whats the dumbest thing you ever did in the gym

alteredgenes said:
i onced pinched myh head doing dumbell shrugs in between the 85 lb dumbells. Did not say anything I just set the weight down and walked to the locker room to see if it was still attached and to make sure I did not cry in front of everyone.

Pinched your head? HEAD?

On dumbell shrugs? WTF? your traps must look like bookends... with an abnormal range of movement.
Kim the Swede said:
This was funny thread...I havent done any funny but we have some really jackasses at my gym...

Couple of days ago this guy came in to the gym with rubber boots, shorts to his armpits and t-shirt stuffed down his shorts. 6'5 and 150lbs. He threw on ~250lbs on the bench-press. I stopped training, thougth this guy is going kill himself with all that shit.
Then he just sat down on the bench, opening one of those cases tourists have around the belly.(Dont know english word for it). And he look around and then he ate some pills. He tried to be discreat but everyone in the gym was looking at him. At this point, I couldnt lift, I just needed to watch this guy. And then........he just walks away out of the gym. I was like WTF!?!?!...thought it was some kind of joke. Didnt do a f*ckin rep.
After that I couldnt concentrate anymore...i was just laughing..

the best one yet...
A few months ago I was doing DB flat flies. When I leaned back onto the bench, DBs clutched to my chest, I guess it pulled my shorts and undies up like a self-wedgie, 'cause my equipment was hanging out -- all of it -- and I didn't know it. Until someone came up to re-rack a pair of dumbells and said "uh, hey, dude, I think you need to put that thing away." Boy was my face red.

The worst part is that it was kind of drooling...
Mr. dB said:
A few months ago I was doing DB flat flies. When I leaned back onto the bench, DBs clutched to my chest, I guess it pulled my shorts and undies up like a self-wedgie, 'cause my equipment was hanging out -- all of it -- and I didn't know it. Until someone came up to re-rack a pair of dumbells and said "uh, hey, dude, I think you need to put that thing away." Boy was my face red.

The worst part is that it was kind of drooling...

This thread is funny. It was "drooling?!" gross out.
by no means does this live up to some of the ones i have read, but last year i was doing some heavy box squats with something like 650, it was sets of four, and i was hitting them, but on my last rep i came about 3/4 the way up and the fucking bar started to slip down my back, needless to say 650 ripping your arms off doesnt feel good, and there was no way in fuck i was going to be able to rack it and given the fact that there was a box under me i couldnt just go down, cause the pins werent high enough, so i did the only thing i could think of. I just pulled my fucking arms forward and let that weight slam on the racks behind me. On top of that, it was in our athletic weight room at the university i go to and the womens soccer team was in there.

this next one happend to a guy at a competition i was at. not as funny, but painful. it was a bench comp. and we were just warming up. well this kid hops under the bar with 225 on it, and sets up, starts to roll the bar with his fingers, and well the bench we had didnt have a very good set up so the bar just rested on an hanger that looked like an "L" so it had an open front, well this kid rolls the fucking bar right off, it lands(without him touching) on his chest right under his throat and bounces up and hits him in the mouth, i think i counted everyone of his front teeth sticking through his lips.
I was doing close grips with not much weight (high rep day) I was doing them in the squat rack. Anyways in the rack I usually set the bar heigh so that the bar does not touch my chest and stops, but this day I did not. So I was repping there and though I had one more in me. Long and behold I could not get the bar up I had 2more inches to move it to rack it, but could not so let it come down to my chest and at that momemnt I knew I did not set the bars up high enough to sit on it so I had to press it one more time and no dice so I decided to bring it past my head to get on the saftey bar, but instead the bar lightly brushed my head and left a mark there for 2 days, but I got the barbell on the safety rack. Some guys seen me and kinda laughed and I laughed with them, but still embarrasing as hell.
ok, ill add to the dumbest stuff ive ever heard! lol....this was just last week too!...
so i went earlier than normal in the morning to the gym to workout,....which i dont agree with anyway b/c you cant get the full affect....but, it worked out (to begin with) b/c this really hot chick was there too...not many people were in the back w/ the free weights, just me and her, and some old guy...
so i grab some db's and head to the bench.....keep in mind, its early, so im not feeling too good, and on top of that, im tired and out of it...but had to get a workout in.......
so, i grab one right next to her,....sit butt first on it, and go backwards to lay down.............and fall right off of it....db's in hand,........it was awful...i laughed as soon as it happend.......she did too.....but i dont think ill ever have a future with her...damn!
ever seen vacation? w/ chevy chase..remember when he jumps on the bed and falls right off......that was me...
Man you guys that is the funniest shit I have ever read. I am crying here I am laughing so hard.

the only one I have is a few years back I was training tris and doing head bangers ( lying tri extensions) my partner was staring at some chick across the way and told him to spot me. He said ok and just kept staring at this girl well low and behold I dropped the bar right on my forehead. LOL what an asshole we never trained together again.
Finishing a set of hack squats, took my feet off the platform and put them on the floor before racking the weight....damn thing flipped over and almost crushed this poor kid behind me stretching (it was my 2nd leg workout ever).
1. I was deadlifting i think like 455 and i was fine, not struggling at all then for some reason on my like 4th or 5th rep on one of of my sets i wasnt breathing at all and was pushing really hard and half way on the way up i shit myself...luckily it was so little of an amount of shit that it didnt get on my underwear. i just went in the bathroom, wiped my ass, and continued lol.

