Will People Guess I'm On The Gear?


New member
Hey Bros

I'm gonna juice in June 300mg Deca 400mg Test Enth for 8 weeks, but I don't want anyone to find out about it, I've only told my best mate whose sworn he won't tell anyone.

What cover stories have you used with your friends and family? I was thinking of telling them I just ate loads and used a pro-hormone or something (providing they don't know pro-hormones are crap).

It happens to all of us, you don't notice the size you are putting on at the pace it is showing up, but others always notice it. Then the questions start, damn what you are taking? I know you are on the juice. The best advice is just to deny it or tell them you started taking creatine. Either way it is none of their business!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just ignore questions and comments about steroids. I have had to hear them for a long time and don't even bother to make up stories. It's kind of evident that I have done or am doing steroids. Like other aspects of life if somone dosn't like it screw them.
I agree with ALL the comments above.

-creatine's a good one (hehehe.....:p)

-training technique/regimine has changed

-you've doubled your calories and throwing down protein shakes like it's going out of style

-Uhhhh....you're taking massive quantities of ECD and Methoxy? LOL...........:D

-You're addicted to Synthol? Nahhh...:p

-You're popping andro-poppers like candy? Heheheh

This is what I plan on doing. Right now I am dieting, so I will look smaller because of the decreased fat levels. Then I am going to start telling people that "I can't wait until I can bulk again. I usually gain a good 10 - 15 pounds when I start bulking. I got alot of protein powder and creatine, so I am hoping to get pretty big once I get off this diet." Say something along those lines. get people warmed up to the fact that you are planning on changing a bunch of thigs, so you expect to see some big gains.

Cell-Tech would be a good one. Show everyone what kind of transformation you can make. "Look at this guy in Flex magazine. He gained 40 pounds in 8 weeks from Cell-Tech. I hope I can do that good". LOL!

My best advice is this: Feed people the same bullshit that you read in Supplement ads!
Easto said:

My best advice is this: Feed people the same bullshit that you read in Supplement ads!

I get a free a super hot girlfriend with implants to hang off me on the beach if I take Hydroxycut right?!:D

Lol Muscle-Tech are so full of sh*t!

I think it is an awesome idea. Show them the ad in the magazine and act stupid about it. Look at this guys results. If I could gain half that size I would be happy. LOL!
Show them the 6 page advertisement in Flex Magazine and tell them to runout and get soem Cell-Tech too. If their that stupid and that nosey...let them waste $60 -$70, and leave you alone.
OK it goes like this you will not be able to fool the people who are on also I can point out a juicer at the gym from a mile away but the poeple who arent on and have never been you can probably get by with "I started taking creatine and It bloats me up pretty good"
If somebody asks me "are you on steroids?" I say " no way, that stuff makes your dick shrink"

I always say creatine and andro
Tell them "No way, I would never put a harmful substance in my body like steroids!!!..............Hey, can I borrow a cigarette off ya?"
Just do what I do and tell them "That 1-AD stuff is awesome!" I have used it on several inquisitive (Translation: NOSY) ppl and even show them some stuff on the shelf that "works."
Tell them you are taking a special enzyme called methogargantuanhypoxyflavons that increase mucle building at incredible rates.

Tell them they can get this special enzyme if they eat more mangos.
Popichulo said:
OK it goes like this you will not be able to fool the people who are on also I can point out a juicer at the gym from a mile away but the poeple who arent on and have never been you can probably get by with "I started taking creatine and It bloats me up pretty good"
I have to agree. I remember a guy at the gym(juicer) was asked do you use andro? His answer "I cant' afford that stuff, I only use creatine" I laughed, the guy asking didn't go for it, my point is. If your going to hide the truth(lie;) ) make sure it believable.

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