
i am not a fan of doing less than 1g/w of test. this comes from doing it for several years and finding that there is a majical quality in test once you hit that 1g/w mark. its like night and day. 500mg/w is not much more than HRT. now i will agree that 2g of test does not give twice the returns as 1g but it is significant. same with tren. after reachig 100mg/d the returns deminish but still increase. i have found with Winstrol (winny) that 100mg/d does me the same as 200mg/d. thats why i do 100mg. it seems to waste at higher levels. thats on me though and i cant speak for others. but i do have a little experience here.
just finished a two year cycle. took 6 weeks off and started over. the only reason i came off was cause we moved and i knew i wouldnt be in the gym for an extended period of time. most powerlifters and BBers i know stay on year around now. with the new data on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and anti E's prolonged use can be done safely. just think no post cycle therapy (pct). even the guys i know who cycle never come completely off. they will bridge with 500mg/w test and possibly 500mg/w deca or eq. also with powders being so cheap its financially possible too. my reasoning is this, why come off when its affordable and safe to stay on year around?
Holy shit bro, bridge with 500mg of test? I grow like mad on 500mg/week. What do you do run nolva ED all year round? What about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and anti a's? Im really interested in how you stay on all year round like that. I dont think i personally would do that, but id really like to know. thanks

bro you gonna shit when i tell you what my cycle looks like at meet time.

first off here's the side effect prevention that works very well. just as imporatnt as the antie's and stuff is the hormonmes you stack and at what ratios.

ana 1-2 mg/d noramlly as high as 4mg/d if needed during heavy andro dosages. clo at 100mg/d 1 out of every three weeks. thats for thew duration.

i do cycles within cycles. change hormones and dosages. last peak dosages

3g cyp/w
200mg/d tren
100mg/d winny
1g/w deca
10iu/d hgh

i went 6 weeks at these dosages (cept for hgh went 60 days on this) then swithched up.

1.5g/w cyp
100mg/d dros
100mg/d winny
1g/w eq

current cycle (one i have not tried before)

1g/w deca
1g/w eq
100mg/d winny.

so far no anti's needed. i am only 2weeks in so with these long esters it hasnt kicked in yet.

other than the test the hormones i listed give more lasting gains. Winstrol (winny), gh, masteron, deca and eq tend to give slower but more permanent gains and lean more towards the anabolic side as opposed to the andro side. very few sides off these hormones. test and tren on the other hand are notorious for sides.

hope this helps. and by the way i have some buddies doin heavier dosages than me who are much lighter.
other than the gh its not. 100g of cyp is 200-250 usd. same with all the others cept deca is another 50 bucks and the Winstrol (winny) is a little higher not much though. even at 2g per week of cyp thats a years worth. 200 bucks a year is expensive? 5 hormones for a year is less than a grand. i spend more on protein than that. and the best Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) there is is the most exspensive one. FOOD!!!!! my favorite. lolololol
Holy mother of JESUS!!! That is sick. That is like 6g's of juice a week at one point plus GH. By ana you mean anastrozole?
I would never ever consider running doses like that, but the on all year seems very interesting. Thanks for the detailed outline, i really appreciate it. Any more info would be great.

Ok well add up the hgh with the hormones and were looking at a few grand, much of it spent during the 60 days on the hgh alone. I been running cycles costing in the LOW hundreds. Give a poor bastard a break over here!
DougoeFre5h said:
Also, do you think recovery is any harder after a prolonged cycle like over 6 months compared to the usual 10-16 weekers?

I would like to know this as well, i would imagine it would be harder. Any info on recovery and sides experinced with cycling in that manner would be great.

i have an opinion on this but it is not backed by any validated data, but rather my experience. i stayed clean for about six weeks after this one. 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) ,ana and clo. i had no let down. still shootin big ass loads and nuts still fat and hangin. but if you gonna shut down it happens fairly quickly esp with heavy andros so duration shouldnt be included in the equation after a point. my point is with proper anti e's, if needed, and clo dosages as i mentioned earlier i beleive you stay up and runin.
DougoeFre5h said:
Also, do you think recovery is any harder after a prolonged cycle like over 6 months compared to the usual 10-16 weekers?

While I have not been in this game as long as PB, I do have some years behind me, and can comment on this. One thing I have discovered is that once the body shuts dow, it shuts dow. it doesn't make much difference how long you stay down, recovery will be about the same, at least for me.

That said, I can say that there are a couple of major pros to staying on for longer duration i.e 6 mo.

1) You will put the majority of gains on in the early part of the cycle (8-12 wks). This is not enough time for the body to adjust and reset it's "set point." Staying on for another 8-12 wks will solidify those gains. When you come off right after an 8-12 wk cycle, no matter what post cycle therapy (pct) you use, your body is trying to revert to your original wieght. which makes it even harder to keep gains.

