
ld50 said:
Tx is on the money:cool:

I think PB is just trying to get in my head and make me loose sight of my identity, so that he can have his way with me.

It must be working, look at your new custom title, lol.
Great information on the long cycles here. This is why I come to this board. But now I am going to show my ignorance.

How does nolva help with lipid levels? What dosage is recomended? Should I cycle it? I have been on test for 6 months and plan on staying on. I throw in heavier cycles but then go back to 250mg/wk when I am "off".
dude2003 said:
Great information on the long cycles here. This is why I come to this board. But now I am going to show my ignorance.

How does nolva help with lipid levels? What dosage is recomended? Should I cycle it? I have been on test for 6 months and plan on staying on. I throw in heavier cycles but then go back to 250mg/wk when I am "off".

Ignorance? no.

Well, it kinda depends. First, you would need to have your cholesterol and lipid profile checked to see where you stand. Certain Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can increase LDL levels and decrease HDL. Winstrol (winny) and tren both have a negative affect on lipid profile.

I am not an expert on this by any means, but understand that estrogen is responsible for creating good cholesterol (hdl) in the liver. Understanding this, very low levels of estrogen will lead to a negative lipid profile. Because of this, aromitase inhibitors such as anastrozole (liquidex) can have a negative effect on lipid profile.

The point is, a combo of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) with aromitase inhibitor can drive estrogen way down, and you have a bad lipid profile. Adding nolvadex can replace teh estrogen you are supressing, which will increase HDL. Since nolva does not negatively impact breast tissue, you have the benefit of estrogen for cholesterol purposes, w/o the side effects attributed to estrogen.

This is something that is dynamic, and not cut and dry. For instance, if you are on test, and not using an aromitase inhibito, your estrogen levels should be fine, if not high. It really just depends on the individual. This is why regular blood work is so important, to make sure that you understand how your body reacts to the substances being used.

Long winded, sorry, but hopefuly it sheds some light.

Anyone with better knowledge, please chime in.