whats the best foods to bulk up, and put on size??

skim milk

Skim milk is a great lean bulking food that is cheap and readily available nearly everywhere. When I was wanting to add size, I always reached for a huge glass of skim milk. I drank half a gallon a day. With a good combo of mostly slow released cassein (80%) and quicker digested whey (20%) protein, skim milk will provide your muscles with a sustained protein source all day. Just drink it instead of anything else.
I've been competing non-stop for almost 3 yrs now...this weekend i have a show coming up and the following weekend i have one more and thats it...im gonna take a yr off and eat whateverm is around....i need a break and not worry about what im eating, how much im eating, or if i should be eating this and that..

usually when bulking this is what my day looks like:

Meal 1
5 whole egg omelette with goulda cheese and salami
4 english muffins with jam or 2 bagels with peanut butter
2 pop tarts or 2 krispy kreme donuts
16 oz of chocolate milk or strawberry milk

Meal 2
chicken and cheese mix (3 chciken breasts smothered with goulda cheese)
2 cups of white rice and a cup of black beans
grape juice or OJ

Meal 3 (post workout)
Burger King
Whopper w/cheese,bacon, and mayo
chicken sandwich with mayo
large fries
2 milk shakes

Meal 4
large steak
sweet potato
fried plantains w/salami
couple slices of avocado

Meal 5
big ass bowl of frosted flakes - milk
3 bananas mixed in with the cereal
2 hot pockets (pizza flavor)

Meal 6
turkey sandwich with swiss cheese
1/2 dozen rice cakes with peanut butter/jelly

thats a typical day in the offseason...i like to eat out at restaurants on the weekends....i dont recommend everyone eat like this, i could do this and stay under 10% because my metabolism allows me to do so...

plus it makes it so much easier to see the changes in my phjysique whe dieting hard...

ohh yes eggs are awsome , the other day i ate record 30 eggs, yes i smelled but i was full of protein when i went for a nap, . Milk is awsome, I always buy milk with 8g of fat- the reason it tastes so fucken good down your throat. I go for a galon since its so fucken good. Peanut butter gives litttle heartburn but i can get used to a little heartburn down deep in my throat. Also a bowl of fresh vegetables is nice to have now and then, especially with lots of tomatoes , onions and cabage.
Actually whole milk is higher fat than 2%. In most stores there are 3 types of milk; skim, 2% and whole milk. Some stores sell double cream milk which is almost as rich as half and half. I love whole milk, it tastes better than 2% and is more digestable, 2% and skim tend to give me gas. I do not have any digestive problems with whole milk. Drink a lot of it and you will put on some serious weight.
when bulking seriously, i prefer whole raw cow's milk from a farm near my house...the cow's are tested and certified and the milk is creamier than any homogenized milk you ever tasted...the cream is always on the top of the gallon, so you have to shake it up welll to get it mixed, but nothing comes close for taste and results...
does soy provide the same amount of nutrition as milk? I am lactose intolerant, I cannot eat cheese or drink milk. I waslooking into soy but it seems pretty expensive, 5$ for a 2 liter carton. Also how do you seperate the egg white from the yellow in a way that no yellow gets in the mix, i usually do it with a spoon but it isn't very efficient.
No soy is not as nutritious as milk, there are enzyme pills that help with lactose intolerance, and they are all natural go to your local health food store--not GNC. When I am bulking I eat the whole egg--the yolk is the best part. Whole milk and eggs are two of the most inexpensibe high protein bulking foods available.
if you are lactose intolerant (and even if you're not), get lactaid or any other lactose-free milk... it's sweeter and tastes better than regular milk. plus, the skim and 2% won't make you shit like regular milk does...

as for removing egg yolks, crack the egg in half over a bowl and pass the egg yolk back and forth between the two shell halves until all of the white part is in the bowl. if you do it correctly, the yolk will stay in its original form, so you can throw it away or feed it to your dog, python, crocodile, etc.
lets-gain-weight said:
does soy provide the same amount of nutrition as milk? I am lactose intolerant, I cannot eat cheese or drink milk. I waslooking into soy but it seems pretty expensive, 5$ for a 2 liter carton. Also how do you seperate the egg white from the yellow in a way that no yellow gets in the mix, i usually do it with a spoon but it isn't very efficient.

Yo! SunSoy original is $2.06/ 1/2 gallon at Walmart here in North Texas....was drinking that for a while for some damn reason....

Switched to 2% milk though.......phew...big BIG gains since! 1/2 gallon a day rocks ass! Drink it/eat it/mix it with everything!
Steaks, cakes and shakes are the 3 universal weight gainers. Pancakes in the morning, lean steaks(london broil, round) and weight gain shakes. All in moderation of course.
A shake i used to make to gain weight fast and helped a LOT was:

2 cups Lactaid milk (lactose intolerant)
3oz oats
2 scoops choc ice cream
1 scoop whey
1 scoop weight gainer
1 tbsp flaxseed oil (dont even taste it)

This provides about 900 calories and the consistency is light but a little grainy due to the oats.