

Community Veteran
OK so last night i made some oral Winstrol (winny) in peg400 @ 100mg/ml. it held fine in solution. so my point is this, previously i made 50mg/ml using peg400 as the carrier fo IM. 2% BA and 15% BB a solvents. I see now that the solvents arent necessarry as peg400 worked wonders as a slovent. anybody filtered the 100mg/ml oral and tried a shot? I know lda50 was playing around with it so maybe he'll answer. i have made 100mg/ml Winstrol (winny) for IM in the past but it has always been painful so i cut it back to 50 and it was fine. never tried 75. i quit playin with Winstrol (winny) for IM some tme ago and just started it orally cause its less trouble and just as effective.

one more note. i was incorect when i posted that peg is cheaper than EC. they are about the same price if you shop around. sorry.
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with no chaser its rough. couple mouth fulls of water clears it out though. the funkiest stuff i made for oral liquid is m1t. water activates so dont do that. i had to take in something with citrus after taking it to kill the "whatever the fuck it was". all in all that m1t mg for mg may be the most potent hormone i have tried. very effective.
Sorry PB, my 50mg/ml IM solition had 2-5% BA in it. If you remember, it turned me into a gimp. I wasn't about to try peg400 IM again, with or w/o ba. I don't see why straight peg400 would not be just as effective if baked for sterility. I would tend to think that since your IM was 2% ba, that dropping the ba and doubling the concentration is still going to be painful. Try it and let us know!
no you try it. lololololol i got crippled by my last batch of 4ADne. took 2 weeks to be able to sit down again.
I make injectable water based Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg/ml, and it goes through a 25g pin, and is painless.
Mr.T, I saw your post on vipbb about that.

Made me very interested!!!!

I believe you also made some TNE the same way. Hows the pain with that stuff?
pullinbig said:
all in all that m1t mg for mg may be the most potent hormone i have tried. very effective.

really? your saying m1t is comparable to say anadrol or dbols, Winstrol (winny)? I heard good things but not like that, and your someone whose taken a few things here and there. How many mgs did you run and for how long?
Bimmer said:
really? your saying m1t is comparable to say anadrol or dbols, Winstrol (winny)? I heard good things but not like that, and your someone whose taken a few things here and there. How many mgs did you run and for how long?

25mg/d for four weeks and gained 13 lbs and had good strength gains. thats all i was doing at the time as i wanted to try it out. this stuff is more potent than anadrol mg/mg. very similar to anadrol as far as weight/strength gains though. biggest diff i noticed between the 2 is that coming off drol there is a big let down. not so with the m1t. I have 20ml bottles @ 50mg/ml avaiable if anyone is interested (PM me please). it is a nice suspension that pulls up with a slin pin for accarate measuring. this is for oral administration. alot of the guys around here are getting great gains of 12.5mg/d. possible sides are lethargy, cramping, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, the usual for heavy andros.
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lol....... m1t is legal to buy and sell, tren is not. the actions of m1t are not that much different than tren other than the weight gain.
damn, im getting all into this. My friend did it, he fucked around and still made gains. I just wouldnt think something this good be available OTC. How is water retention with this? Im pretty sensitive to bloat so Im wondering if I could run this during summer. If not I would wait till winter when bulking
obviously you gonna retain some water with that kinda weight gain but it is minmul compared to the heavy hitters like androl, dbol and test. i ran some diuretics few times a week with it to help out. after discontinuing m1t it took about 5 weeks to loose some weight but i kept 5 or 6 pounds of the gains. strength gains stayed. very nice hormone. that and 4ADne are both kick ass PHs. guys around here doing these two for a cycle and lovin it. cheap too.
Hey PB,
For the oral Winstrol (winny), if i wanted to make 100ml's of 100mg/ml. Do i just have to add 10g's of powder to 92.5 ml's of Peg, heat it and that's it? I am going to be making some this week, i just cant justify having more injections for Winstrol (winny), if it works well orally. Thanks

yup thats it. once it clears it stays in solution after that.tastes like.... well......glycol. lolololol chase it with water. 100mg/d kicks ass in a stack.
Thanks bro. Damn 100/day, how's that feel on the joints? I was thinking about running 50/day. Im not too worried about taste i can deal with it im sure.
I have never ecxperienced any joint pain caused by Winstrol (winny). dont know anybody that has. if i get joint pain its from lifting heavy.

winny is a remarkable hormone. good permant strength gains. great hormone to stack with anything esp tren as it counters the sides of tren. it has anti e properties of its own. helps with water retention for heavy andro use. i always do Winstrol (winny) with any cycle.

the best stack i have found for lasting gains and good size improvements is test, tren, Winstrol (winny). if you got the money throw in some hgh and you off ot the races. another great thing about this stack is that you can do moderate doses and get great results. 1g test/w, tren and Winstrol (winny) at 100/d with 5-10iu of growth/d. even without the growth it is a truly remarkable stack.
What sides of tren does the Winstrol (winny) counter? I am going to run test/tren/winny in my next cycle but at a lot more moderate doses than you suggested. I am going to run 75mg tren eod, 50mg Winstrol (winny) ed, and 500mg test/week. Thanks for the help.
i get sore nips and zits from tren if left unattended. lolololol not to mention loss of appetite, sleeplessness, agrressiveness, weight loss at high doses, sex for hours with out a nut and the best side is very nice strength gains.