wtf happened


Community Veteran
i am trying a new solution my prop came out real nice but this is what my fucking enanthate looks like--

did i cook it to much ???????
i figured it out-- i heated up the enanthate to liquefy it -- well i then added the solution and put it in the micro for 30 seconds per the instructions for the solution--

15 seconds tooooo long --took it past the point of no return-- i actually burnt it--
DB, i only burnt 9 grams bro-- it would have been 30 mls at 300 mgs per-

its what the second one is aswell--

i would have been really upset had it been a more expensive powder like tren/enanthate or masteron
you dont need a solvent for enan. add paste/powder to oil, heat, stir and filter. same with deca, eq, cyp, etc..... heat it on the eye of the stove til enan disolves completely and its warm enought to filter, then bake it for an hour on 250 after it is filtered and its done.
house, nice job LOL!!!!

Good thing it was Test Enan you were using and not Tren Enan. That could have been a pretty expensive experiment.
you dont need a solvent for enan. add paste/powder to oil, heat, stir and filter. same with deca, eq, cyp, etc..... heat it on the eye of the stove til enan disolves completely and its warm enought to filter, then bake it for an hour on 250 after it is filtered and its done.

i was trying this oil solvent mix from eagle research-- says painless injections even at high doses per ml--

i have never had painless prop till now-- very good stuff-

add powder --throw in micro for 30 seconds--start out with 15 seconds first-[lesson learned] filter -- your done
house1 said:
i was trying this oil solvent mix from eagle research-- says painless injections even at high doses per ml--

i have never had painless prop till now-- very good stuff-

add powder --throw in micro for 30 seconds--start out with 15 seconds first-[lesson learned] filter -- your done

I have reservations about the microwave. but its your gear. takes about a minute on the eye of the stove. even so you dont need solvent for enan. it is soluable in oil.
pullinbig said:
even so you dont need solvent for enan. it is soluable in oil.

Bro I think he understands that quite well.. House has made loads of Gear, He was simply experimenting..
Ken said:
Bro I think he understands that quite well.. House has made loads of Gear, He was simply experimenting..

he asked a question so i offered an opinion. just because someone has made a lot of gear doesnt mean he/she knows all, thats why he is experimenting. I try to remain teachable today because i deffinately dont know everything, but i do know the easiest way to make enan even at 500mg/ml relatively painless to boot. if he was offended by my comments i am sure he can speak for himself.