Recent content by O

  1. O

    Blood work results.Please advice

    I would use a dif post cycle therapy (pct) source, I used MP liquid adex and aromasin pills last cycle and both were bunk.
  2. O

    Need Advice from Experince Members of the Forum

    The problem is your diet, you don't need steroids you need to eat more. You aren't going to see the results you want even with gear if you don't eat enough.
  3. O

    DNP dosages and what to have prepared?

    Make sure you drink plenty of water but also replenish electrolytes, V8 is great for this and has lots of potassium. Take Zyrtec/benedryl if you develop a rash. Take ephedrine to aid fat loss and caffeine to help with lethargy and some energy. It's also important to get antioxidants, berries...
  4. O

    my sex drive has been mashed, whats going on?

    Could be a problem with estrogen, you taking any ai?
  5. O

    MT 2 sides

    Try taking it before bed, works out better for me.
  6. O

    Explanation for my DNP cycle?

    DNP makes you bloat and hold a lot more water so you will look like crap while you're on it. Usually takes a week after you stop taking it to truly see your results, once your glycogen fills up again. I wouldn't worry about what your caliper says, wait till you end the cycle to see the results.
  7. O

    To all the boyscouts who wanna post an ANAVAR ONLY cycle!

    I always lol at people who say "I don't wanna get too big". As if it happens overnight
  8. O

    Burchasing 1 pin. Funny story.

    I've been denied both times I tried to buy 25g needle+syringes when I didn't bring in my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescription :flipoff:.
  9. O

    Winny Vs Tren for cutting?

    Can't put it any better than this haha.
  10. O

    Sust/Dbol/Mast. Rate/Suggestions.

    What kind of benefits have you seen with the masteron? that seems like a really low dose and isn't masteron more for cutting?
  11. O

    EPISTANE ; Before and After pics !

    Nice progress, what was your beginning/ending weight?
  12. O

    This might spook ya a bit

    Lol that's pretty crazy.
  13. O

    Pic - New Toys In

    Wow I didn't know they made 27g in that length. I'd love to get some of those, I'm using 25g right now.
  14. O

    Test/Tren very high E2

    Sounds like your adex is bunk imo, where did you get it from? A research company?