2.then this happened like a few weeks ago...i had just finished doing squats and i decided to do some barbell lunges. by this time i was spent and my legs felt like jelly. so anyways i threw 150 on the barbell to warm up with and i busted out like 9 reps and on my last rep rep on the way up i blacked out for a split second...needless to say, i fell back on my ass, it almost looked like i was tryin to sit down in a falling kind of motion haha. the barbell landed on my neck, bounced off and landed on the floor and made a ton of noise...the gym got super quiet and everyone was staring at me. one dude came over and helped me get up. i felt like a douche for the rest of the workout. lol
haha i was poundin out reps of 245 or so on the bench press and i didint have my triaing partner there that day, neways i ended up gettin pinned on my last rep and about 3 or 4 high school girls had to help me lift it up haha i had like 2 on each end of the bar then got it racked, rpetty embarassing
i was spotting my brother on a shoulder press machine and where i was spotting him from was this bar that moves up and down when he pushes up and down...soo when your not using the machine this bar sits against the frame of the mahcine....when u push up on the shoulder press...the bar tilts diagonal from the machine...i was pushing on this bar and then he was on his last set and let go and then my finger got squashed in between the bar and the frame of the machine, ten i had to go to the hospital and get stictches lol
Felt a bad cramp in my chest while benching. Knew it didn't feel right at all. So like a dumb ass I added some weight to the bar hoping to work through it. Unracked and started my first rep and rip. Tore my pec, bar crashed down and plates were rolling all around the gym. Felt like a complete Jackass. And the pain was ridiculous. Couldnt get out of that gym fast enough.
about a week ago i was walking through the weight room to get to the bench press... been around that gym so many times you figure i would have remebered the pulldown bar floating in the air.. yeah well not watching it the ar hit me square in the forehead.. ouch.. to make things worse in midstride i smashed my right knee on the piece of metal hanging off the side of the seat.. made my leg go limp for about 5 minutes.. plus i had to yell a few f bombs to get the attention of everyone in the gym.. (way to go).. all my boys were laughing at me.
FInally i got the urge to get up off the ground in pain...working my way to the bench once again my right knee collided with the bar hanging off the squat machine..there i was on the ground again swearing like a guy with a bad case of turrets.. long story short i still have a big ass welt on my knee and can still barely walk.. lol im a dumbass
wildonsquats said:
I was doing squats last week with 305 on the bar in a power rack, ass to the floor. I was trying out different grip widths and bar positions in order to find which was most stable. Well on my 6th rep i was done and proceeded to try to rack the weight, but i realized that i had set the pins too far up and basically the bar was level with the pins and that i had to almost tip toe to get it back on. I was so tired i couldnt do it, so basically i tried to go down and good morning the bar onto the safety bars. When the bar was almost parallel i was horrified. The girp width i had chosen for that particular rep had my hands exactly where the safety bars woulda have supported the weight. So now im at parallel with 305 on my back doing a good morning and at this point i have no choice but to get real real deep ass to floor and hope i dont kill myself. I managed to rock back and put the bar down, but now the funniest thing happened, i was now pinned between the floor and the bar behind my head and the safety bars. It took about 20 seconds before 2 guys saw and lifted the damn thing off of me.

The guy who works there is a friend of mine and has it all on tape. I think he's gonna print up a picture and put something like "why you should always ask for a spot".

This wouldnt be emberassing at a more hard core gym but i go to weak ass 24 hour...i was doing deadlifts in shorts, and i picked the bar with the best grip, i tore some pretty mean cuts on my legs and started bleeding all over everything...it was really emberassing, one i hate everyone that the gym and their fuckin new years resolutions, so i didnt stop, i just kept working through my sets and bleeding more...my socks and legs and the bar was covered in blood...everybody looked at me like i was gonna give them aids or hepatitis....sorry i just have alotta hate towards 24 hour fitness members, been a member for 5 years, and its more of a fuckin social club where everyone talks then works out, yet they still occupy equipment while they talk...bastards

after a heavy set of squats i felt like i was gonna throw up....so i ran to the garbage can, lets just say i didnt make it and i yakd all over the floor in front of everyone...

droped a plate on my toe and had a black toe nail for 4 months.