Why such an issue with sources

what about roid-shop.com
they claim to have British Dragon Gear. is it ligit?

read the rules you cannot talk about sources!!! the starter of this THREAD is basicly saying that its isnot allowed and asking why!!!

read the rules and delete your post. there are other boards that allow it . go there if you don't like it.
also this thread is from over a year ago.
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they can get legit sources, unfortunately, the same way i have and everyone else....trial and error

it takes almost no time to find a good source the days, just a little research and source post dosnt even need to be an issue

I call bullshit on that! Of course this is an old post but today in 2011 unless you have a phd or some divine intervention research doesn't get you anything but ripped off. Trial and error sounds more like truth but even then with the minimum order requirements of most companies, a person will spend thousands and thousands of dollars trial and erroring for a goddamn source. So if you're rich then go for it.
ha jstarks how did u even find this thread thats 2 yrs old?

well im sure its been asked before but i dont know if it was really answered? clearly in this thread, we aren't allowed to talk about sources. Y is naps the exception?
For those who aren't aware of how many people get busted, and even little guys who have controlled deliveries, believe me they happen.

ERGO, we don't advertise every Tom Dick and Harry who sell gear.

Sometimes huge groups of busts happen all at once, sometimes its a couple here or there, but they do happen and its almost just a matter of time for many. The more private someone is, the safer they are. If you are opening your mouth at your local gym, you might already be a target. If you've had your mail monitored without you knowing it, because of sending W.U. to certain places, you might already be watched.

Better safe than sorry, and security by obscurity may make you look like a nut but you'll likely survive longer than a loudmouth. The reality is, this isn't 1985 anymore. Cover your ass, or find yourself someones piece of ass in Camp Fed.
Seriously, Since most of us use steroids (illegally) and we post pics and talk about our use.... what is the difference in talking about where we get them??

You're acting as though using is not illegal

But buying it is

We have so many members getting ripped off, and getting physically hurt (bad gear) you think we'd care enough to point them in the right direction.

If your source cannot keep himself hidden then don't talk about him... but for decent sources already in advertisement... you'd think we would be helpful to our fellow bro's........

Time to get real in our thinking...... Too many people getting hurt

I agree, but not in the open forum.