2) Being that we are working with months rather than weeks, you can use the first third of the cycle to bulk, the middle third to solidify, and the final third to cut. Again, if you try to cut right after a short cycle, you waste away, with this you can come out of the cycle lean, and and all you have to do is maintain what you have going on, looking and feeling good.

3) Now all this said, I don't recommend anyone do this type of long cycle w/o running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the duration to keep the boys up and running. This is crucial for a quick, smooth recovery post cycle. Don't do this, and there is a good chance that one or both of the boys will stay down permenantly. Fact, not fiction. This can actually occur with shorter cycles as well. I never go w/o Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) anymore.

4) You can make life even easier on yourself by starting HGH anytime during your cycle and running at least 3mo post cycle therapy (pct). Throw in slin and you will keep growing as well.

To change the subject a little:

My only personal concern with long cycles, or actually any cycles at this time is lipid profile. My last was 6mo, and my lipid profile was obliterated. This is something I need to work on for future cycles. I was on Test, tren, Winstrol (winny), and liquidex, all of wich increase cholesterol and lower HDL. Any recommendations for keeping this healthy? (besides nolva)

PB- what do your lipids look like while on? what do you do to keep them in line?
i prefer clo over hcg. its a little longer acting and seems to work better for me. i do 100mg/d one out of every three weeks for duration of the cycle. dont get me wrong Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) works but for me its not as effective. now that may be because of the administration. i was doing 5000iu once every 5 days for a total of 20000iu. two weeks off then cycle again for duration. there is conflicting data on proper dosages so i chose this one.

as far as lipid profile goes with the recent AMA confessions on cholesterol i am not too concerned. last time i had my cholesterol checked total was 180 with a 2/1 ratio. that was a couple of years ago so it may vary now. but the AMA has said it may have given bad info on cholesterol and heart disease. they admitted they dont know for sure now. so why they still prescribing meds to treat it then? because the pharm companies wont let them stop. usa takes in over half the meds per year for the entire planet. 1/2!!!! we are only 1/24 of the total population. something seem wrong with this pic? there are alternative treatments for many ailments but they keep selling us meds that often times dont work or make us worse. then you start taking meds to treat the sides of the other meds you taking. total BS!!!!!!!!!. and on top of that have you seen what they charge for these meds. if you aint got insurance you screwed. even with insurance some of these meds have a 30 dollar co-pay.

now as far as prevention of sides i firmly believe in what i previously mentioned as well as proper nutrition. our bodies are a processing machine. it processes what ever you put in. good fuel in and the machine runs properly. bad fuel and you gonna have probs.

in tests conducted on lab animals, nandrolone was administered for a period of 1 to 2 years. after 1 year lumen areas of the arteris where dramtically increased as well as overall size. lumen being the inside cavity of the artery. what does this mean? more blood flow, reduced BP and less chance of blockage. now this is on lab animals but it does illustrate the positive affect of nandrolone decanoate on the human body. it is given to aids/hiv patients to prevent wasting and to help build lean muscle, evan at low dosages of 100-200mg/week. these same foks where tested for hdl and there were no significant changes in hdl however triglyceride levels dropped. intersting..... huh???

steroids causing increased cho and decreased hdl is a topic of debate at best. some reposts show minimul adverse effects while others show significant adverse effects. which one is right? depends on the persons predisposition to side effects from the drugs. some folks have a screwed up lipid profile becuase their bodies produce too much cholesterol. or they dont metabolize triglycerides properly. ie hormone release or digestion. or a poor ass nutrition plan. the key is balancing fats and carbs. typically we can eat moderate amounts of both or heavy on one and light on the other but if both are high then you may have probs. not all but some.

and why not tamoxifen? i prefer ana but for lipids nolva is better.

oh well this is my .02 sounds like i avoided the question. lololoololol :D
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I think you just wanted to have a longer post than me:D

I have nothing against nolva, i am already familiar with it, and was just looking for additional recommendations. As for the effects of various hormones on cho and hdl, I had perfect cholesterol prior to my last cycle, and it was way shitty while on. we are talking 217 total, and an hdl of 12.8mg/dl. ldl was 176.6 mg/dl

Do you have a link to the AMA info on cholesterol?
no you'll have to look it up. i read it several months ago. if you cant find it i'll see what i can do. basically they said they werent sure of previous claims on cho and heart disease/stroke.
no problem. don't go go out of your way. i did some quick searches but didn't see anything. it is not a big deal though.

thanks bro
I just finished making the oral Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml using peg only. It came out clear as water. Thanks for the help PB.
