Working for the BIG 200

Legs, only smith machines at PF.

Deep Smith Squats Barx15/135x10/185x10/225x10/245x8/275x5/295x3/305x1

Walking DB Lunges 50x20/60x20/70x20

Calf Raises 1 plate x20/2x20/1x30

Leg ext rackedx10/rx10/rx10

Ham Curl rx10/rx10/rx10

Calf Machine 100x20/115x20/130x20

* Best leg workout in a while. Had crazy spasms in my legs while doing anything, driving home was a trip, keeping my foot on the gas and break was ridiculously hard they were shaking so bad.

First time for lunges in god knows how long, maybe a year. I was huffing and puffing while doing them and probably going to include them a lot more often.
Shoulders- Nothing huge to note. did some dips towards the end and was pleased.


Pullups BW+55x6/+55x5/+55x4

Deads 135x10/225x8/315x6/405x7 PR!

Super Set Smith Rows/DB Rows/Row Machine


Abs 3x20

Single arm low cable bi curls on sports ball 3x12 40/50/60

* Woulda, coulda, shoulda, but I probably could have gotten 8 or maybe 9 reps of 405. Brought the straps today which def helped.

No Huge jump but weighed myself for the first time in a while and was at 185.5lb.
Thanks guys.


Smith Flat Barx20/135x15/185x10/225x8/245x6/275x3

DB Incline 75x10/75x10/75x9

Incline Flys 50x10/60x8/70x4

Widest Grip Bench 135x10/155x10/165x10

Dips BW+45x10/+90x6/+135x1.5

DB OH 75x10/75x10

Extreme Stretches 50x60/40x60
Adding a couple back pics to just see my progress. critiques are welcome good or bad I use it all.
All are un-flexed. I dont know how to pose so I was just standing in the general position, trying to get my arms even because I had a cell in one of them.

First pic was at 168lbs, next two pics were at 185lbs.

BF% was about 10-11 in first and I would say around 13-14 in other two.
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Trained with my uncle today, hit back again. Doing legs tomorrow since I was supposed to today. Cant remember all the weights but actually trained at a real gym today and hit some PR's.

DB Rows 115x10/120x10/120x10 All PR's

Behind Back Shrugs 225x10/315x10/365x10 PR
Been a while, moved back with my gf for semester break. LONNNGGG ASS drive from va to ma yesterday. a 7hr trip turned into a 12hr trip. f'in I 95 was packed from Jersey to Connecticut.

Not tons to report on. Had 27in of snow friday through sat so didnt do anything but shovel.

Hit shoulders on Sun only real improvement was with arnolds. 50x10/60x10/70x3

Legs on Monday squats slightly improved.

Chest Tuesday. Flat DB Press 70x10/80x10/90x10/100x10/105x4PR First time Ive been to a gym with anything higher than 100, just need to get used to the weight. Also incline flys got 50x10/60x8/70x6

Back Today.

Deads 135x10/225x8/315x5/405x5/430x3PR/460x1PR
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Will be doing legs later today. Shoulders a couple days ago and nothing yesterday. Spent the day driving 7hrs and was too dead to do much of anything.

Strength seems to be going up pretty regularly. Dont know if it is a more consistent diet, different training split, or just pushing myself harder.

Hit a PR on shoulder day.

Arnolds 45x15/55x12/65x10/75x4 All PR's
Good leg day yesterday. Legs seem to be growing. Another good chest day today. Dont remember all the numbers but heres a few.

DB Flat 30x15/85x10/95x10/105x7/110x4.5

DB Incline 70x10/80x8/90x6

Incline Flys 50x10/60x10/70x6
Looking good like usual Barn. Your progress pics looks like real muscle gain as time goes not much fat, good job I cant help sloppy diet and shit sometimes my hats off to you.

Your lifts look good. Maybe some weighted dips for you I'm thinkin. You could throw in some farmers walk if your gym has space. The only thing id work on is getting your back thicker but thats gonna come cause your still growin keep it up1!
Thanks for checking in dlove. Havent hit weighted dips hard for about a month. i had a couple weeks where i did them 2 or 3 times in a week and saw some good strength gains.

back today. layed off the lower back more than normal. has felt tired for a couple weeks now.

Wide Pullups BWx10/+45x7/+45x5

BB Rows 135x10/225x10/275x8PR

DB Rows 115x10/120x10/125x10PR

Reverse Grip Lat pull 170x10/190x8/210x6

BI Work superseted with Light deads

Deads 135x10/135x10/225x20

Took about an hr to get in and out.
Friday: Shoulders

Arnolds 45x12/55x10/65x8/75x5.5

Standing BB Press 95x10/115x10/135x7+2+1

...Behind Head 95x10/105x10/110x8+2

Cable Raises 3x10

Superset various shoulder/tri/forearm work

Sat: Off..had a lot of pizza, stayed out late. Biggest cheat day Ive had in a while. Girl friend brings out the best in me lol

Headed to the gym in a little to hit legs hopefully not too bad after long night
Destroyed my legs today.

Squats Barx15/135x10/185x8/225x7/245x6/275x4/310x3

Walking DB Lunges 55x20/65x20/75x20

Calf work 3x20

Leg Press 1plate(per side)x10/2x10/3x10/4x10/5x10/6x10

Various Ab Work

Super Set (single leg) calf raises/leg ext/ham curls


Flat DB 30x15/60x5/90x10/100x10/110x7(spotter on last 1 or 2)

DB Incline 70x10/80x9/90x5

Decline BB 135x10/185x10/225x4

Incline DB Fly 50x10/60x10/70x6

SS DB raises/DB Pullovers 20x10/90x10...25x10/100x10...30x10/105x6

Dips BWx10/+45x10/+90x7

My gym at home and school doesnt have DB's bigger than 75 and 100 respectively so trying to take advantage while im here, I can hit BB anytime at home.

tons of guys are on at my gym here. its real humbling and puts me in my place, especially after training at Planet fitness
Rougen I dont have anything worth posting. maybe ill get some new ones up in the next couple weeks.



Pullups BWx10/+25x10/+50x4
Deads 135x10/225x10/315x10/405x5
BB Rows 135x10/225x10/275x10

thats all thats worth noting.

Wed: Off


Shoulders- great workout set some PR's

DB Shoulder Press 25x15/60x12/70x10/80x7PR/85x4.5PR (No spot or help)

A lot of weights felt really light even after working a long 8hr day with only drinking egg whites, loaf of wheat bread, some yogurt and some cheese all day long at work.
EDIT-Just looked at your stats bro, you've got to be pretty fucking strong/big to throw around some of the weights your listing on exercises. I just want to see if the pics match up.