whats the best foods to bulk up, and put on size??

DADAWG said:
complex carbs and lean high quality protein topped off with GOOD fats is definately the first choice but lets be realistic there are a few people with turbocharged metabolisms who cant get the calories they need to bulk while eating clean . that doesnt meen they should live at mcdonalds but it does meen they may have to fortify their high quality foods with calorie dense foods like fast food , fatty meats , etc.

i have a turbocharged metabolism with a pretty healthy diet but the fast food is a must to keep me satisfied.

so when would be the best time to eat the fillers like fast food and fatty meats? rest days? morning,noon or evening? pre/post workout?
kosherfried said:
Yo! SunSoy original is $2.06/ 1/2 gallon at Walmart here in North Texas....was drinking that for a while for some damn reason....

Switched to 2% milk though.......phew...big BIG gains since! 1/2 gallon a day rocks ass! Drink it/eat it/mix it with everything!

You didn't notice any fat gain when adding all that extra sugar into your diet? I know it is low glycemic but it's still sugar none-the-less right? I guess I'm still confused with all the varying opinions on milk floating around these days...what do you guys think good or bad?
If you are bulking I don't think milk products are too terrible for you....when trying to lose the BF I wouldn't reccomend any milk whatsoever....
malibu350 said:
If you are bulking I don't think milk products are too terrible for you....when trying to lose the BF I wouldn't reccomend any milk whatsoever....

When I'm bulking a drink a lot of whole milk, when cutting I eliminate dairy products altogether. Just cutting dairy out of my diet, along with a psychotic activity schedule is often enough for getting very lean.
huskyguy said:
When I'm bulking a drink a lot of whole milk, when cutting I eliminate dairy products altogether. Just cutting dairy out of my diet, along with a psychotic activity schedule is often enough for getting very lean.
whats the reasoning for dropping dairy. Milk i can understand dropping, but what about cottage cheese? low fat, low carb, and ive been reading about dairys effect on bodyfat, specifically abdomen fat.
That's just what has worked for me in the past, eliminating dairy eliminates enough calories, fat and sugars to help me cut up.
Winterlong said:
Would fat free lactose free milk do the trick if we were to still want milk in our diet?

If you cannot digest milk very well then this is a good alternative, I prefer whole milk because I have a fast metabolism so I really need the extra fat in my diet.
whole milk for the win!!!

i swear by whole milk and whole eggs....call me old school but whatever seems to be working..
No no no, I meant would it be ok during a cutting phase. Sorry, I didn't word my entry correctly.
I like to eliminate dairy altogether when cutting, because it forces me to eat more vegetables and salads that normally do not go to well with dairy.
Hey everyone new to the site i have tried a lot of different diets and out sonis and atherjen are saying about diets are very good ways of bulking up just remember consistency is the key dont give up on a diet in a week just cause your not seeing results quick enough they will come in time so learn to enjoy patients and lift hard
Great point,

I have had to eliminate milk from my diet for the past 2 months becuase of some digestive problems. I have always drank lots of whole milk durring my past bulks , but had to cut it short this bulk.. I am still bulking through the entire summer. I will try and start drinking skim milk this time around in about 1 month and see how the stomach does.

I have still been getting my calories down and hope to get bigger over the next few months.

IndustrialFreak said:
Hey everyone new to the site i have tried a lot of different diets and out sonis and atherjen are saying about diets are very good ways of bulking up just remember consistency is the key dont give up on a diet in a week just cause your not seeing results quick enough they will come in time so learn to enjoy patients and lift hard
For some reason I find whole milk easier to digest than skim and I make sure that I never combine milk and fruit in the same meal---digestive problems if I do that
Johnnie Jackson said in a magazine his favorite foods to get big are steak and potatoes steak and potatoes and steak and potatoes
When You Love to cook, it makes it easier to love to eat--cooking and eating are two of my biggest passions.
Yams. I also dont believe that u need fast food to bulk. U just got to make sure ur eating enough healthy food. I get just as much calories as my bodybuilding friends that eat junk food when bulking. The only diff is my food takes more time preparing but in the end it is worth it because it is more quality muscle. Remembe u are wht u eat