1-T TREN -- The Closest Legal Thing to Trenbolone

Dear Steroidology Member,

I’m proud to announce the release of 1-T TREN – The most powerful muscle building formula we have ever released.

The legal compound we are calling “TREN” is actually 19-Norandrosta-4,9-diene-3,17-dione (aka, Estra-4,9-diene-3,17-dione). It is referred to as “TREN” because it has a molecular structure very close to the anabolic steroid Trenbolone. It also produces results very similar to Trenbolone. That is, significant gains in lean muscle mass and strength.

Truthfully, we really don’t really need to hype 1-T TREN. If you follow any of the “legal pro-steroid” talk around the forums, or watch the news you will see that “TREN” is one of the most popular compounds currently available on the legal market.

The popularity of TREN stems from the fact that it’s highly effective, yet very safe. It’s non-methylated, so its non-toxic to the liver, and if used responsibly with post cycle therapy (pct), has no long-term side-effects.

Now, before I get too excited and start making crazy hyped up claims, I just want to say one thing…

We are so confident that 1-T TREN will live up to your expectations as a real genuine muscle building pro-steroid; that we are waiving the “first time purchases” rule and offering an absolute guarantee for ALL of our customers.

That’s right, if you buy 1-T TREN from Primordial Performance and are not completely happy with the results; we will give you your money back on your 1-T TREN, even if it’s your 1st, 2nd or 20th order.

To learn more about the proper cycling of 1-T TREN, visit this thread.

To learn more about post cycle therapy (pct) for 1-T TREN visit this thread.

Thank you for supporting your local sponsor!

-Eric Potratz
Primordial Founder & President


Phone - 1-800-568-2924
Email - info@primordialperformance.com
Visit - Primordial Performance

Primordial Performance LLC
1292 High St
Eugene, OR 97401
Me and my group of steroid buddies all LOVE Tren Xtreme in pill form. Its trully an amazing hormone and way better than sticking yourself every other day. Tren is the Shiit!
Me and my group of steroid buddies all LOVE Tren Xtreme in pill form. Its trully an amazing hormone and way better than sticking yourself every other day. Tren is the Shiit!

Yeah, it is a very sweet molecule and it will be a bummer when it gets banned.

It’s actually crazy how similar to trenbolone this stuff is. Within about 2 days of being on this stuff I start getting the aggressive quick tempered Trenbolone feeling… and then after about a week the hot flashes start.

The actual power is very similar to Trenbolone too… eg, slight yellow hue, burns the mucuous membranes.

well if this is anything like that PH trenadrol, then im definatley willing to try it.......i did some trenadrol not expecting much but the strength jumps i made on it were really outstanding, so i bought another bottle......I really had better strength gains on trenadrol than i did on oral turinabol, no lie......the LBM gains werent the same but strength made HUGE jumps every workout i was more than pleased with it.

seriously im kind of thinking about getting some to run during PCT to hold on to my gains and get stronger, if this stuff is in any way similar im definatley trying it out.
well if this is anything like that PH trenadrol, then im definatley willing to try it.......i did some trenadrol not expecting much but the strength jumps i made on it were really outstanding, so i bought another bottle......I really had better strength gains on trenadrol than i did on oral turinabol, no lie......the LBM gains werent the same but strength made HUGE jumps every workout i was more than pleased with it.

seriously im kind of thinking about getting some to run during PCT to hold on to my gains and get stronger, if this stuff is in any way similar im definatley trying it out.

You really don’t want to run this stuff during PCT, it will suppress your T production just like any other AAS.

Great thread. anyone notice breathing issues or cardio kill like injectable tren??