Will People Guess I'm On The Gear?

JohnnyB said:
I have to agree. I remember a guy at the gym(juicer) was asked do you use andro? His answer "I cant' afford that stuff, I only use creatine" I laughed, the guy asking didn't go for it, my point is. If your going to hide the truth(lie;) ) make sure it believable.

fuck it no one believes you anyway! just admit it and make a joke of it, they seem shocked and don't know what to say. i would love to give it to these fucks that think they can take juice and get big..oh if it were that easy (for me anyway!). must eat big and train big to get big. i tell them juice doesn't make me bigger, just helps me heal quicker... they say "oh"

Just take it all in... there really isnt anything u can do to stop it from happening...i am in my 2nd cycle and i still look at guys bigger than me and say to myself, "they're using mad juice". The comments are just part of the game, that ignorant people will use to make themselves feel better.. The gear alone does not make someone big, the diet, training, knowledge and dedication are what makes a person grow, and AS just helps along with those key factors....

I get comments made to me all of the time, by both my friends who dont know i'm using, and also from people i dont know..to my friends who ask me, i just say "yea i'm on every steroid they make" and it usually ends the discussion, and to others i just ignore the ones who will make the comments behind my back, and then for the few with balls enough to say something to my face, i just give them the proper nutrition and dedication speech, along with andro and creatine.

Just get used to the comments bro, but dont let them get to you, use them as motivation...good luck with ur cycle
WannaBe said:
Admit to nothing. It'll bite ya in the ass later.

Words to live by ...

And just tell them your not really getting bigger ..... you started buying smaller clothes.....
21 bro, thanks for all the suggestions bros. It looks like you've all had the same problems, I think I'll go with the Cell-Tech, pro-hormone, eating loads/training hard theory.

Thanks bros, Jock
My buddy has a couple of old bottle of andro and other supplements. What he does when he starts, he takes them out of his drawer and leaves them sitting in plain view. So when his parents or girlfriend or our friends used to ask them he would just point to them.
I think the best way to sortof get out of it is to make a joke of it. When people that I don't really know ask me if i'm on roids, I just say, "Yeah, I inject 7 times a day under the tongue". Something really stupid! Then they feel like a dumbass. But, when your mom or dad come up to you and ask you, which I know is going to happen any day now, I think i'm gonna run the creatine/andro thing into the ground. But eventually, provided I get as big as I want to get, I won't be able to do that anymore and i'll just have to admit it to them. Especially since my mom was a bodybuilder and my cousin too. My poor grandpa. He's gonna have to listen to another one of his grandsons tell him that they're on the juice. It's gonna kill him! I can't help it. We're all addicted to the juice!
Shit man, my first cycle was only 250mg Tt Sustanon (sust) a week and I heard a little chatter about it from a dude at work. 14 pound gain in 10 weeks and it was very noticeable to them, and I'm 6'2"! So I think people will notice, plan on long sleeve shirts if you want, although that works better in the winter.
Whatever you put in your body is your own business. If people would work out as much time as they spend time wondering about what the fuck yoru doing....then they might have a body half as nice as you..

Yeah blame it on creatine....shit Cell-Tech does in their 6-Page advertisements and no one questions the pro's.
jonjrambo said:
Especially since my mom was a bodybuilder and my cousin too. My poor grandpa. He's gonna have to listen to another one of his grandsons tell him that they're on the juice. It's gonna kill him! I can't help it. We're all addicted to the juice!

You Mom was a BB'er...nice DUDE! I bet you cought MILF hell growing up!!!!
Well, if they already know you've been lifting for a while, then all you have to say is that it shouldn't be so surprising that the cumulative effects of all your efforts would result in noticeable improvements.

ive done one cycle, and even before i started the comments and questions were common. i wear really baggy clothes so ive gotten away with a 15 pound weight gain. only when the clothes come off do i get questions. but i just deny it and show them my xenadrene and prohormones that i dont use. and i always have a big container of protein in plain view. people who come over ask me, "whats that for dude?" i tell them its to get big. i like having one of those protein tubs with a big motherfucker posing on it so that the obvious comment follows. "but youre not as big as that guy." to which i add, no, it takes a few years of dedicated training and eating right and drinking these shakes to get that big. hahahahaha. dont ever admit to shit. that just opens up a very unnecessary can of worms. if they insist, then admit it with notable sarcasm, tell them you inject all over and have no good veins left. if they know anything about AAS, they will believe you dont even know where to inject. if they are stupid enough to think you would inject an oil based med directly into a vein, then they will be forced to see that you have no track marks. which will make them understand your sarcasm. most people back off after this. its really only your business if you want to do gear. if someone is being nosy they deserve to be fucked with. nobody says shit about chain smokers or alcholics. they are normal by most norms. but if you juice or use controlled substances you are labeled and shunned by society. sometimes i think id be happier up in a mountain hunting bear with a knife and a 50 caliber handgun.