what u guys bench?

I used to bench 140kg, 308 lbs... I now bench 250lbs.... and Im much bigger than before go figure,....

This happens all the time, I think either diet is off or ur training different and not realising it.
Somtimes when my diet is perfect i push beyond my limit, when diet is not perfect i push under... makes a huge difference with or without gear.
incline 315
flat 345
decline 405 (maybe more)
Squat over 600lbs
curl 70-80 a few times..horrible form
dick size 10" soft
This happens all the time, I think either diet is off or ur training different and not realising it.
Somtimes when my diet is perfect i push beyond my limit, when diet is not perfect i push under... makes a huge difference with or without gear.

I´m doing 4x20 with warm up of 15 and a warm down of x15... so total kilos lifted, and muscle fibres streched is supierior I used to to the 3 10