Winny only cycle


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Winny only cycle help and bridge!?!

Am on my 15th week of my oral Winstrol (winny) cycle and am lovin' it. My joints hurt a little but that is normal on the streroids, right. I put on 8 lbs of lean mass and am dry and shreeded, Winstrol (winny) is a winner for sure. Any advice on how to bridge to my next cycle of Deca only and post cycle therapy (pct)? Was thinking of crusing on some Anavar (var) for 8 weeks then hittin the Deca hard. Any input would B gr8.
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well first long have you been training and what is your cycle experience? 15 weeks on an oral?? are you fucking kidding me? your liver has to be shot by now!!! as far as bridging to your next cycle...I would do your post cycle therapy (pct) now and do some more research before you do another cycle so you know what your doing. a deca only cycle is going to kill your sex drive if you didn't know. try adding test...that should ALWAYS be the base of a exceptions
Where did you get these Winstrol (winny) only and Deca Only ideas? Why do you not include test in your cycles?
tbizzle said:
Am on my 15th week of my oral Winstrol (winny) cycle and am lovin' it. My joints hurt a little but that is normal on the streroids, right. I put on 8 lbs of lean mass and am dry and shreeded, Winstrol (winny) is a winner for sure. Any advice on how to bridge to my next cycle of Deca only and post cycle therapy (pct)? Was thinking of crusing on some Anavar (var) for 8 weeks then hittin the Deca hard. Any input would B gr8.

15 weeks of winni??? wow, hows ur liver feel man??
tbizzle said:
Am on my 15th week of my oral Winstrol (winny) cycle and am lovin' it. My joints hurt a little but that is normal on the streroids, right. I put on 8 lbs of lean mass and am dry and shreeded, Winstrol (winny) is a winner for sure. Any advice on how to bridge to my next cycle of Deca only and post cycle therapy (pct)? Was thinking of crusing on some Anavar (var) for 8 weeks then hittin the Deca hard. Any input would B gr8.
Is this a joke?

The joint problems are strictly from Winstrol (winny), which is a very unhealthy hormone to use. Go get a cholesterol panel done. If your lucky, your HDL will still be in the double digits.

You obviously did shit for research.
Me don't run test cause I don't want female brests and pimples. The Tostesterones are good for big bulk time with sides to go. I want a ripper with the Winstrol (winny) and I did and now a strength time with my Decas. And to relube my joints from all the protiens I eat that dries them out, and pain.

I don't understand the rude comments, I been research for years and lifts too. I very great noledge source for the steroids.
tbizzle said:
Me don't run test cause I don't want female brests and pimples. The Tostesterones are good for big bulk time with sides to go. I want a ripper with the Winstrol (winny) and I did and now a strength time with my Decas. And to relube my joints from all the protiens I eat that dries them out, and pain.

I don't understand the rude comments, I been research for years and lifts too. I very great noledge source for the steroids.

English is obviously not your first language, which is fine... but I think you've consfused the comments as rude and they were meant to be concerning. It is generally a VERY BAD idea to run an oral this long. If you are already at 15 weeks (which is potentially very very unhealthy) how long do you plan on running it?? What dose are taking?? We are not saying that Winstrol doesn't have it's place or benefits but in this manner, it has the potential to cause more harm then good. I recommend you have a complete work up/lab's done by a physician as soon as possible. Cholesterol and liver function would be the main area's of concern here. I certainly would not bridge this cycle with another oral, in my opinion.
Have you even tried Test???
Winnys was at 200 mg each day for the fifteen weeks, I am increasing doses to 250mg every day for last weeks of cycle 16-17 then to oxymetelone bridge before deccas cycles.
First post grammar was ok, last 2 posts were terribly bad. your young brother logs in to ur account ?
Had slight troubles this morning when getting out of bed when my knee cracked and I fall to floor in pain. Am going to come of the dry protiens for now because I believe it is hurting my joints may bump winnys to 300mg ed to strenghten muscles around knee so I can walk again. Will keep you updated on my situations. :druggie:
All you have to do is read the previous threads and it's pretty clear he's all BS.

I was just reading and reading wondering when someone was gonna call him out.
tbizzle said:
Me don't run test cause I don't want female brests and pimples. The Tostesterones are good for big bulk time with sides to go. I want a ripper with the Winstrol (winny) and I did and now a strength time with my Decas. And to relube my joints from all the protiens I eat that dries them out, and pain.

I don't understand the rude comments, I been research for years and lifts too. I very great noledge source for the steroids.


me no use winnys me use test, cause me wants get big and strong for wimmens....lolz
could you imagine running more than 2 grams of oral Winstrol (winny) a week... i don't think you'd be alive for more than a couple days