what u guys bench?


New member
just curious thats all on what u guys flat bench
right now i am at 315 at a max of 3 reps but before the cycle was stuck at 225 for abit so leaped up quite abit, just achieved 315 last week
now wanna obviousl do better lol never ends, my goal is 405, and i am weighing in at 210 right now :)
I dislocated my right shoulder doing gymnastics a few years back and it somewhat lags behind my left shoulder, so when I do barbell bench it twitches like crazy. I do however do flat dumbbell presses much more easily, and can do 100lbs. dumbbells for 10x reps.
I don't normally even comment on these type of discussions but I am feeling like it today I guess. I don't think the bench press is a great way to describe the strength of a guy but I do understand that it is probably one of the most asked. So I am between 5'8 and 5'9 and weigh 190-192 and last week I got 335 for 3 reps last one was really "dry" and slow but I got it with out an assist. Going to try for the big goal of 350 in a couple of weeks. I felt my shoulder get a little sore after that last lift and since I have been through injuries before I don't want to push it, but after that last lift I feel good about getting it.
I did 315 for 5 and benched 405 for a ORM before I ever touched AAS. I cant bench now since I have an impingement in my shoulder so i stick to dumbbells. Rep out 120lbers 6 times and hoping for more when this test kicks up. Since I messed up my shoulder the only workout i cannot do is BB bench and pull ups. Sucks since those two are two of the best.
I use to bench 2 door cars, then moved up to 4 door cars then small and big pickup trucks. Now ive moved on to benching a freightliner cascadia sleeper
I used to bench 140kg, 308 lbs... I now bench 250lbs.... and Im much bigger than before go figure,....
I use to bench 2 door cars, then moved up to 4 door cars then small and big pickup trucks. Now ive moved on to benching a freightliner cascadia sleeper

Yeah, but thats pretty hard to beleive when you do not say how many reps you bench that freightliner bro.:squint:

I usually ask "what's your max on lateral flys bro?". Why? Because you get a weird Look, and if they know, you know they have been lifting for a while. :)
in high school i did 250 @ 129 bodyweight drug free, i was kinda proud of that. I don't max out anymore but judging that i can do 225x10, i'd say im close to around a 285-290 bench.
Always hated bench, 6ft, 195lbs 9.0% BF.

4 Sets, 10 Reps 225lb Max 1 set 10 Reps 275lb

Can't seem to break the 300 barrier yet which is ok, once this dbol and test kick in I should be ok ;)
yeah gunning for 405 hopefully in a month or so, as i can rom out max bench right now saying 365 for one rep, i use a calculator from a site and usually dead on all the time! but as cutler says all the time " i go by feel" everyday i workout! not a pen and a piece of paper of what i lifted my last routine

i sometimes make the mistake of overtraining the chest, for along time was just training chest once a week, now being on gear i train my chest monday, and then thurs or friday ( twice a week), which return sucks cause i am not giving proper time to heal and cant lift as much as i did when i give my chest a 6 day rest!
just gotta get back to the same routine and stop overtraining!
it's very hard for me, cause on gear i feel like i am in a zone and cannot get enough nomatter how sore i am!
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Matt i know u will not listen if ur like me but ive been weight hungery for many many years... now call it ego training haha but bc of lifting so hard ive tore my shoulders.... have weak wrist from time to time and also tore my stomach very slighty from not wearing a belt when pressing a lot of weight.... so do ur thing but just becareful and wear a belt and also remember the test makes u strong but ur body isnt growing as fast so dont tear something bc u could lift more then ur muscles and tendons were ready for.
this question is always asked.......by everyone. strength or powerlifting workouts are much different then body builder workouts. i am 5'7 and when i was 210 was flat benching 455 for reps of 3 and 405 for reps of 4 on incline. these days,im a bit older and tend to concentrate on form and reps more than pure weight. these days i bench 315 for reps of 8.......havnt tried to lift heavy in a while.