should shoot it in the morning, before i workout ( I workout out in the evenings ), or later in the evening?
its wasting hgh, HGH expencive shit must be taken with few good gears, to get best out of HGH.
HGH dose not make any gain by it self.
you need 500mg long acting test weekly.
500mg deca weekly and some oral if you can
debol , oxymethelone .
i have seen a guy gained 35 kg in 3 months
using HGH combind with other gears.
its wasting hgh, HGH expencive shit must be taken with few good gears, to get best out of HGH.
HGH dose not make any gain by it self.
you need 500mg long acting test weekly.
500mg deca weekly and some oral if you can
debol , oxymethelone .
i have seen a guy gained 35 kg in 3 months
using HGH combind with other gears.

I don't usually comment on others advice unless it is really bad and this here qualifies!

HGH does not make any gains by itself? Really, HGH creates the satellite cells at the same pace whether stacked with test or not. It also does it's fat burning and anti aging magic all on it's own.

Why does he need to use a long acting test? test is test.

The op of the thread has just barely completed his first ever cycle of steroids and you are now advising him for a 2nd cycle to use well over a gram of gear?500 test+ 500 deca and say 50mg adrol a day= 1350 mg/week for a 2nd cycle is pushing it.

You have seen a guy gain almost 80 lbs in 3 months using hgh and other gears. A majority of that has to be fat and water weight. No way to gain that much muscle in 90 days.

Dont start cycling that fast again after your post cycle therapy (pct), take atleast 2-3 months off to recover.
If you really insist on hitting the gas again it'll be best to bridge for 4 weeks @ 125mg test e for example instead of running a post cycle therapy (pct). If you've already started the post cycle therapy (pct) then you should finish that and take time off.
Yeah man what are you trying to do to a guy? That's a lot of gear for a guys 2nd cycle!
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Dont start cycling that fast again after your PCT, take atleast 2-3 months off to recover.
If you really insist on hitting the gas again it'll be best to bridge for 4 weeks @ 125mg test e for example instead of running a post cycle therapy (pct). If you've already started the PCT then you should finish that and take time off.

bad advice saying to bridge with 125mg's of test... 200-250 maybe if that was an option, but this guy is just starting out... no need to be going down that road
There's no need to bridge anything cause I'm just about finished my post cycle therapy (pct). I have about one week left to go.
I don't usually comment on others advice unless it is really bad and this here qualifies!

HGH does not make any gains by itself? Really, HGH creates the satellite cells at the same pace whether stacked with test or not. It also does it's fat burning and anti aging magic all on it's own.

Why does he need to use a long acting test? test is test.

The op of the thread has just barely completed his first ever cycle of steroids and you are now advising him for a 2nd cycle to use well over a gram of gear?500 test+ 500 deca and say 50mg adrol a day= 1350 mg/week for a 2nd cycle is pushing it.

You have seen a guy gain almost 80 lbs in 3 months using hgh and other gears. A majority of that has to be fat and water weight. No way to gain that much muscle in 90 days.

thanks for catching that z , good advice.
thanks for catching that z , good advice.

I hate contradicting people because it makes me look like a dick but that guys advice was straight reckless to give to a new guy just starting out.

MR M, I don't feel T-3 or T-4 is needed with the amount of GH you are running. GH + some test combined with diet and cardio will give you all of the boost you can possibly need this early on. Save the other stuff for down the road
I hate contradicting people because it makes me look like a dick but that guys advice was straight reckless to give to a new guy just starting out.

MR M, I don't feel T-3 or T-4 is needed with the amount of GH you are running. GH + some test combined with diet and cardio will give you all of the boost you can possibly need this early on. Save the other stuff for down the road

not being a dick if your telling the truth bro , it needs to be done . i lose my cool sometimes and dont say things as politically correct sometimes , its a charecter flaw and im working on it lol.
I've done 7cycles and found I don't recover entirely until after 1YEAR OFF cycle. Especially when talking about deca. That shit can take up to 18months to completely stop effecting the endocrine system. It's been 3months or so that I've been OFF and my natural test is at 650ng/dl now. I take GH peptides but I don't believe they effect test, although I do specifically diet and stage exercise intensities to attempt to usher testosterone production when I'm OFF cycle.
not being a dick if your telling the truth bro , it needs to be done . i lose my cool sometimes and dont say things as politically correct sometimes , its a charecter flaw and im working on it lol.

You have earned the right to lose your cool after answering 1,976 insane questions :)

I hate to think how many oral only cycle threads you have responded to. I see you in 2-3 new ones daily