Working for the BIG 200

Havent been feelin to good, woke up feeling kind of sick. Had breakfast, and my 2nd meal. Went to the gym. started my back workout

Deads 135x10/225x10/315x10/335x10/365x10

Pulls ups BWx15/BWx10/BWx10

Then felt like I was going to puke every where, couldnt do anything, came back to my room layed down for about an hr. Going to have a couple more meals, go to my classes, and then try to go back later tonight and finish my workout. On the brightside if i cant finish Atleast I go The big lift done lol

I would have called that a day for back if I was feeling sick. Hell, I would have called that a complete back session no matter what... What else so you need??? Deads and Pull-Ups are the 2 best back exercises anyway.
I would have called that a day for back if I was feeling sick. Hell, I would have called that a complete back session no matter what... What else so you need??? Deads and Pull-Ups are the 2 best back exercises anyway.

Thanks for checking in. I know theyr the two best but I felt like I sold myself short by leaving.

I just did a couple light sets of BB rows, couple light sets of DB rows (1 heavy). some abs and BB curls and I was out of there. Only went back for about 25-30 min.

I ate more carbs than I usually do today, my back is sore and Im not 100% so I figured it wouldnt hurt.
Great dedication to the log again Barn, I'm enjoying it.

Well it sounds like you haven't been to pleased with the way things are going. Keep in mind you are natty. Dude 365x10 DL at 19 and natty is definitely nothing to sneeze at. Shit at this rate you will crack 600 off the floor by the time your 23. Who knows what you could do if you stay healthy by the time your 30, yor log might be saying on the road Mr.Olympia.

Maybe your not seeing the gains you want because your not switching things up. A shock to the muscles might be in oreder. You could try ballistic training for a month or maybe different exercises like cleans, farmers walk, military press etc...
Great dedication to the log again Barn, I'm enjoying it.

Well it sounds like you haven't been to pleased with the way things are going. Keep in mind you are natty. Dude 365x10 DL at 19 and natty is definitely nothing to sneeze at. Shit at this rate you will crack 600 off the floor by the time your 23. Who knows what you could do if you stay healthy by the time your 30, yor log might be saying on the road Mr.Olympia.

Maybe your not seeing the gains you want because your not switching things up. A shock to the muscles might be in oreder. You could try ballistic training for a month or maybe different exercises like cleans, farmers walk, military press etc...

Thanks for the inspiration. Lol I honestly think part of what gets me so frustrated is seeing all you guys making gains every workout regardless or natty or not.

I am going to be switching things up tho.

This is what Im thinking of doing, just havent figured everything out:

Week 1- Heavy/ rep range 3-5
Week 2- Moderate/ rep range 10-12
Week 3- Super Sets?
Week 4- Heavy/ rep range 3-5 (try to improve from week 1)

Week 5- Either deload, or start back up again.

Im not sure yet about my split but the lifts will probably be Bench/Squat/Military/Deads

Maybe like Mon/Tues/Thurs/Friday

Nice Corework/ light cardio on Wed...weekends could be off or light cardio.

Any thoughts?
How fast is your ROM? I'm wondering if you slow it down and get a little stricter form if that will help, it did for me.

Decent workout, got a good pump. Im going to start writing things down at the gym. But the only thing to note here was the shrugs I was pleasantly suprised with. No half as moving 2cm either.

Shrugs 135x10/225x10/275x10/295x8
Spent the weekend with the girl, diet sucked, no training from thursday to monday.

Chest Today:

BB Flat 135x10/185x8/205x6/225x5/225x5

BB Decline 135x10/185x10/225x6

DB Incline 70x10/80x7/90x3

Abs 3x20

Forearm work superset with single arm db ext 3x30/3x10

CG Flat 135x10/135x10/135x9

Extreme Stretches 2x60sec

* No spotter today

Im going to be doing what I was talking about before. In 3 week cycles.

Week 1: Heavy/3-5rep, heavy acc work

Week 2: Med/Lightt 10-12 rep, med acc work

Week 3: Supersets

** Repeat.

Any suggestions? Just trying something new trying to get some growth

ATG Box Squats Barx10/135x10/185x10/225x6/245x4/255x3

HS Leg Press 4platesx10/6x10/8x7

HS Calf..wide/close/nuetral width/ 4platesx20/20/20..4x20/20/20..4x20/20/20

Ham Curls 130x10/140x10/150x5..130x5

Abs 3x20

** For the squats I have never felt like I go low enough, so I set a box up extremely low. It was 2 of those step up boxes for aerobics classes. The box was maybe 8in. probably 3 inches above my ankle. I have never gone this low before and def. felt it targeting a different area on my legs. they were 100x harder than I thought it would be.
Shoulders Today, Back tomorrow.

BB Shoulder Raises (Warmups)

Standing BB Shoulder Press barx10/65x10/95x3/115x2/135x5/140x5

Behind the Head 85x10/95x10/105x10

Arnolds 40x10/50x7/60x4

Abs 3x20

DB Raises 15x10/20x10/25x10

* starting a T-911 log tomorrow in the supplement section. hopefully It will give a little boost to some of my numbers and strength.

