
thanks for the recognition PB

how did i get the nick-name "ida"??? was it given to me out of love after thoughtfull contemplation, or a typo?;)
lolololol k now you know us PLers are brain dead id50. ida is my great aunt. but you are the Winstrol (winny) genius here.
I hope this question isn't too stupid, but what is the rationale behind making liquid Winstrol (winny) for oral consumption? As opposed to, say, capping the powder?
liquidifying is easier and less time consuming than capping....tell me bout it...i gotta cap 25 thousand caps sometime soon.... :help: :bawling:
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not only is it easier to make, but is is more accurately dosed.

25000 caps? now i see why you would be willing to invest in a pill press.

Why don't you outsource your capping? i'll do it for .5 per cap:D
pullinbig said:
lolololol k now you know us PLers are brain dead id50. ida is my great aunt. but you are the Winstrol (winny) genius here.

Ida, lmao. I think it's an 'L' pb. Like 'lethal dose 50' or whatever they term the amount of something that tends to kill half the subjects.

Or did I just pull that outta my ass, ida? :p
Tx is on the money:cool:

I think PB is just trying to get in my head and make me loose sight of my identity, so that he can have his way with me.
wtf is a mudvayne? oh.... i know its the vein on a gay guys pecker. kinda like a mudflap is the foreskin on a gay guy.

ida im off test right now so you safe. tryin some different stuff this mini cycle and see what happens. dont get discouraged though, got the cyp 500 ready to go in a month or two. in fact its calling my name as we speak. PB come let me stick you in the ass. sad thing is i kinda like it. prostrate enjoys it more than me though. i gotta have a talk with him.
gymphreak said:
LD50....he must be a mudvayne fan....

sure enough. awesome band to work out to. However, I can say say that I was familiar with the definition of LD50 before I discovered the band.

Are you a fan, or just a music trivia buff?
ive listened to mudvayne in the neither a music buff or a trivia buff....i just enjoy good music!