Pullups Bwx15/Bw+45x5/BWx45x4

Deads 135x10/225x5/315x5/405x5

DB Rows 100x10/100x10/100x10

Abs 3x20

Standing Rows 1platex10/2x5/3x5/4x5

Behind Head Lat Pull 140x10/160x8/180x5
Had a shitty workout..


BB Flat barx20/135x10/155x5/175x5/195x5/225x5/245x3

Incline 135x10/155x8/135x10

Decline 135x10/185x8/225x5

DB Flys 40x10/50x10/60x6

Abs 3x20

Dips BWx10/BW+45x8/BW+45x9

Extreme Stretches

Forearm work
Another shitty workout, I might add in another meal or just increase the size of the rest of them.


Squats(Parallel) Barx10/135x10/185x8/225x6/275x3/295x3..135x20 ATG

HS Leg Press 6px10/6px10/8px5..4px20

Cavles 4px20/20/20..4px20/20/20..4px20/20/20

Abs 3x20

SL Deads 135x10/225x10/225x10 (Off Box)

This is my new split, just going to see if it helps at all.

Day 1-Chest/Tri
Day 2-Legs
Day 3-Off
Day 4-Shoulders
Day 5-Back
Day 6-Legs
Day 7-Off

Any Suggestions or critiques?
Gym was closed yesterday so just had an extra off day.


BB Raises (Warmups) 3x10

Standing BB Press barx10/65x8/95x6/115x4135x8 PR!/155x3 PR!

Behind the Back 95x10/105x10/110x10

Arnolds 40x10/50x10/65x3.5

SS DB raises/1 arm tri ext...20x10/20x10/..25x10/20x10...30x10/20x10

Plate Raises (Failure) 45x15/35x20/25x30

Abs 3x20

** Dont know if the T-911 gave me a boost in strength today or what but it was nice. I was only going for 5x135 on the BB Press but for some reason it felt relatively light.

Weighed myself for the hell of it. last time I was 184lbs but it was on a different scale. Did it on the doctors scale today and was 184lbs on an empty stomach. By far this is the leanest Ive been at this weight.

Deads 135x10/225x10/315x10/365x10..tried to max 415x1/455x0(I def could have got it. I had no straps and grip failed before I could lock out)

Wide Pull Ups BWx10/BWx10/BWx10

Super Set Smith Rows w/ DB Rows: 135x10/75x10..135x10/75x10..185x10/75x10

Abs 3x20

Seated Row Machine Rackedx10/Rx10/Rx10

BB Curls 65x10/85x10/105x10


** Had a great workout, wish I didnt forget straps but didnt plan on trying to get a feel for my max. My forearms have never been pumped this much just crazy with veins and size.

Kind of a funny story. I doing deads and the guy working at the dest at planet fitness comes over and says sir you cant do that! I was like excuse me? he says you cant do that with the weight, your making too much noise and hes whispering to me as he says it. I say you have mats i can put under it? he says no thats not allowed either so I laugh put my head phones on and get back to training. He leaves. Next thing I know I look up and the asshole is back this time telling my I set the "lunk alarm" off and i WILL be asked to leave the gym if the weights make to much noise again. I pretended like I didnt hear him, the guy just sat there with his arms cross staring at me the entire time, I couldnt even touch the weights without him rolling his eyes or sighing like a bitch haha...end of my story.
Great job with the deads but you gotta get into a real gym... Planet Fitness is not the right spot for you man.

I know I do, but for now, in college, no money..all I can really afford is 9.99 a month for PF. I have the gym at school but even that only goes to 100lb DB's. I guess just work with what Im given for now.

Incline BB 135x10/155x8/175x6/195x5/215x4/225x2.5(I think I had 3 but spotter didnt exactly let me finish)

Flat DB 80x10/90x8/100x3.5

Decline 135x10/185x10/225x5.5

DB Flys 45x10/55x10/60x6

Dips BW+45x7/BW+45x6/BWx10

Diamond Pushups BWx15/BWx15/BWx15 (Legs on Box)

Abs 3x20

Extreme Stretch 55x60(flat)/ 45x60(Incline)

**Some positives and negatives. was pleased with the Incline BB, wasnt happy with the DB Flat. I havent done DB's on flat for about 6 months, maybe more. When I was at it last time I could get 100's for about 8 or 10, so I will be using them a lot more often. Also was dissapointed with the dips. I have done BW+95 for 10 before so thats down. Its ok though Ill get back at it.

Question? I know what the PL's will say but for the BB, does this look like a decent workout or what would you change?

Legs on Tuesday, decided that from now on Im going ATG squats. I hit my calves with my hammys everytime and Im so sore. Im going to stick with that and just put my ego aside and use the weight I need to even if its lighter than usual.

Light Cardio on Wed. First time in a few weeks. Usually Im around 130 bpm, for some reason I was up around 150 just walking at 3.5 on a 15.0 incline, probably the extra weight/lack of cardio. Def made the legs feel better getting blood in there though.

Shoulders Today.

Had a good workout. dont have all the numbers but a couple comments. On standing BB Soulder Press I did things a little different rep range went 10/10/10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1

Failed on 170 for the 1. I got it half way up but couldnt lock out. I wasnt dissapointed tho as I have never done more than 155.

Also on the plate raises I was able to bang out a few more reps on each so was happy about that.